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เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 19 พ.ย. 2013
Scan-Plast Joins the Efforts of Modisa Wildlife Project to Protect Rescued Lioness Sirga
In a heart-warming story of dedication and compassion, a young lioness named Sirga has found a new home and a new lease on life thanks to the Modisa Wildlife Project and their team of devoted caretakers.
Sirga was just a cub when she was left behind in a predator facility in the Kalahari. But thanks to her caretaker, Valentin, and the team at Modisa, she was able to grow up surrounded by love and care. Over time, Sirga learned to hunt and roam the savannah, tasting freedom and experiencing life as a wild lioness.
Scan-Plast played a key role in helping the Modisa Wildlife Project to ensure the safety and well-being of rescued lioness Sirga.
When the team at Modisa decided to equip Sirga with a custom-made satellite collar to track her location and keep her safe, they turned to Scan-Plast for help. Scan-Plast was happy to use this opportunity to contribute to the project, and promptly ordered and imported the collar from Germany.
The custom-made satellite collar has been an essential tool in tracking Sirga's movements, allowing the Modisa team to monitor her and ensure her safety. It has also helped them to keep track of other animals in their care, such as leopards and cheetahs, ensuring that they can be located and protected.
Scan-Plast's contribution to the Modisa Wildlife Project is an excellent example of corporate social responsibility in action. By using their resources and expertise to support a worthy cause, Scan-Plast showed their commitment to making a positive impact in the world.
The success of the Modisa Wildlife Project and the well-being of animals like Sirga depend on the ongoing support of individuals and organizations like Scan-Plast. By working together, we can help to protect and preserve the natural world for future generations.
Sirga was just a cub when she was left behind in a predator facility in the Kalahari. But thanks to her caretaker, Valentin, and the team at Modisa, she was able to grow up surrounded by love and care. Over time, Sirga learned to hunt and roam the savannah, tasting freedom and experiencing life as a wild lioness.
Scan-Plast played a key role in helping the Modisa Wildlife Project to ensure the safety and well-being of rescued lioness Sirga.
When the team at Modisa decided to equip Sirga with a custom-made satellite collar to track her location and keep her safe, they turned to Scan-Plast for help. Scan-Plast was happy to use this opportunity to contribute to the project, and promptly ordered and imported the collar from Germany.
The custom-made satellite collar has been an essential tool in tracking Sirga's movements, allowing the Modisa team to monitor her and ensure her safety. It has also helped them to keep track of other animals in their care, such as leopards and cheetahs, ensuring that they can be located and protected.
Scan-Plast's contribution to the Modisa Wildlife Project is an excellent example of corporate social responsibility in action. By using their resources and expertise to support a worthy cause, Scan-Plast showed their commitment to making a positive impact in the world.
The success of the Modisa Wildlife Project and the well-being of animals like Sirga depend on the ongoing support of individuals and organizations like Scan-Plast. By working together, we can help to protect and preserve the natural world for future generations.
มุมมอง: 834
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Etablering af Skorsten med indvendig komposit kerne
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Scan-Plast leverer og monterer skorstene og skorstens kerner. Vi kan sammensætte den helt rigtige løsning. Vi laver on-site arbejde med sammen laminering af de enkelte skorstenskernesektioner. Vi yder høj service og sædvanlig præcision i vores arbejde for det bedste resultat og en driftssikker hverdag med minimum vedligeholdelse.
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Scan-Plast Etablering af Regnvandstank
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Good .how much???
Hi Ruben, Please send us an email on mail@scan-plast.com and we will get back to you with a quote. // Scan-Plast
Hej, ser meget godt ud. Men har i system til mindre baller. Ø55 f.eks.
Hej Frimund. Jeg beklager meget den sene tilbagemelding. Send gerne en mail på mail@scan-plast.com med dine kontaktoplysninger, så kontakter vi dig. //Scan-Plast
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