Buddy I bought my own, you probably still a kid and can't get an actual job, but work hard for stuff in life man, mow some lawns, or sumn.... not trying to sound mean at all, worst case scenario I'll super thanks you sum money
bro he’s 8 wtf u want him to do? let the kid have fun it used to be so easy for kids to post on youtube back in the days now u people just chat hella bs on here man give it a break
@@kobzKw I wasn't dissing him brother, I will super thank lil bro money if he ain't get it, much love to you my brother ❤️, my point was.... where's the life lesson if we don't work for stuff yk? I didn't mean any disrespect whatsoever. Clearing that up for ya. And no I'm not "people like them" I know what your talking about bro I'm not one of them, if I was I would have said horrid stuff in response to a fairly disrespectful reply, but yk I didn't, and to overlap the life lesson for bro, I have a job man I work hard for my money, yk there's the life lesson all in one, so had I super thanked him it would be out of dedication and hard work
У меня тоже очень милый черный котик. Я его очень люблю и обожаю! Но недавно иы ходили с мамой в магазин. Нам позвонил брат и сказал что кота дома нет! Мы с мамой на всех порах понеслись его искать. Мы ошарили всю квартиру, весь подъезд.... Его не было.... Я пришла на 8 этаж. И там было открыто окно..... У меня начилась истерика, мама успокаевала и говорила, что сейчас мы вернемся в нашу квартиру. И если и там нет, пойдем по соседям. А этот жопошниK сидел под шторой. Он насCал, ему стало стыдно и он спрятался! Как же я рада, что мой котик остается со мной!!!❤
Ok 👍🏼 🫥
Game name pls
Tipe if you dance I'll dance it should pop up
3 November 2024
@@sensierichards7008 I'm sorry my unavailable
It’s me
Um thus is harsh
Scull face edit😊
I'll comet on vid
hahaha kikiki dost var mı hakiki cok lazım sanki
I was scrolling
It. E sonicraz
Great video!
😊Glad you enjoyed it
Full oun tomorrow
This is a spoiler
Teaching how to get pro on capcut only when i hit 90 subs
scary cat
Buddy I bought my own, you probably still a kid and can't get an actual job, but work hard for stuff in life man, mow some lawns, or sumn.... not trying to sound mean at all, worst case scenario I'll super thanks you sum money
bro he’s 8 wtf u want him to do? let the kid have fun it used to be so easy for kids to post on youtube back in the days now u people just chat hella bs on here man give it a break
@@kobzKw I wasn't dissing him brother, I will super thank lil bro money if he ain't get it, much love to you my brother ❤️, my point was.... where's the life lesson if we don't work for stuff yk? I didn't mean any disrespect whatsoever. Clearing that up for ya. And no I'm not "people like them" I know what your talking about bro I'm not one of them, if I was I would have said horrid stuff in response to a fairly disrespectful reply, but yk I didn't, and to overlap the life lesson for bro, I have a job man I work hard for my money, yk there's the life lesson all in one, so had I super thanked him it would be out of dedication and hard work
@@DETHKLOK_LOVER_666 yes please I don’t have much
@@sensierichards7008 that's gon be a little while bro but i might buy you one bro depending on how these next few weeks go, I gotchu
@@sensierichards7008 you want a quest 2?
Youre fucking getting shit
He’s halfway!
Thanks for the visit
you aren’t getting shit
@@Congrenade please don’t be trying to argue with my 8 year old thank you
@sensierichards7008 is this your mom?
@@hairimisawaryes I am his mum
he got more subs than u though, ur a grown man go find a women or something
grown man with 0 girls
okay ?
Omg you know that game?
who the hell u is bro
love the videoooo❤
So cool
У меня тоже очень милый черный котик. Я его очень люблю и обожаю! Но недавно иы ходили с мамой в магазин. Нам позвонил брат и сказал что кота дома нет! Мы с мамой на всех порах понеслись его искать. Мы ошарили всю квартиру, весь подъезд.... Его не было.... Я пришла на 8 этаж. И там было открыто окно..... У меня начилась истерика, мама успокаевала и говорила, что сейчас мы вернемся в нашу квартиру. И если и там нет, пойдем по соседям. А этот жопошниK сидел под шторой. Он насCал, ему стало стыдно и он спрятался! Как же я рада, что мой котик остается со мной!!!❤
Like please
I drew this guys