Amazing ZZH
Amazing ZZH
  • 289
  • 733 935


Amazing long-haired Zhang Zhehan in All of Me by Legend“传奇”歌手的“我的全部”配上魅力无穷的长发哲 新歌马上就要来New single0508
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Amazing long-haired Zhang Zhehan in All of Me by Legend“传奇”歌手的“我的全部”配上魅力无穷的长发哲 新歌马上就要来New single0508
Amazing ACE:Remake of two old chips with lip sync of Zhang Zhehan’s latest live streaming曾经八月的视频采访
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张哲瀚这个21年关于ACE人生的访谈在八月三号,那场史无前例的网暴前10天,那天他侃侃而谈,对人生充满希冀,说要做好本职工作(演员),会坚持不懈地走下去。22年八月拳击视频出来的时候觉得ACE这个主题很适合,就用部分访谈做了视频。现在随着14号八月的上映,张导导演身份解锁,八月这道永远的伤口,终将鲜花盛开。 而22年11月就用罗曼罗兰那句名言做了2019杂志集锦的一个add-on。视频里哲是短发眼镜知性优雅,和19号直播里的长发眼镜相互辉映,各领风骚。 现在把两个以前剪的视频加上19号INS直播画面,再次用了lip sync完成这个主题是八月的有关ACE人生的视频。 #zhangzhehan #张哲瀚 #山河令 #wordofhonor
Amazing 传奇:Remake of Zhang Zhehan 2020 magazine compilations歌词古风翻译
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#zhangzhehan 前天写到关于传奇的一段话让我想起了22年7月剪的哲2020年杂志集锦,当时选的BGM就叫《传奇》。和前几天发的《热爱105度的你》一样,是外国人翻唱中国歌曲。曲作者李健曾透露,“他是在2002年的冬天写下这首歌的。当时他正住在北京一个寒冷的四合院里,创作灵感则来源于茨威格的小说《一个陌生女子的来信》。”(维基百科) 两年前选这首歌既是因为歌名贴切哲在我心中的形象,也是因为歌词有很多抓人的点,复合那时的心境让我很有共鸣。 重新剪辑当然又加上22-24年哲很多新图片。杂志访谈翻译部分现就只保留开头一处。歌词翻译走了当初翻译哲英文歌“Moonlight”一样的风格,四字古风。 In that misty morning when I saw your smiling face 氤氲晨间 如画笑颜 You only look at me and I was your...
Amazing No.1 Player Zhang Zhehan-Director 头号玩家张哲瀚之导演
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#张哲瀚 #zhangzhehan
Amazing views: 1st time to try do a reaction clip🌹第一次尝试做张哲瀚访谈reaction
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#张哲瀚 #zhangzhehan #深蓝者 #wordofhonor #山河令 #
Amazing free like “crazy”由内到外的美
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#张哲瀚 #zhangzhehan#深蓝者 #wordofhonor #deepblue #山河令 #datura #曼陀罗
Amazing No. 1 Player Zhang Zhehan-Actor Congratulation on the official launch of his website头号玩家之演员
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#张哲瀚 我看的上一部国产连续剧应该就是岭吧。记得是21年7-8月看的。之后除了考古小哲之前的戏,再没看过其它国产连续剧了。想来剧荒挺久了,龙年了,祈祷神龙召唤新剧中。 2021年5月因出演岭大火之后的一次访谈中,小哲关于演戏和音乐的陈述深深打动了我。22年9月翻译了整个访谈发布在油管,现在撷取部分(完整版见下一篇)用于头号玩家之演员的视频,并祝贺张哲瀚 个人网站官宣启航! 至于电影人的情书这首歌,好喜欢听他娓娓唱来,可又暗中希冀他不要在演唱会上唱,如此纠结的心情想必你一定可以体会。 曼陀罗 晴 头号玩家之演员文案: 2012 上戏表演系音乐剧专业毕业 2009出演第一部电视剧 2020出演周子舒,演技达到第一个高峰 2010-2021 出演大大小小三十几个角色 演戏之余坚持读书健身充实自己 演技经过十几年磨砺,日臻成熟 文戏台词功底扎实 一双会说话的眼睛,眼技不俗 哭戏尤为精彩,打...
Amazing Datura•Qing 1song(No1 Player-singersongwriter ) and18more live version medley曼陀罗晴19首演唱会现场版串烧
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曼陀罗-晴:头号玩家之创作歌手 高歌而归 你上次看演唱会是在哪里? 曼谷,吉隆坡,新加坡还是香港 最喜欢的舞台表演是? 喜欢慢歌的温柔缱 还是快歌的铿锵有力? 一个恶竞三年来无法抹去的名字 一个用歌声传递美好的倔强的中国青年 会被这样走过绝望的笑容温暖吗? 喜爱歌手演绎自己创作的歌曲吗? 会为歌词背后的故事感动吗? 自由灵魂还是提线木偶 会被这样源于自身经历的原创歌曲吸引吗? 逆风启航 从头再来 快意潇洒 自在如风 不拘一格 灵动有致 一首迟到的情歌 一段改写的人生 一个电影人的梦 从荧幕走上舞台 一首疗愈了很多人的原创歌曲 一曲难忘今宵的大合唱 一个信者的承诺 一个勇者的未来 你下一次去哪里看演唱会? #zhangzhehan #张哲瀚#zhangzhehan #深蓝者 #wordofhonor #deepblue #山河令
Amazing Datura-Bi 曼陀罗之碧
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#张哲瀚 #zhangzhehan #深蓝者 #deepblue
Amazing Datura-Silver:Time to leave for the Unfinished Journey 曼陀罗之银Happy Women’s Day 女神节快乐
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Datura•Silver It’s Time to Leave to go on with the Unfinished Journey And coming soon AUGUST, directed by Zhang Zhehan, a documentary based on his cycling journeys in 2022&2023 曼陀罗·银 是时候《马上就离开》 继续 《未完先的旅行》 以及即将上映 《八月》 张哲瀚执导的记录大片,取材于他2022、2023年骑行旅途 #张哲瀚 #zhangzhehan #深蓝者 #deepblue #wordofhonor
Amazing Datura-Gan
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#张哲瀚 #zhangzhehan #深蓝者 #deepblue #wordofhonor #datura #曼陀罗
Amazing Deepblue:Clipped with a video made last April and new materials去年四月剪的宽荧幕深蓝者视频基础上添加新物料而成
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Amazing Deepblue:Clipped with a video made last April and new materials去年四月剪的宽荧幕深蓝者视频基础上添加新物料而成
Amazing proclamation:Sing it loud Sing it clear.Reloaded with changes大声唱一字一句唱.张哲瀚香港万人演唱会圆满举行 元宵快乐🏮
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Amazing proclamation:Sing it loud Sing it clear.Reloaded with changes大声唱一字一句唱.张哲瀚香港万人演唱会圆满举行 元宵快乐🏮
Amazing Zhou Zishu: Thanks to Zhang Zhehan who took Axu to life three years ago 2 谢谢张哲瀚三年前把阿絮带到人间
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Amazing Zhou Zishu: Thanks to Zhang Zhehan who took Axu to life three years ago 2 谢谢张哲瀚三年前把阿絮带到人间
Amazing Zhou Zishu: Thanks to Zhang Zhehan who took Axu to life three years ago 1 谢谢三年前张哲瀚把阿絮带到人间
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Amazing Zhou Zishu: Thanks to Zhang Zhehan who took Axu to life three years ago 1 谢谢三年前张哲瀚把阿絮带到人间
Amazing “Take My Breath Away”:Valentine version(3rd)情人节+大年初五特制《你让我神魂颠倒》(舔屏)第三版
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Amazing “Take My Breath Away”:Valentine version(3rd)情人节 大年初五特制《你让我神魂颠倒》(舔屏)第三版
Amazing Year of Dragon:You’ll be invincible龙年大吉 天下无敌 哲瀚贺岁A poem hidden with 21 songs fromZZH小诗含21首歌名
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Amazing Year of Dragon:You’ll be invincible龙年大吉 天下无敌 哲瀚贺岁A poem hidden with 21 songs fromZZH小诗含21首歌名
Amazing No1 Player from Datura:Zhang Zhehan stays top 张哲瀚新歌《头号玩家》新专辑《曼陀罗》霸榜iTunes
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Amazing No1 Player from Datura:Zhang Zhehan stays top 张哲瀚新歌《头号玩家》新专辑《曼陀罗》霸榜iTunes
Amazing Journey:Congratulations! Journey, No2 of 2023 HitFM Top100 singles.祝贺《途》荣获榜眼!香港演唱会倒计时2
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Amazing Journey:Congratulations! Journey, No2 of 2023 HitFM Top100 singles.祝贺《途》荣获榜眼!香港演唱会倒计时2
Amazing “Revival with Splendor”:Zhang Zhehan 2024-02-16 Hongkong Concert“华丽的复活”张哲瀚大年初七香港演唱会倒计时-1
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Amazing “Revival with Splendor”:Zhang Zhehan 2024-02-16 Hongkong Concert“华丽的复活”张哲瀚大年初七香港演唱会倒计时-1
Amazing song from Five Feet Apart:Another match for Zhangzhehan (AndyGrammer Don’t give up on me)
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Amazing song from Five Feet Apart:Another match for Zhangzhehan (AndyGrammer Don’t give up on me)
Amazing Chase Together: Celebrating, getting together because of Zhang Zhehan.因哲相聚
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Amazing Chase Together: Celebrating, getting together because of Zhang Zhehan.因哲相聚
Amazing “a promising new year”: Merry Xmas&Happy New Year. See you more on the screen, ZZH 圣诞快乐新年快乐
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Amazing “a promising new year”: Merry Xmas&Happy New Year. See you more on the screen, ZZH 圣诞快乐新年快乐
Amazing Castle in the Time:To be released on Dec27 after almost 7 years.差不多七年后12月27日即将和大家见面的《时光之城》
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Amazing Castle in the Time:To be released on Dec27 after almost 7 years.差不多七年后12月27日即将和大家见面的《时光之城》
Amazing “BAD”: Nice touch. Zhang Zhehan wrote the lyrics, playing a word game with us
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Amazing “BAD”: Nice touch. Zhang Zhehan wrote the lyrics, playing a word game with us
Amazing one year:One year anniversary of the successful release of Melancholy Sunshine. 忧伤的晴朗一周年了
มุมมอง 4.9K5 หลายเดือนก่อน
Amazing one year:One year anniversary of the successful release of Melancholy Sunshine. 忧伤的晴朗一周年了


  • @user-qw4ju4jd3e
    @user-qw4ju4jd3e วันที่ผ่านมา

    Zhang zhe Hán những phong cảnh thiên nhiên thật đẹp nhạc thật hay 🎉🎉😅😅😅😅

  • @user-ic2bk1pi3b
    @user-ic2bk1pi3b 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Does he speak English too?

    • @AmazingZZH181
      @AmazingZZH181 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      He’s learning I think

  • @letticiaquilala1058
    @letticiaquilala1058 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    You will overcome what you may have through your past . Don't looked back but move on and walked towards to your goal and fix your eyes Life must goes on , like a rolling coaster up and down but strived it well . Stay strong and healthy . May all your dreams come true . God Bless You.

  • @letticiaquilala1058
    @letticiaquilala1058 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Handsome and pretty

  • @Luckytolove
    @Luckytolove 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Beautiful man ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @user-iv5up1fu8g
    @user-iv5up1fu8g 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Он великолепен. Внутреннее благородство, сдержанность, грация и красота. Этот мальчик зацепил меня не на шутку .

  • @letticiaquilala1058
    @letticiaquilala1058 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Stay strong , God Bless You

  • @letticiaquilala1058
    @letticiaquilala1058 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Be courageous and strong . Stay healthy.

  • @letticiaquilala1058
    @letticiaquilala1058 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Handsome and stay healthy . Like to see you playing basketball

  • @user-ii6hx4tt4e
    @user-ii6hx4tt4e 6 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @user-qw4ju4jd3e
    @user-qw4ju4jd3e 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Zhang zhe han vua dan hat hay qua 🎉🎉😅😅😅

  • @teresakok6526
    @teresakok6526 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Can he ever come back to Acting?. ..he's awesome in Historical Costume Dramas ... more handsome and enhanced beautiful features! Still DON'T Understand he's a Chinese and still did the wrong of him in life sworn enemies territory or is it photoshopped or we heard he was framed by s Good friend out of Jealousy!; Well I believed in KARMA just wait retribution will be in full force, Good gets Good, Evil gets most foul punishments! Thanks the Mighty God! ZZH is now stronger and more popular right? But I still want to see him in Historical Dramas, 加油 thank you. 谢谢 Hope he doesn't pair with 2 dull wooden acting actress JJY and Bailu. Only looking artificially beautiful with bright red lipsticks!

  • @Luckytolove
    @Luckytolove 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Beautiful song, Beautiful man!!!!❤ Please come to NY USA

  • @Luckytolove
    @Luckytolove 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Your my hero 💖

  • @doramancilla8177
    @doramancilla8177 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    A very inspiring video. ❤❤

  • @Luckytolove
    @Luckytolove 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    He is an angel, right now in my life, he is motivating me to go on and I'm so thankful.

  • @sandra7042
    @sandra7042 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Eres de no creer. Fuera del mundo. Te admiro. Que más puedo decir

  • @user-xb1ui7pz7o
    @user-xb1ui7pz7o 14 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @user-xb1ui7pz7o
    @user-xb1ui7pz7o 14 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @Ofecalvomachin
    @Ofecalvomachin 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Gracias por este articulo, Zhang Zhang mucha suerte eres una gran persona y muy buen actor, esperando verte muy pronto ❤

  • @coakala9341
    @coakala9341 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Yes, I really like his hair this long.

  • @cindyko1468
    @cindyko1468 19 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @kristineyost6977
    @kristineyost6977 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

    You are simply the best in Everything you do.

  • @letticiaquilala1058
    @letticiaquilala1058 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

    You are skilled when it comes to sport , it's your passion that's the part of your daily routine . Good health is the good wealth . I admired you not only in acting , singing, song writer and you have a lot of sport . May your dreams will come true. Handsome Zhehan

  • @larondahicks5233
    @larondahicks5233 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

    What a great story ❤❤

  • @mejibj
    @mejibj 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    You made it zhang keep going wish all the best

  • @katrinepearls
    @katrinepearls 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I LOVED MAJOR SPORTS, and it was robbed away fr me. Of course, I missed it for the world, esp. playing the hoops, dirt-biking, rollerblading, and many more. It is like it is as Mother Nature shifting me in my best interest as an audience. 💜🌹🌻 Thank U, my friend 🌟

  • @katrinepearls
    @katrinepearls 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

    YEAR 2021 is the biggest blow in my family drama. Ironically, the same year, I finally found the real Zhang ZheHan, aka Xiaozhe on AUGUST 13, 2021 and the real owner of the music 🎶 I once heard during my First-time to step my foot over in Beijing, China 🇨🇳, Winter Olympics, yr. 2020. At tht time, I heard a man singing, Rain in Shanghai, the real title of the music 🎶 in a certain radio station over in Beijing, China. All along, I thought the title of the 🎶music 🎵 was "TURN Around". I was corrected by a girl over in Chinatown by the Bay Area at the time, I heared the music being played in my town. The 12 yrs old girl, she gave me the crampled photo of Zhang ZheHan as she wrote his full name at the back of his picture. I framed it, and it's now in St. Mary's Convent in Israel 🇮🇱, my last tour of duty year Winter of yr 2022. At tht time, I was greeted by my friend , the owner of this platform, tellin me tht the first music 🎶 of my Xiaozhe, titled MELANCHOLY SUNSHINE IS A HIT, SUCCESS ❗️ Before heading home as my team, we're in Gaza to board the plane back to my ✈️ country. I once kneel on my knees to 🙏 my Thank you HEAVENS ✨️ for the minuet lil-star had finally ignited in regards to Zhang Zhehan's second chance. He finally went back on the STAGE as a singer then. A successful, humbled singer he is. I have the soft spots in my heart, and how can I forget, 05202022, is not at all tht bad, my tears 😢jst keep on 🫗 pouring. Maybe, it's jst a full moon 🌝 🌕, serenading MOONLIGHT. Thank U, my friend ✨️

  • @zhizhang111
    @zhizhang111 23 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @yukluenyip7324
    @yukluenyip7324 24 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @Cielo_TPK-st2xz
    @Cielo_TPK-st2xz 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    amazing video with full of love. Thank you very much for your hard work.🥰

  • @camiondriver7878
    @camiondriver7878 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    perfect summary, thank you ... very outstanding in sports and all the skills that go into it.🥰👍💯❤

  • @katrinepearls
    @katrinepearls 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Remarkable, Our Captain ZHE 💜aka my Precious🌹 Xiaozhe 🥰 is a very motivated ohhh❗️in SPORTS like I do before, I met my waterloo. NO, I don't play golf, I found it boring. ALLofMYLOVE 💜 esp to my Everlasting 🌹Xiaozhe 🥰 I LOVEyou 💜 🌹🌻and yes, it's our birthday 🎂 together. Thank you, my best friend 🌟✨️

    • @katrinepearls
      @katrinepearls 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      My friend, Twin-bro of my Xiaozhe. I am 💔😢🥹💔 unexpectedly my first day of work so I can renew all my lined-up professional licenses despite not paying attention, I came close to failing my chemistry license b-coz of my first time not being focused. ALL I have in my mind in regards to my XiaoZhe's right face. I was highly disturbed and shocked. He never shared it with me, WHT HAPPENED? Third day, I can't sleep, I've woke up upon dreaming of Our Mother Zhang Xia 🌻 ALLOFMYLOVE 💜. She found me in my dreams b-coz I got lost, and I woke up. My friend, Xiaozhe, maybe all tht but, he lacks proper men's etiquette and manners. Physical fighting is not the answer to diffuse ur sensitivity over someone's opinion. First, why mixed urself with the lower grade associate and WHY LEVEL❓️ Why can't u jst pick selected ones of ur trustee, circle of friends, and spend best times. I've wanted to open his unprofound manners and consider maybe, it's ur culture❓️which I found it unethical, like eating in front of a camera, burping, and sluping. THEY'RE GROSS, so unacceptable and ill mannered. I CAN GROOM my Xiaozhe while he's still at the height of his growth. During my teaching years, I trained military officers about proper conduct, and tht's on how to be a man of class, not a vagabond, or I'll repute. ONE MORE THING, that's boggling is the presence of tht harlot huzzy India woman. I'd loved to mock her like saying her face, looking like "dead sardines." but it's bad karma. Knw wht I mean b-coz my face ain't tht pretty too. She's using a dummy phone jst toyin on us. WE jst blocked her patiently as she's really mentally disturbed in need of real drugs. Her country is a hell of corrupt practices, voodoos, and hoodoos. Well, my friend, I may report for duty as this is jst the 3rd day of renewing my license. I work diagnosing patients, reviewing their medicine intake. I work for 2 or more hours tht I can endure then do my other business and tht's of Madre and graphs 📊. My Twin-C is slowly going away, away. I'll jst submit myself for an MRI, like checking all my bones next month. One more thing, there's a weirdo fan of Xiaozhe tht throws a direct statement instead of asking me a question. Tht too is so uneducated. I came close to throwing tht jackass my notorious way of thinking tht's degrading, yet I didn't level nor stoop down to his/her level of a trush world. I vented it all to u my friend wht's in my thoughts are. Correct me if I am so wrong and I'd love to help my Xiaozhe groomed himself, so tht people looked at him as a grown proper CULTURED~ NEW《ZzH》. I guarantee you, he will stood out more with "A CLASS" . Afterall, he's been in UK is equals EU equals USA. For the meantime, I'll try to overcome my 💔🥹😢💔 Xiaozhe doesn't love me 💔

  • @herryleung6015
    @herryleung6015 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    ❤❤❤ Thank you for your careful editing🙏🏻👍🏻 Please save it well so that you can enjoy Xiaozhe every day😘😘😘❤❤❤

  • @user-sc6hb2gt6u
    @user-sc6hb2gt6u 24 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @dlimijayasuriya536
    @dlimijayasuriya536 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Han ♥️ Greetings!! You uploaded a fascinating video clip after a long time 🌸. "AUGUST" your first debut directorial. One of the masterpieces of your life. Absolutely brilliant. Actually I don't know what the combination between your sport skills and the documentary is. However, you're an all doubt about it 🌸. I'm amazed all the time of your sport skills ❤️. Keep going Mr. Handsome 😘. The world is yours 🌞

  • @beataursnik6611
    @beataursnik6611 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

    🐇🌹🐉...Always and forever...💖💖!...〰️

  • @user-qw4ju4jd3e
    @user-qw4ju4jd3e 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Zhang zhe Hán những bài hát rất hay 😅😅😅😅

  • @lailabergman766
    @lailabergman766 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    What is this song?❤

  • @yehyufeng1958
    @yehyufeng1958 26 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @jj11astd37
    @jj11astd37 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    ❤❤ Always Love You ZZH And So Much Miss Lots HANYI

  • @mercygrace1405
    @mercygrace1405 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I love him ❤❤❤❤

  • @faithpresbitero4800
    @faithpresbitero4800 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    All the best for zhang zhehan! He's a very good actor.

  • @letticiaquilala1058
    @letticiaquilala1058 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    God Bless Zhehan , wish you more succes to come with good health and strenght

  • @user-xf7ii4jl8c
    @user-xf7ii4jl8c หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @yukluenyip7324
    @yukluenyip7324 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @user-qw4ju4jd3e
    @user-qw4ju4jd3e หลายเดือนก่อน

    Zhang zhe Hán nhạc hay hình ảnh đẹp 😅😅😅😅

  • @user-bl6iy5zc7k
    @user-bl6iy5zc7k หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @expression6832
    @expression6832 หลายเดือนก่อน

    希望可以有些積極想法可以做些積極的事 we need some positive thinking to take some positive actions.

  • @expression6832
    @expression6832 หลายเดือนก่อน

    請問各位:如果建立一個網站,收集全世界的簽名,請求中國法院為張哲瀚洗清罪名,懲罰那些造謠者,是否可能及有用? 張哲瀚於2021年12月底向警方報案的案件,直至今日法院尚未審理。 仍有不少製作謠言分子活躍在多個平台上,不放棄對他的傷害。然後如果可能的話,有誰或會不會有一個團隊有時間使網站正常運作並可實現其目標?

    • @zhizhang111
      @zhizhang111 25 วันที่ผ่านมา
