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เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 6 มิ.ย. 2006
The content on this channel will be Fallout 76 C.A.M.P. building Automotive content and anything else I feel like making or posting. Though Content can change at any time. . I'm Live Daily at 9pm Central on twitch.tv/rotomon
Highlight 34:34 - 39:34 from Building a wheelset
Highlight 34:34 - 39:34 from Building a wheelset
มุมมอง: 18
Triumph Terrace Bundle, Atom Shop Review #fallout76
มุมมอง 1444 หลายเดือนก่อน
Triumph Terrace Bundle, Atom Shop Review #fallout76
World of Warcraft The War Within Collectors 20th Anniversary Edition I'm Bad at Unboxing
มุมมอง 234 หลายเดือนก่อน
World of Warcraft The War Within Collectors 20th Anniversary Edition I'm Bad at Unboxing
Every Popular Automotive YouTuber right now.
มุมมอง 44ปีที่แล้ว
Every Popular Automotive TH-camr right now.
Fun round with Krampus Trapper DBD from my New years Stream #deadbydaylight
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Fun round with Krampus Trapper DBD from my New years Stream #deadbydaylight
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มุมมอง 932 ปีที่แล้ว
A.T.O.M. Shop Review 10/25/2022 and 11/2/2022 Fallout 76 Rest in pieces Kit and Mausoleum Bundle
มุมมอง 1002 ปีที่แล้ว
A.T.O.M. Shop Review 10/25/2022 and 11/2/2022 Fallout 76 Rest in pieces Kit and Mausoleum Bundle
The Artist vs SWF Streamers | Iridescent 1 Dead By Daylight
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The Artist vs SWF Streamers | Iridescent 1 Dead By Daylight
A.T.O.M. SHOP Update 10/11/2022 Medieval Camp Bundle Fallout 76
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A.T.O.M. SHOP Update 10/11/2022 Medieval Camp Bundle Fallout 76
A.T.O.M. Shop Update 10/4/2022 Nuka Cola Delivery Bundle
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A.T.O.M. Shop Update 10/4/2022 Nuka Cola Delivery Bundle
Survivors Fail, Very Quick Hillbilly Match | Iridescent 1 Dead By Daylight
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Survivors Fail, Very Quick Hillbilly Match | Iridescent 1 Dead By Daylight
A.T.O.M. Shop Update 09/27/22 Wildwood Tavern Bundle Fallout 76
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A.T.O.M. Shop Update 09/27/22 Wildwood Tavern Bundle Fallout 76
A.T.O.M. SHOP UPDATE 09/20/2022: Union Bundle
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A.T.O.M. SHOP UPDATE 09/20/2022: Union Bundle
A.T.O.M. SHOP UPDATE 09/13/2022: Neighborhood Square Shelter
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A.T.O.M. SHOP UPDATE 09/13/2022: Neighborhood Square Shelter
A.T.O.M. Shop Update 08/23/2022 Fallout 76
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A.T.O.M. Shop Update 08/23/2022 Fallout 76
2001 Integra Type R RWD For A Class Drift Adventure Forza Horizon 5
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2001 Integra Type R RWD For A Class Drift Adventure Forza Horizon 5
Cleetus McFarland's Freedom Factory Recreated in Forza Horizon 5
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Cleetus McFarland's Freedom Factory Recreated in Forza Horizon 5
Reclaimed Backyard Bundle A.T.O.M. Shop Review Fallout 76
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Reclaimed Backyard Bundle A.T.O.M. Shop Review Fallout 76
Destroyed Camp Bundle A.T.O.M. Shop Review Fallout 76
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Destroyed Camp Bundle A.T.O.M. Shop Review Fallout 76
Cultist Bundle A.T.O.M. Shop Review Fallout 76
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Cultist Bundle A.T.O.M. Shop Review Fallout 76
Taking my USS Sulaco from Alioth to Madis in Dual Universe
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Taking my USS Sulaco from Alioth to Madis in Dual Universe
Rustic Greenhouse Bundle A.T.O.M. Shop Review #fallout76
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Rustic Greenhouse Bundle A.T.O.M. Shop Review #fallout76
#projectunderdog RX8 Temp Gauge Install
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#projectunderdog RX8 Temp Gauge Install
Wavy Willards Park Bundle A.T.O.M. Shop Review Fallout 76
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Wavy Willards Park Bundle A.T.O.M. Shop Review Fallout 76
Nuh uh
this song is great fr
Dang thanks so much man
Saved me a good chunk of change. Thank you sir 🙏🏼
you're welcome
😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣
You just saved me a lot of money thank you so much for posting this.
I'm glad I could help. It's a shame cause they have some really cool designs ruined by terrible products :(
I agree with the improvements on camp building, camp budget, allies and shelters. This would need a engine update and a revamp of their server side software. It seems they hesitate to touch any of the core engine code. Instead the devs basically disabled everything that threatens the shaky foundation this game runs on. NPC pathfinding now teleports the NPCs when engine encounters an error when NPCs get stuck. Allies and resource generation in shelters would need individual per-instace timers as the instanced locations are unloaded from server memory as soon as the last player leaves. Some other points where I disagree: We now have 4 star legendaries but they are not needed for any of the content. The game got watered down over the last updates with whole enemy categories being downgraded, the perk system oversimplified. The legendary NPC mutation was replaced with a simple larger health pool. Camp items like the "hot rod on blocks" were disabled (explosion). Building tricks with the collectrons, stacking and merging damaged campp items were removed. Little easter eggs like the exploding cars in Vault 76 or the crashed UFO in lake Reynolds were removed. Many new NPCs are now unkillable and do not react to shots at all and the older NPCs sometimes bug out and glitch to unkillable status while being able to attack the player. The team system got dumbed down. Event scaling is basically absent. Any high level player can solo and spoil each event to the disadvantage of all other players. The whole game is too easy, there is nothing at stake. The game actively discourages regular / high level players from playing it with other players because the balancing is broken and you get less loot and xp when playing with others. The enemies would need a higher level scaling + dealing more damage to be even remotely challenging. Public events should have a per-player damage cap if the player count inside the event area is >1 so no single player can one shot whole spawn groups (Like Nuka Launcher users). The game is already tracking these stats in events. Part of the stagnation is the players fault. Especially on reddit and the official discord there are large amounts of lazy, unwilling and some mentally unstable people that throw a tantrum as soon as something engaging or challenging gets added to the game. So Bethesda dumbs it down again. (Like expeditions or the new raid.) They want to unlock everything without engaging with the actual gameplay loops. Nothing is rare anymore, rare plans drop regularly as part of mutated event packages. Pre-rolled god rolls drop from events. Which makes the legendary crafting gambling loop obsolete. This puts regular players in a tough spot - why play the game any longer? Why buy the 100th wallpaper or power armor skin if there is no gameplay to use it? A increase in caps will only fuel the inflation of the in-game economy. The current limits are enough. Whats missing are reliable cap sinks for regular and end-game players. User startable events that cost a lot of caps similar to "Encryptid". Special expensive craftable items to increase the spawn rates and difficulty of "boss" events. Or a true Fallout survival adventure mode that shares progress with the basic adventure mode but has the original survival mechanics, tougher enemies and rewards items, gear and player titles that are not available in normal worlds - similar to Nuclear Winter.
Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂 this guy nailed it 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂love it
Thank you, bro
You're welcome
If anyone needs help with a dispute, I’d recommend searching for their return shipping company in NY. The company the return is shipped to was dissolved in July. So there is no confidence in their returns process. The ID for their business you can search in the NY state company register is 6359500.
Divide that number by three
Maybe confusing teaspoon and tablespoon
@rotomon well ether was talking about all 3 holes
Your fantasy, that’s why you’re posting about it
No fantasy, I just think its hilarious. Sorry you seemed to have lost your sense of humor.
@ you’re right, I just may have :/
Wow. I was about to drop a bunch of money until I saw this. Super low reviews online, too. Thank you.
Yeah it sucks they have some cool designs but garbage product. Glad I helped.
Im so sad :'(, I have had bad experiences online so I went out and look for reviews about this company, I was so thrilled about his cool desings but I wanted to make sure his products where nice, sadly It doesnt seems to be the case, thanks so much for let us know!!
@@luiswalla9778 Me too. :(
Looks like ChaseOh
Why do people have to insult like that..
Thank you for sharing this!
that kitty looks spooky lol
Im losing my mind. I used to watch your videos all the time and lost my old phone. Just came across your channel again! So happy I found you again! Awesome pipboy btw!
www.rotomon.com for all my links <3
Saved me on this one. Thank you for the video
Glad it helped!
I didn't notice that cartman has beard 😂
Calm down Chad, I hadn't got to my pc yet to finalize details. Mobile uploads have presets and You have to go back in and change everything.
Imagine Eminem singing this to Diss ice spice
Hahahaha XD
man you are talented! i love this cosplay ❤
It sucks because I want that print on a hoodie so bad. Been looking for weeks to find an honest review and I found it here.
Yeah, cool prints just lousy products. There are a handful of print on demand companies like for human peoples and spring but spring can be slow af sometimes.
It gets even worse as their return policy only wants to give you 30% back its a whole scam to steal your money.
Thanks! Saved me from buying 2 items and £50
It gets even worse as their return policy only wants to give you 30% back its a whole scam to steal your money.
THANK YOU for posting this. I was gonna buy stuff from them but I was doing research first.. sad cause I liked the designs..
It gets even worse as their return policy only wants to give you 30% back its a whole scam to steal your money.
You are doing a real service posting this, thank you. So glad I googled "is Korsina clothing good" or something like that it and found this.
Glad I was able to help. It gets even worse as their return policy only wants to give you 30% back its a whole scam to steal your money.
I was waiting for "so who put his hoohoodillie in your chacha?"
Cartman is the best cartoon character in history😂😂
Obrigado!(Thank you!)
I was on the struggle bus trying to float them with my camp module thank you for making this.
I pretty much only use camp module to reset or slightly raise an item in a merge. It can be tricky, glad I was able to help.
Me too thanks again
Thank you for the great Video so helpful , greeting s from Austria Vienna Abo and like from me, have a great Day😊 and wo can find the Nuka Connector ?please
Thanks! The Nuka connectors are an atom shop item, I'd keep an eye out for a Nuka cola pack on the store.
@@rotomon 😊 Thank You
@@potzmannharry9010 You're welcome.
Cartman was so mad in this episode 😂
Looks great! 😊
you got the teeths!
Video ended for me at the catwalks.
I understand that can be annoying. I don't make the jank blame bethesda. I just figure out how to make things work. I hear the catwalks from one of the seasons work.
The way his face is going when he is saying “MOM ANSWER THE DOOR!” makes me chuckle 🙊
I haven’t watched that TH-cam video in a while
Holy crap this just explains the birth of Mitch Connors.
What is the original video?
I've tried finding the original but no luck. It was a capcut greenscreen filter. so many memes made with it.
Great building ideas. Thanks for the guide. What outfit is your character wearing?
I believe thats the beekeeper one from atom shop
First time I watch it and it's still useful after 2 years, thanks for sharing it ;) Wish I found this years ago, as I had to discover most of those tricks by myself :D Oh my, that Nuka collector - I've never seen it around! Guess it's a legacy item now T_T That I'd choose the bear shirt just got on my wishlist, being a bear and stuff 😁
I'm glad it was useful for you, I believe most nuka items are atom shop stuff so you'll have to keep an eye out for them. That shirt has been pretty popular <3 I have a few different electrical videos, The hidden power one is pretty useful too.
@@rotomon Hehe, I'll get it on payday hopefully ^^ Bethesda's drained my wallet X_X Apologies for writing a soup of nonsensical words in my previous post - it was late night and I merged different sentences I had in mind into a single one >< I'll have a look at your other vids - I'm not sure you're still playing/following the game but now you can submit a "best camp" of your creation to appear randomly on other servers - so people are looking forward more ways to build their camps. Or not. I've seen some low-effort things so unfairly upvoted vs little gems with just 2 likes... T__T
@@NeatWolf all good man, I know the feeling. I'm not playing as much as I have been but I did put a bunch of camps in the best camps feature. I feel you on the low effort ones getting votes is pretty sad. gotten a few votes its a cool feature. I will be playing some on twitch when the rest of milepost zero comes out.
Just show HOW to damn it
The video shows how to... I mean youtube isnt like live TV you can skip ahead in the video.
@@rotomon yeah sorry about that, I was losing my mind trying to adjust stuff in my camp lol
@@Cris-rv4kv It is like that sometimes. I wish we had custom world or vault building rules in adventure mode. Would save a ton of time and invalidate most of my videos but damn would it be easier.