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เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 30 พ.ค. 2021
ሰላም ኩቡራት ተኻታተልትና wellcome to AMBES MEDIA
ኩሉ ደላዪ ፍትሒ ኣብ ጎድኒ ጆን ብላክ ጠጠው ክብል ፒቲሽን Petition ክፍርም በርጌድ ንሓመዱ ይጽውዕ !!!
มุมมอง 822หลายเดือนก่อน
ኩሉ ደላዪ ፍትሒ ኣብ ጎድኒ ጆን ብላክ ጠጠው ክብል ፒቲሽን Petition ክፍርም በርጌድ ንሓመዱ ይጽውዕ !!!
Plan A ሕጂ ኢኹም ስራሕኩም ተርእዩ ክብል 2pac ተላብዩ
มุมมอง 622 หลายเดือนก่อน
Plan A ሕጂ ኢኹም ስራሕኩም ተርእዩ ክብል 2pac ተላብዩ
ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ብሓደ ውልቀ ሰብ እሰያስ ካብ ዝሓስቡ ዓመታት ኣቅጺሮም ይርከቡ !!
มุมมอง 2K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ብሓደ ውልቀ ሰብ እሰያስ ካብ ዝሓስቡ ዓመታት ኣቅጺሮም ይርከቡ !!
ሎሚ ኣብ ሆላንድ ከተማ ደንሃግ ካብ ሙሉእ ኤውሮፓ ሰፊሕ ሰለማዊ ሰልፊ ተኻይዱ ገለ ካብኣቶም ደሳለ በረኸት ንመንእሰይ ተላብዩ
มุมมอง 1.4K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
ሎሚ ኣብ ሆላንድ ከተማ ደንሃግ ካብ ሙሉእ ኤውሮፓ ሰፊሕ ሰለማዊ ሰልፊ ተኻይዱ ገለ ካብኣቶም ደሳለ በረኸት ንመንእሰይ ተላብዩ
ጻዊዒት ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ሆላንድ ኣብ አተማ ዴን ሃግ ሰፊሕ ሰለማዊ ሰልፊ ኣዳልዩ ኣሎ ድሮ መንእሰይ ይውሕዝ ኣሎ።
มุมมอง 2702 หลายเดือนก่อน
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ኣማኒኤል ኣለም ኣብ ፍራንክፈረት መንእሰይ ፍርሒ ስዒርዎ ኣሎ ክብል ደገፉ ኣስሚዑ!!
มุมมอง 1.4K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
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ወዲ ሞባእ ድሕሪ ነዊሕ ግዜ ዘስሞዖ መደረ ኣዝዩ ጠቃሚ ንቃልሲ።
มุมมอง 4.8K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
ወዲ ሞባእ ድሕሪ ነዊሕ ግዜ ዘስሞ መደረ ኣዝዩ ጠቃሚ ንቃልሲ።
ኣብ ፍራንክፈርት ኣብ መንጎ ብርጌድ ንሓመዱን ትግራይን ናይ ኩዑሶ ውድድር ክካየድ'ዪ።
มุมมอง 1K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
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ዓቢ ሰሚናር ኣብ ጀርመን ተዳልዩ ኣሎ & ኣብ ኣዲስ ዘለው ብጾትና credit ንሃቦም ✅💙
มุมมอง 8K3 หลายเดือนก่อน
ቢንያም ናይ ስድራቤቱ ሓገዝ ኢዩ ኣብዚ ደረጃ ኣብጺሕዎ
ውፉይ ብዛዕባ እዞም ኣብ መርዓ ጥምቀት ዝዛረቡ መልሲ ሂቡ!!
มุมมอง 1.5K4 หลายเดือนก่อน
ውፉይ ብዛዕባ እዞም ኣብ መርዓ ጥምቀት ዝዛረቡ መልሲ ሂቡ!!
ባንዴራ ስለዝሓዝካ ፍቅሪ ሃገር ኣለካ ማሌት ኣይኮነን & ናይ ሲዊዝ ኣባላት ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ዘካይድዎ ሰለማዊ ሰልፊ ንዓለም ዘገረመ።
มุมมอง 1734 หลายเดือนก่อน
ባንዴራ ስለዝሓዝካ ፍቅሪ ሃገር ኣለካ ማሌት ኣይኮነን & ናይ ሲዊዝ ኣባላት ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ዘካይድዎ ሰለማዊ ሰልፊ ንዓለም ዘገረመ።
Eritrea ist ein diktatorisches Land, das man ein kleines Nordkorea am Horn von Afrika nennen könnte.
มุมมอง 3164 หลายเดือนก่อน
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ኣውራጃ ሄሰን ዝነበሩ ኣባላት ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ዓቢ ግባኤ ኣቃኒዖም ፤ ካልድ ዓብዱ ኣውራጃ ጠንቂ ቃልሲ ክኸውን የቡሉን ኢሉ።
มุมมอง 8484 หลายเดือนก่อน
ኣውራጃ ሄሰን ዝነበሩ ኣባላት ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ዓቢ ግባኤ ኣቃኒዖም ፤ ካልድ ዓብዱ ኣውራጃ ጠንቂ ቃልሲ ክኸውን የቡሉን ኢሉ።
መለይ ኣብ ማእከል ከርሳ ኤርትራ እታ ንልዕሊ ፍርቂ ዘመን ዝተቀበረት ሎሚ ብበርጌድ ንሓመዱ ቦሎኽ ኢላ ወጽያ 👊💪።
มุมมอง 9044 หลายเดือนก่อน
መለይ ኣብ ማእከል ከርሳ ኤርትራ እታ ንልዕሊ ፍርቂ ዘመን ዝተቀበረት ሎሚ ብበርጌድ ንሓመዱ ቦሎኽ ኢላ ወጽያ 👊💪።
Die worte von abune Antony sollten Dekumentiert werden .
มุมมอง 231ปีที่แล้ว
Die worte von abune Antony sollten Dekumentiert werden .
ሓወቦታተይ ጀጋኑ ወትሩ ኣብ ልብና ኣምላኽ ኣብ ገነቱ የንብርኩም😢😢
มุมมอง 4812 ปีที่แล้ว
ሓወቦታተይ ጀጋኑ ወትሩ ኣብ ልብና ኣምላኽ ኣብ ገነቱ የንብርኩም😢😢
Ema welcome boreye ❤❤
Eti zabeye denqoro telo ab alem wufuy u zeyhafr denqoro eti zegrmeka ka eti kemzi aynet denqoro ab media ziedm u
ኩቡር ሓው በየነ ( ውፉይ ) ሓቂ ምእንቲ ባዕላ ኢላ ትወጽእ እቲ ኪኸውን ዘለዎ ክትኮኖ ዘለካን ብግልጺ ብዘይከላዕለም በጽሕካዮ እኻ እቲ ብዛዕባ ኤርትራዊ ኮይኑ ኮይና መስምዒ እዝኒ ዘለዎን ዝሓስብ የእሙሮ ዘለዎ ኤርትራን ህዝባን ካብ ዓማጺ ስርዓት ኢሰያስ ክንገላገል ኣብ ልዕሊ 300 ቦታ ቅያር ቤት ትምህርቲ እንዳ ማሕቡስ መሓዩር ዘለው ብሕጊ ን መሰል ንንበር ንዝበለ ን በቃ ኤርትራውነቶም ዝተመንጠሉ ምኒም ገበን ዘይ ብሎም ብ ኣጽንሑለይ ዝተኣሰሩን ዝተጨወዩን ኣሸሓት ኣለውና ስለዝይ ጂግና ብዓል ፍትሒ ዝኸበቦ ሕልና ወዲ ዓበይቲ ነዚይ ኩነታት ኤርትራ ተዓዚብካ ብትብዓት ዓመጽ ይፍረስ ሕጊ ቅዋም ይንገስ ዝዋልታካ ልዕሊ ኩሉ ክብርይ ይግበኤካ ኣጆኻ ሽሕን ሚእትን መንእሰይ ኣንቅሕካን ኣበራብርቃን ኣትዕብኻን ንዓማጺ ስርዓት ኣብ ፓምበር ከም ዝሸይን ዝገበርካ 1 ንመጀመርታ ንስኻ እኻ ሕጂ.ውን ቀጽሎ ቀጥ መዓንጣ 💙✅
ኣንበስ ሓወይ እዞም ክቡራት ወለዲ ኣዘኪርካና ኣብ ዓድና ዛኣተና ኮይኑ ተሰሚዑና
አዚ ወዲ አንታይ አዩ በዲሉ ጆን ዚከስዎ ዘለው ኒሚታይ አዮም አቲ ሚክኒያት ሩዱአ አዩ መጀመርያ አተን ኣዋሊድ ደካሉ ካብቶም ኒፈልቶም አየን ደድህሩኡ ካአ ኣብቲ ኣዲ ሪስትን ጉልትን ዘይ ብሎም ኣቦታቶም ዘምጸአዎም አራይ ሚራይ ቢመኒነቶም አሪትራውያን ኪኮኑ ዚካለሱ
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful Eritrean Nationl Resistsanee Commitee Aginst Dictatorship We are marking the sixty-third anniversary of the launch of the armed struggle led by the hero martyr Hamid Idris Awate on September 1, 1961. The armed struggle was not a coincidence, but rather the result of a long peaceful struggle that extended for years in the corridors of the United Nations, the Eritrean Parliament, and the streets of major Eritrean cities, with mass demonstrations, political and religious speeches, and articles in daily newspapers. The political birth of the Eritrean people dates back to the 1940s. In 1947 AD, the historic event took place when the loyal son of Eritrea, leader Ibrahim Sultan, raised the first Eritrean flag. Then came the turn of the brave fighter, leader Mohamed Said Nawed, and with him the political arena witnessed the emergence of the first secret revolutionary organization in 1958. The idea quickly developed among the revolutionary Eritrean people, so they moved from secret work to armed and declared struggle and entered into confrontation with the enemy in the battlefields under the leadership of the Eritrean Liberation Front, with its military and political wings, against the hateful Ethiopian colonialism. Led by its historical leader Idris Mohamed Adam and the commander of its heroic army, Hamid Idris Awate, and his comrades from the first generation. The heroic Eritrean people blessed this bold step, except for a few who chose the path of treason, collaboration, shame and disgrace. After a long and bitter struggle and great sacrifices, the Eritrean people achieved their noble goals of freedom and independence in the years 1991-1993 AD. Suddenly, and in the ecstasy of joy and victory for the Eritrean people, a suspicious, infiltrated gang stole the struggles of the Eritrean people and took control of the reins of power in Eritrea. Since that day, the Eritrean people have been suffering from all kinds of torture, injustice, oppression and intimidation that exceed what the Ethiopian enemy had practiced in the past. Hence, the Eritrean National Authority for Resisting Dictatorship, on this occasion dear to our hearts, the glorious occasion of September 1, appeals to all opposition forces, all shades of the political spectrum and the national force, individuals and groups, to unite and work to overthrow this criminal gang and save the Eritrean people from the tragedies they are experiencing under the authority of Isaias Afwerki and his gang. The Eritrean National Authority for Resisting Dictatorship also appeals to the brothers in the Republic of Sudan, the parties to the conflict, not to allow the Isaias Afwerki gang to interfere in Sudan’s internal affairs, whatever the justifications and names. In our estimation, the intentions of Isaias Afwerki and his gang to interfere in Sudan’s affairs cannot be praised for the Eritrean and Sudanese peoples. We hope that this cursed war between the brothers in brotherly Sudan will stop. In conclusion, our congratulations to the great Eritrean people on this immortal occasion. Every year, Eritrea is well, free from the gang of looting and terror . Glory and immortality to our righteous martyrs. Eritrean National Resistance Committee Against Dictatorship September 1, 2024
Siq bal kada adgi barkh
Gut. Morning memir
😂😂😂😂😂 ተገጢምኩም ኢኹም ተጋሩ ኢኹም፡ ናዓኹም ድሕር ሕጂ ቦታ የለን። ክልልልል 😂😂😂😂
Ewe zihaftey abey emo terediwom Esias dia kemu aytewelden nidhri hije keman kemu aywledn eyu beal wufuy keman seb koynoms bizaeba shabia kizarebu ayehfromn eyu
Thank you for a job well done.
😂😂😂😂😂😂 wufuy yakkkk
ናይ ኢስያስ ባራዩ
Do what 🥱
ውፍይ፡ቱመሀር፡ብዜዕባ፡ትግራይ፡ትዛሩብ፡ቱከንካ፡ንኢርትራ፡ዘይምልከተካ፡ሐሳው፡መደናገርይ፡ሕፍር፡፡ትዛረባዙረባ፡ክሊ፡ሐሳት፡ግን፡ስራሕካ፡ምሕሳው፡ምድንጋር፡ስለዝከነ፡ዘጉርም፡ኡይኩነን፡ ኡርትራ፡ትረግጻ፡ማለት፡ሕልሚ፡፡ክርኩር፡ዐድዋ፡ግዜ፡መዓልትን፡ክን፡ደም፡ዝፍስው፡ሀጉር፡ከማካ፡ወካርያ፡መጳውታ፡እይከነትን፡ሽይጡ፡ሁገር፡ፍትሒ፡እብ፡ሁላድ፡ክንካ፡እ፡ይመጽን፡እዪ፡ውረድ፡እብመይዳ፡ሐሳዌ፡ክርኩር፡ወያኒ፡መዐልትካ፡ተጸበ፡ይመስሉካ፡ይከውን፡ኢርትራ፡ኡናብስ፡እለዋጅይትስከፍ፡መጅጀመርያ፡ትዛረቢ፡ዙረባ፡እስተዕለሉ፡ህዝብካ፡እክብር፡ለክባጥ፡ተዳነግሩ፡ሰብ፡ዩለን፡ብገበን፡ስለችሕተ፡ምርጫ፡የብልካን፡ተመሀር፡ከልቢ፡ዐድዋ፡
Guys you're not Eritrean stp laying please be proud as Ethiopian ,EThiopia is a beautiful amazing country
Ata jgna menesey
Wedi moba jegna Wedi hizbi 💪🏽welcome back it’s great seeing you back again ❤️🙏🏽🩵🌿🩵🌿🩵🌿🩵🌿🩵🌿🩵🌿🩵🌿
Agame channel
Hangol zeyblom ftretom zeyrdeaka seb do knblekum wela weys ahbay hbeyat
ኪድ ሞ ሕበር ኣበይ 'ዩ ዓድካ ክብሉካ እዮም 😂
ሰብኣይ ወዲ ሞባእ
ኤህ ዕለትካ ትሕጸር ምስ ሓመድ ሕበር 🐒 ሃገር ሰብ ኣለዋ
mis Hamed yehbiruka rip
ዕሱባት ወያኔ ኣብ ትበጽኦ ዝግ ኢልና ክንርኢ ኢና ኤርትራውያን ንብሃል😂😂😂
ወዲ ሞባእዊ ምሳካ ዘለዊ ባዓል መን እዩም ኣላሊዩም በጃካ 😂😂😂😢😢😢
ውዒጊን ዋሒድ
እቲ ኣብ ጎንኻ ዘሎ ሊስሮ ኮ ነጊሩና ኢዩ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣይሰማዕካዮን እንዲኻ? ሰብ ፍርንጭት እንተኮይንክን ኣባይታ ያላ ኣብ ዶብ ንራኸብ? ፕሊስ ነቲ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሃገር ዘሎ ዘይምልከት‼
ወዲ ሞባእ ብተጋሩ ኢኻ ተኸቢብካ ዘለኻ ዚዓርከይ‼ ቃልስኻ ኤርትራዊ ዝሓቆፈ ክሳብ ዘይኮነ, ኣሰር ማለሊት ኢኻ ክትስዕብ‼
Ajona bergedey
ገለ ካብ ውዕሎ ፍራንክፈርት 03.08.2024 ናይዚ ተኻፋሊ ምዃነይ ሕቡንን ዱሱቱን'የ በርጌደይ ብርኪ ሊሎ✅💙💪th-cam.com/video/5-hT3pP5j_Y/w-d-xo.htmlsi=6-zuv98zwMiRumVp
Klae mininu nitkmnka lokmas sebay si werdu entetekalese eyu .lolkmas entay emlketeka nay eritrea eyu .lokmas kemaka zeyfreyet delika .harei tigray niktgeysch tigbro meteberi gibrka teakeb lokmasat .
ቦትስዋና ንቅድም ተማሃር ሃገር ክትመርሕ ዋላ ካልእ ይትረፍ ላጎጅ ተማሃር ወዲ ፋራ
ብህስውት ትጽውት
ትዛረቦ ዘርባ እግሪ ይኹን ርእሲ የብሉን'ም ይትረፍካ።
Anta ghafa haswet leba