- 11
- 89 398
Chris Emmanouilides
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 17 ก.ค. 2012
Strath Haven High School Presents Into the Woods 3 6 22
Strath Haven High School Presents Into the Woods 3 6 22
มุมมอง: 3 621
Suelto! (1989, 14 minutes)
มุมมอง 342 ปีที่แล้ว
Pamplona, Spain. The running of the bulls. A story of twin brothers for the all time record books.
มุมมอง 52 ปีที่แล้ว
I only took thirteen pictures of the World Trade Center on that crisp, blue sky, winter day in 1982, but they were taken with care and respect, as an expression of the awe and gratitude I felt to be on my own with a 35mm camera in the city for the first time. I still mourn the loss, fathom the significance, contemplate how its destruction altered so much of what we knew. We’ve seen our share of...
Moliere's Tartuffe by Strath Haven High School, 11/20/21
มุมมอง 2123 ปีที่แล้ว
Moliere's Tartuffe by Strath Haven High School, 11/20/21
8 Cups Ago
มุมมอง 94 ปีที่แล้ว
If a story makes you happy, tell it. In the fall of 1985, a couple of first-time filmmakers came up with the outrageous idea of making a film during the World Cup to be held through out Mexico in the summer of 1986. With hardly a script in hand, they quit jobs and convinced friends to come along. The idea was a road movie about a man and a woman on a trip from Los Angeles to Mexico City. With s...
Just For Today
มุมมอง 2425 ปีที่แล้ว
Just For Today: A Celebration of Love, Friendship and the Haven Community
Legally Blonde The Musical Strath Haven High School 3.9-10.2019
มุมมอง 84K5 ปีที่แล้ว
Strath Haven High School in Wallingford, PA presents the musical Legally Blonde. This recording includes Act 1 from Sunday, March 10 and Act 2 from Saturday, March 9, 2019.
Park Photographer Interview , Drama, Greece, 1996
มุมมอง 5611 ปีที่แล้ว
Park Photographer Interview , Drama, Greece, 1996
Elle sounds flat. Sorry not sorry.
All time favorite 😊
The dog stole the show! 😂
Bro the dog and the treats and when she was trying to get him to spin lol good job
Charlie gove
Why that "you're slut" sounds very personal? 🤣
I was confused by the lyric change in Ireland, it’s the first time I’ve heard that version, but it was great singing!!! Also the subtle way El tied her shoes during chip on my shoulder! It was good, I couldn’t figure out if that was planned or not!
this production’s professor callahan is so good!!!
SO GOOD!!! your actors are so talented!!
Snaps for Strath Haven Hight School!🎉🎉
Snaps for Strath Haven Hight School!🎉🎉
Cho Chang Cho Chang Hermione
These kids were great!!
Okay, this is really good quality lol
Cho Chang Cho Chang
the best part in this play was the parts that had bruiser. by far best actor, prove me wrong.
I love how Pilar’s cast always matched her outfit
Cho Chang Cho Chang
Even the Broadway version struggles with the "what you want"/"love, I'm doing this for love" but these two are phenomenal!
I was there when the show happened and who knew it would then later appear on Broadway just a few months later! Way to go to my favorite John X. Shankweiler!
super super late but i wish they had more energy in their voice bc some singing parts were awkward. the personal essay part, I love the drummers but maybe some music in the background could've made it more exciting. set, costumes, everything else is amazing.
Unfortunately, music was louder than their mic :(
Cho Chang Cho Chang Hermione
warner looks like a mix of shawn mendes and tom holland edit 1: a high school production? with a callahan that isn’t abysmal? i didn’t think it could be done! edit 2: i really like this vivian’s hairstyle and blue sweater, it reminds me of movie vivian edit 3: did they change the colour of pilar’s cast?? edit 4: ok paulette can sing while keeping the accent!!! not sure why they changed the song tho edit 5: elle has not only recycled an outfit but has worn it for two songs straight. i’m not trying to be too hard on them but a huge part of the movie and musical is that elle has a new outfit every scene. edit 6: very good so much better!! edit 7: brooke was good! edit 8: not sure why there’s an extra person in callahan’s legal team? i counted elle, emmett, enid, vivian, warner, and another? edit 9: yeah emmett said these four interns and there are clearly five of them edit 10: this elle is definitely channelling reese edit 11: bend and snap was very energetic!! i have seen way too many productions try to minimise the sexual aspect but they just end up making it dull and boring edit 12: shoutout to that one guy who’s playing nearly every extra male speaking role edit 13: there right there was fun!! i loved nikos edit 14: HOLY SHIT THE KISS CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD edit 15: ooh get it vivian!! edit 16: they chose a dress that looks like the one from the movie!! edit 17: WOAH OK GET IT KYLE
In regards to edit 3; Pilar is not designated African American because the original broadway cast Pilar was. None of the characters have designated races. Also, it’s not their fault if they didn’t have a black student, and if they did and there was another student more fitting for the role, it makes more sense to cast them. Just because Pilar was cast as black in broadway doesn’t mean the character is, like I said, none of the characters have races that they HAVE to be.
@@evaflorentia3998 Uhhh I think she was talking about the color of the cast on her arm….not her race
Paulette is singing the version written for the show in the UK... they don't see Ireland that way. I believe it's related to government issues.
Amazing performance of chip on your shoulder, so so well done!!!
ucla is queen
gurl elle was rly boring
Emmet : He (weird breath pause) ll, E (weird breath pause) lle. Seriously, what the He - ll
Why is this so good😵😵😵😧😧
props to the build and shift crew! they did a good job
One of the best Paulette's I have ever seen! Absolutely loved her acting and singing. Also really liked the girl playing Vivian. She looks similar to the actress in the musical.
this is so good for a high school
The guy who played Emmet has a future in Broadway! I hope he has a proper vocal lessons❤
Actually really good!!
lol i thought it was a barbie house- btw so good
Wow!! They really nailed it....
awe they licensed the British version of Ireland (the British version is about a wedding because romanticizing Ireland is weird in Europe) (The broadway cast version is kinda about finding love in Ireland) edit: spelling
when margot came in jumping wtf hahah this is rlly good tho that wasn't margot - the bouncy blonde girl
No offense but I wish people would stop doing the part with Sundeep Agrawal Padamadan, it's pretty racist. Always white people playing a character clearly carrying on racist stereotypes, something I noticed after educating myself more about racism that I didn't think about the first time I watched, as a white person, until thinking back. Just wanted to say to raise awareness.
This is a High School in Wallingford, PA. There might not BE any "Sundeep Agrawal Padamadans" to play the role in a musical. You can't just rewrite the song for ONE minor character!
@@ghosty4 or just don’t do the show if you don’t have the cast 🤷♀️
Bruh this is phenomenal for a high school production
That was so good. Great job everybody
this is like the fifth legally blonde version ive seen this week help
Same, lol
Same girl. Same.
me too
This is actually good hahaha I am chocked.
The lead's voice is fantastic but not acting skills I'm sorry. EW needs to be always lively. Also, she has her own charm, unlike Elle in this show, who was absolutely dull. But the Delta Nu girls are gorgeous! Love them!
Ex-laker girl #killed it. Need talent like that on broadway.
Of course Elle got in because his father is the director of Harvard!
don`t you mean warner got in because his father is the director of Harvard
@@movielover609 No, typically, the same performer that plays Elle's father, is also the same performer that plays the admissions to Harvard guy, and it's a joke that's been made literally since the musical debuted.
I love reading the comments and being proud of my school then remember i hate this place
omg! best high school production ive seen! Set- A+ Costumes-A Singing-A Dancing- A+
I wish my school had a bigger budget, we also onlg have around 600 kids so not manh boys in theatre