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Sophiniss Official
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 22 ต.ค. 2017
It is a channel for promoting the musician Sophia Boitan from Slobozia, Ialomița County, Romania. I invite you to be with me in all my music projects. Follow Sophia Boitan on Facebook: Sophiniss , Instagram: sophinissofficial .
Sophia Boitan – „Singură” (cover Maria Gheorghiu) / “Alone” | A Soulful Winter Song
La începutul sărbătorilor de iarnă, am avut bucuria de a interpreta cântecul „Singură”, compus și interpretat inițial de talentata cantautoare Maria Gheorghiu. Această piesă emoționantă, cu versuri profunde și o linie melodică sensibilă, transmite un mesaj puternic despre singurătatea sufletească, dar și despre speranță și lumină.
Momentul a avut loc în cadrul Centrului de Educație Non-Formală Slobozia, unde emoția sărbătorilor s-a împletit armonios cu versurile acestui cântec deosebit. Interpretarea mea a fost coordonată cu multă grijă și profesionalism de către domnul profesor de canto Robert Iosifescu, căruia îi mulțumesc pentru îndrumare și susținere.
Vă invit să ascultați acest „colind” aparte, cântat din suflet pentru suflete.
🎼 Muzică și versuri originale: Maria Gheorghiu
📌 Interpretare: Sophia Boitan
🎤 Coordonator canto: Robert Iosifescu
Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de LIKE, să vă ABONAȚI și să DISTRIBUIȚI acest moment special!
Sărbători fericite! 🎄❤️ Happy Holidays!
At the start of the winter holidays, I had the joy of performing the song “Alone”, originally composed and performed by the talented singer-songwriter Maria Gheorghiu. This emotional piece, with its deep lyrics and sensitive melody, carries a powerful message about emotional loneliness, but also about hope and light.
The performance took place at the Non-Formal Education Center in Slobozia, where the emotion of the holidays blended beautifully with the verses of this special song. My performance was carefully guided and coordinated by vocal coach Robert Iosifescu, to whom I am deeply grateful for his support and mentorship.
I invite you to listen to this unique "carol," sung from the heart for every soul.
🎼 Original Music & Lyrics: Maria Gheorghiu
📌 Performance: Sophia Boitan
🎤 Vocal Coach: Robert Iosifescu
Don’t forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and SHARE this special moment!
#SophiaBoitan #Singură #Ninge #NingeÎnInimaMea #MariaGheorghiu #Colind #CântecDeIarnă #MuzicăRomânească #Crăciun2024 #RobertIosifescu #MuzicăDeSuflet #InterpretareLive #CântecEmoționant #Alone #ChristmasSong #WinterMelody #HolidaySpirit #SoulfulPerformance #VocalCoach #AcousticCover #TH-camMusic #Christmas2024
#CanzoneDiNatale #ChansonDeNoël #Weihnachtslied #CanciónDeNavidad #ChansonÉmotionnelle #MusicaDAmore #Talento #CantoDalCuore #Navidad2024 #Noël2024
Momentul a avut loc în cadrul Centrului de Educație Non-Formală Slobozia, unde emoția sărbătorilor s-a împletit armonios cu versurile acestui cântec deosebit. Interpretarea mea a fost coordonată cu multă grijă și profesionalism de către domnul profesor de canto Robert Iosifescu, căruia îi mulțumesc pentru îndrumare și susținere.
Vă invit să ascultați acest „colind” aparte, cântat din suflet pentru suflete.
🎼 Muzică și versuri originale: Maria Gheorghiu
📌 Interpretare: Sophia Boitan
🎤 Coordonator canto: Robert Iosifescu
Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de LIKE, să vă ABONAȚI și să DISTRIBUIȚI acest moment special!
Sărbători fericite! 🎄❤️ Happy Holidays!
At the start of the winter holidays, I had the joy of performing the song “Alone”, originally composed and performed by the talented singer-songwriter Maria Gheorghiu. This emotional piece, with its deep lyrics and sensitive melody, carries a powerful message about emotional loneliness, but also about hope and light.
The performance took place at the Non-Formal Education Center in Slobozia, where the emotion of the holidays blended beautifully with the verses of this special song. My performance was carefully guided and coordinated by vocal coach Robert Iosifescu, to whom I am deeply grateful for his support and mentorship.
I invite you to listen to this unique "carol," sung from the heart for every soul.
🎼 Original Music & Lyrics: Maria Gheorghiu
📌 Performance: Sophia Boitan
🎤 Vocal Coach: Robert Iosifescu
Don’t forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and SHARE this special moment!
#SophiaBoitan #Singură #Ninge #NingeÎnInimaMea #MariaGheorghiu #Colind #CântecDeIarnă #MuzicăRomânească #Crăciun2024 #RobertIosifescu #MuzicăDeSuflet #InterpretareLive #CântecEmoționant #Alone #ChristmasSong #WinterMelody #HolidaySpirit #SoulfulPerformance #VocalCoach #AcousticCover #TH-camMusic #Christmas2024
#CanzoneDiNatale #ChansonDeNoël #Weihnachtslied #CanciónDeNavidad #ChansonÉmotionnelle #MusicaDAmore #Talento #CantoDalCuore #Navidad2024 #Noël2024
มุมมอง: 248
La Vifleem colo-n jos/🎄✨ „Down in Bethlehem” - My Christmas Performance ✨🎶
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Quel guardo il cavaliere from Don Pasquale by Gaetano Donizetti, performed by Sophia Boitan
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Colinde 2024 -"SINGURĂ" (cover Maria Gheorghiu)/ Romanian Carols - "ALONE" (cover Maria Gheorghiu)
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Ansamblul folcloric "Doina Bărăganului" la Festivalul"Ion Albeșteanu", 2024, coregraf Nicușor Iancu
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Evoluția Ansambluri de dansuri folclorice "Doina Bărăganului" în cadrul Festivalului Național "Ion Albeșteanu", ediția a XV-a, Slobozia, 20 noiembrie 2024, Sala"Europa". Felicitări tuturor și, mai ales fratelui meu, dansatorul Alin Boitan, pentru frumoasa prestație! Felicitări organizatorilor! The performance of the folk dance ensemble "Doina Bărăganului" at the 15th edition of the National Fes...
Ansamblul folcloric "Doina Bărăganului", noiembrie 2024
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Deh vieni, non Tardar / Oh, come, don't delay by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
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Dragu-mi-i, mândro, de tine! / My Darling, I Adore You by Tiberiu Brediceanu
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Zilele orașului Țăndărei / Țăndărei City Days
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Program "Zilele Orașului Țăndărei "/Program for "Țăndărei City Days" 2024
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The band Firespell's original song is coming together on March 24, 2024
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The band Firespell's original song is coming together on March 24, 2024
We are continuing to work on Firespell’s original song on March 9, 2024
มุมมอง 185 หลายเดือนก่อน
We are continuing to work on Firespell’s original song on March 9, 2024
We are working on Firespell’s original song on February 3, 2024
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We are working on Firespell’s original song on February 3, 2024
Program Freeland Festival 2024 Sophia Boitan
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Program Freeland Festival 2024 Sophia Boitan
Concert Vama la Freeland Festival, Slobozia, 2024 /Vama Concert at Freeland Festival, Slobozia, 2024
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Concert Vama la Freeland Festival, Slobozia, 2024 /Vama Concert at Freeland Festival, Slobozia, 2024
O să fie bine!🙏 by Vama la Freeland Slobozia 2024
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O să fie bine!🙏 by Vama la Freeland Slobozia 2024
ELENA Gheorghe la Freeland Festival, Slobozia, 2024
มุมมอง 2516 หลายเดือนก่อน
ELENA Gheorghe la Freeland Festival, Slobozia, 2024
TRAVIATA -Brindisi(G. Verdi),performed by students of "Ionel Perlea" High School of Arts în Slobozia
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TRAVIATA -Brindisi(G. Verdi),performed by students of "Ionel Perlea" High School of Arts în Slobozia
Dragu-mi-i, mândro, de tine (Tiberiu Brediceanu)
มุมมอง 2578 หลายเดือนก่อน
Dragu-mi-i, mândro, de tine (Tiberiu Brediceanu)
Aria Susannei - Nunta lui Figaro (W.A. Mozart)
มุมมอง 3368 หลายเดือนก่อน
Aria Susannei - Nunta lui Figaro (W.A. Mozart)
CORUL “VOCES” al Liceului de Arte "Ionel Perlea" din Slobozia
มุมมอง 1068 หลายเดือนก่อน
CORUL “VOCES” al Liceului de Arte "Ionel Perlea" din Slobozia
Susanna's Aria from the opera "The Marriage of Figaro" by W.A. Mozart
มุมมอง 2598 หลายเดือนก่อน
Susanna's Aria from the opera "The Marriage of Figaro" by W.A. Mozart
Program canto clasic Concursul Regional de Interpretare a Muzicii Românești "Sigismund Toduță" 2024
มุมมอง 1928 หลายเดือนก่อน
Program canto clasic Concursul Regional de Interpretare a Muzicii Românești "Sigismund Toduță" 2024
Giunse alfin il momento... DEH VIENI, NON TARDAR - W.A. Mozart - interpretă Sophia Boitan
มุมมอง 1859 หลายเดือนก่อน
Giunse alfin il momento... DEH VIENI, NON TARDAR - W.A. Mozart - interpretă Sophia Boitan
Dragu-mi-i, mândro, de tine - Tiberiu Brediceanu (1920), interpret Sophia Boitan
มุมมอง 4629 หลายเดือนก่อน
Dragu-mi-i, mândro, de tine - Tiberiu Brediceanu (1920), interpret Sophia Boitan
Go girl!
Thank you very much for your kind words! 🎶 Your support inspires me to keep going! ❤️✨
Bravo ce frumos 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Your voice is so well suited to this classical style and it sounds so professional. It's a lovely thing to bring the true meaning of Christmas to us in song. 🙏🎄
@@jasonlewkomusic Thank you very much and happy holidays!🎄🎁😍
Very Beautiful singing Sophia!! Merry Christmas!! ✨🎙️💖🎄🕊️✨
Thank you so much!!! Merry Christmas to you too!♥️🎄🎁
Bravo ce frumos 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Crăciun fericit!🙏
A very Merry Christmas Sophia and many blessings to you and your family. <3
Thank you so much for your kind wishes! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas as well, filled with joy, warmth, and love. Blessings to you and your loved ones from me and my family. <3
Crăciun fericit
Crăciun fericit!🙏
Ce frumos este 😊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Foarte frumos ! Felicitari!
Ce frumos
Fratele meu, artistul ❤️
It's a familiar piece and you made it sound very nice. You are doing so well with your classical singing and I hope you are enjoying being able to perform with such great quality. Thank you!🙏👍🥰
You are always so kind, and I thank you with gratitude! Greetings from Romania! 🇷🇴🎶🇨🇦
Your voice sure does suit this classical style and you have such wonderful control to make it sound like it naturally should. A wonderful talent you have for this. Most delightful Sophia. Thank you so much.🙏👍🥰
And my dad says the same thing, but I like pop music. I do classical music at school, and I can't say I don't enjoy it, but as an artist, it doesn’t allow you to contribute and improvise. Thank you so much for your kind words, and I wish you all the best from Romania. 🙏🎶♥️
Very Beautiful singing Sophia!!!🎶🎙️💖👏👏👏👏👏
Thank you very much! 🙏
Bravo Sophia!!!🎶🎙️❤️👏👏👏👏👏👏
Vă mulțumesc frumos!🙏
Good to see you still seeking out opportunities to take to the stage and sing so nicely for the audience. Continued good luck to you Sophia.🤞🥰
Very Beautiful singing Sophia!!!🎶❤️💯👏👏👏👏👏
Felicitări Sophia!❤❤❤❤❤
Apologies for the sound and image quality, the video was streamed live on Facebook by my aunt.🙏
All three songs are nicely sung and performed and you looked very happy to sing for your fellow Romanians and in your hometown too! A nice festival to spread some fun and celebrate summer! ☀🥰❤
Very nicely sung and those vocals of yours are always so lovely, in every part. Thank you so much. So enjoyable. ❤🥰
Beautiful singing Sophia!!🎙️🎼❤️
Your voice is so beautiful Sophia! Bravoooo! ❤️👏💯🎼
Thank you very much!
You performed a very fine rendition and congratulations on being awarded the Honorable Mention.👏💐😊
Very fine voices from all the performers in this effort and I enjoyed them all, and especially yours. It is heartwarming to see a younger generation involving themselves in classical music such as this. The finale was really great! TYSM...very well done and very enjoyable.🙏👍👏❤
All four of us specialize in classical singing at our high school, and three of us are fortunate to have an excellent teacher, soprano Mirela Bunoaica, who has performed on the biggest stages in Europe. Thank you so much for appreciating teenagers who are just starting out!🙏❤️🎶
Very lovely Sophia. It is super talented what your voice is capable of, and you have a very lovely presence on stage. It makes me appreciate even more, all that you have done before. Keep blazing that musical trail ahead of you...wherever it leads. 🙏❤🤗
Thank you so much, Mr. Jason! I bow to you!❤️
Very beautiful singing, great performance!!
Thank you very much!❤️
I appreciate your talent for this classical style and I applaud your performances of these pieces. It is sure a lot different from your rock music with Firespell. Good luck in all you do!🙏🤞❤
Thank you for all your kind words! They mean a lot to me. I'm still at the beginning of my journey with classical music and I don't know what the future holds for me. All the best!❤
Another impressive performance with such a fine operatic display of exceptional talent. Amazing vocals that sound so very beautiful. Very lovely, and thank you so much for this.🙏❤
Thank you, Mr. Jason! It's only now, in grade 9 at high school, that I've been introduced to classical music because my profile is classical music - classical singing. What can I say? I don't particularly love it, but I don't hate it either, and I hope to meet the expectations of my teacher, a great soprano who has performed on various European stages. Thank you for all your compliments which flatter me. God bless you!🙏❤️
@@sophia.boitan.ro. I didn't know before that you could sing so wonderfully like this, so now I understand and thank you. It's also nice to have a teacher with such great qualifications and experience. Good luck as always and God bless you too!🙏❤
@jasonlewkomusic Thank you very much, and God bless you and your family now on Good Friday (for us, Orthodox Christians, Sunday is Easter or the Resurrection of the Lord).
Wow Sophia! You continue to impress me so much with your wide variety of vocal styles, and that very competent vocal talent of yours. Beautifully done and many congratulations on a fine rendition!🥰❤🙏
And thank you for all your compliments! Folks like you motivate me to study even harder. God bless you! 🙏❤️🎶
Bravo, very Beautifully sung!!🎙️🎼💖👏👏👏
Nicely sung and I enjoyed this performance of yours Sophia. I'm glad you had the chance to perform on stage and to please an audience with your vocal talent. Best of luck to you.🙏❤
Thanks for everything, Mr. Jason! I'm trying to keep myself together.
Amazing Sophia, Gorgeous singing!!!
Thank you for everything, Mr. Elvan! 🙏
Amazing Beautiful Soulful singing Sophia!!!🎙️💖🎶🎵
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you with gratitude!🙏❤👍🏼
Fantastic cover, love it! 💖💖
Thank you very much, Mr. Krueger!❤️
🎙️🎵 Beautiful!! 🎶💖
Thank you very much!❤️
Oh nice! I am very familiar with this song as covered by Tiana long ago and I made an English lyric video for her, but I love how you have sung this...just performing at home it seems. I love the variations in the song...between soft and higher volumes and also slow and fast. Thank you so Sophia, and what a great vocal performance you do...in everything you do!🙏👍🥰 A very blessed Good Friday to you.🙏
🥰👏 🎤 🎶💖💯💐
Beautifully sung!!
I'm so glad you chose to sing this song as your vocals are very lovely Sophia. It really shows how talented you are and how you take a song to heart. This is very delightful and I enjoy that voice of yours just like I always have! Thank you very much.🙏🥰
Thank you very much for the appreciation, Mr. Jason! God bless you! 🙏
Frumoasa mea Sophia ❤❤❤
I can definitely see and hear the talent of all the members of the group and the cover is very good. I am interested to see how the band evolves, so good luck.😊👍❤
The Sound of Moses band gratefully thanks you!🙏❤️🤘