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Discover Hunedoara
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 28 มิ.ย. 2017
Hunedoara County
Hunedoara County, located in the central-western part of Romania, represents an invitation to discover a historical, cultural and natural heritage that enjoys world recognition.
The Dacian fortresses in Orăștie Mountains have been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1999, and five of the total of six are in our county: Sarmizegetusa Regia - Grădiștea de Munte, Costești - Cetățuie, Blidaru, Luncani - Piatra Roșie and Bănița . Built at the foot or on the ridges of towering peaks, the Dacian settlements and fortifications, unique in Europe, represent exceptional achievements of the Dacian civilization and have an inestimable cultural value.
Other remarkable ancient vestiges in Hunedoara County can be visited on the site of the former Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa Colony, built between 108-110, during the reign of Emperor Trajan. From its foundation, it received the rank of "colony", the highest urban rank in the Roman Empire.
By far the most well-known and well-preserved monument of medieval architecture in Transylvania is the Corvin Castle in Hunedoara. The impressive architectural elements of civilian and military nature, and also the legends hidden between the walls of this remarkable edifice speak of the greatness of one of the most respected kings who ruled over these places, Matia Corvin.
The fortress of Deva, located on a volcanic cone with a height of over 180 meters, is considered an important medieval fortification in whole Transylvania. The first written document attesting to its existence dates back to 1269.
Churches are a defining part of our cultural and historical heritage. Whether we are talking about the sacred monuments built in stone, often found in Țara Hațegului, or we are talking about the wooden churches built according to Romanian folk techniques from Ţara Zarandului (Zarand Country) and Valea Mureșului (Mureș Valley), all offer reasons to visit: original architectural styles, impressive antiquity, frescoes exceptional, valuable heritage of icons or a strong spiritual load.
In fact, the route "Wooden Churches in the Land of Gold" includes a number of 11 religious buildings in Hunedoara County and enjoys official recognition from MEAT, entering with this recognition in the National Route of Wooden Churches in Romania, as well as in the Cross-Border Route of Wooden Churches in Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
In the Retezat Mountains lies the first national park in Romania, declared in 1935 at the initiative of Professor Alexandru Borza, who was joined by the biologist scientist Emil Racoviță. Currently, the Retezat National Park covers an area of 38047 ha. In 1979 it received the status of biosphere reserve and was included in the List of Biosphere Reserves within the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program (Man and the Biosphere Program), under the name of the Retezat Biosphere Reserve.
UNESCO International Geopark Țara Hațegului is the only one in Romania included in the Global Network of UNESCO Geoparks. The Geopark started from the results of paleontological research dedicated to dinosaurs, correlated with multidisciplinary studies and continued with the results of dozens of educational, cultural and tourism promotion projects.
Divided into six ethnographic areas, Hunedoara County has a large collection of specific customs, traditions and popular elements. Pădurenilor Land, Zarand County, Hațeg County, Mureș Valley, Jiu Valley and Orăștiei County include picturesque rural areas that are real ecotourism destinations.
We are proud of distinguished artists and craftsmen with the title of Living Human Treasure. Taragotist Pera Bulz, teacher-master Mircea Lac and popular artist Vinca Cosana contributed to the preservation and transmission of valuable elements of popular art. Living Human Treasures started as an initiative launched by UNESCO through the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Having the advantage of the 8 mineral and thermal springs, Geoagiu-Băi Resort continues the spa tradition of the old Roman baths in the area, offering tourist packages for relaxation and treatment, being an excellent choice for tourists regardless of the season.
Every year, mountain and winter sports lovers visit Straja Resort, Parâng Resort, Râușor Recreation Area and Pasul Vâlcan Recreation Area. Generous and well-appointed ski areas, ski and snowboard schools, children's camps, multiple accommodation options, but also the fresh air and the alpine landscapes of an overwhelming beauty represent reasons for tourists to travel in Hunedoara county.
Hunedoara is a county that surprises at every step, a really interesting and welcoming destination for any Romanian or foreign tourist.
The Dacian fortresses in Orăștie Mountains have been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1999, and five of the total of six are in our county: Sarmizegetusa Regia - Grădiștea de Munte, Costești - Cetățuie, Blidaru, Luncani - Piatra Roșie and Bănița . Built at the foot or on the ridges of towering peaks, the Dacian settlements and fortifications, unique in Europe, represent exceptional achievements of the Dacian civilization and have an inestimable cultural value.
Other remarkable ancient vestiges in Hunedoara County can be visited on the site of the former Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa Colony, built between 108-110, during the reign of Emperor Trajan. From its foundation, it received the rank of "colony", the highest urban rank in the Roman Empire.
By far the most well-known and well-preserved monument of medieval architecture in Transylvania is the Corvin Castle in Hunedoara. The impressive architectural elements of civilian and military nature, and also the legends hidden between the walls of this remarkable edifice speak of the greatness of one of the most respected kings who ruled over these places, Matia Corvin.
The fortress of Deva, located on a volcanic cone with a height of over 180 meters, is considered an important medieval fortification in whole Transylvania. The first written document attesting to its existence dates back to 1269.
Churches are a defining part of our cultural and historical heritage. Whether we are talking about the sacred monuments built in stone, often found in Țara Hațegului, or we are talking about the wooden churches built according to Romanian folk techniques from Ţara Zarandului (Zarand Country) and Valea Mureșului (Mureș Valley), all offer reasons to visit: original architectural styles, impressive antiquity, frescoes exceptional, valuable heritage of icons or a strong spiritual load.
In fact, the route "Wooden Churches in the Land of Gold" includes a number of 11 religious buildings in Hunedoara County and enjoys official recognition from MEAT, entering with this recognition in the National Route of Wooden Churches in Romania, as well as in the Cross-Border Route of Wooden Churches in Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
In the Retezat Mountains lies the first national park in Romania, declared in 1935 at the initiative of Professor Alexandru Borza, who was joined by the biologist scientist Emil Racoviță. Currently, the Retezat National Park covers an area of 38047 ha. In 1979 it received the status of biosphere reserve and was included in the List of Biosphere Reserves within the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program (Man and the Biosphere Program), under the name of the Retezat Biosphere Reserve.
UNESCO International Geopark Țara Hațegului is the only one in Romania included in the Global Network of UNESCO Geoparks. The Geopark started from the results of paleontological research dedicated to dinosaurs, correlated with multidisciplinary studies and continued with the results of dozens of educational, cultural and tourism promotion projects.
Divided into six ethnographic areas, Hunedoara County has a large collection of specific customs, traditions and popular elements. Pădurenilor Land, Zarand County, Hațeg County, Mureș Valley, Jiu Valley and Orăștiei County include picturesque rural areas that are real ecotourism destinations.
We are proud of distinguished artists and craftsmen with the title of Living Human Treasure. Taragotist Pera Bulz, teacher-master Mircea Lac and popular artist Vinca Cosana contributed to the preservation and transmission of valuable elements of popular art. Living Human Treasures started as an initiative launched by UNESCO through the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Having the advantage of the 8 mineral and thermal springs, Geoagiu-Băi Resort continues the spa tradition of the old Roman baths in the area, offering tourist packages for relaxation and treatment, being an excellent choice for tourists regardless of the season.
Every year, mountain and winter sports lovers visit Straja Resort, Parâng Resort, Râușor Recreation Area and Pasul Vâlcan Recreation Area. Generous and well-appointed ski areas, ski and snowboard schools, children's camps, multiple accommodation options, but also the fresh air and the alpine landscapes of an overwhelming beauty represent reasons for tourists to travel in Hunedoara county.
Hunedoara is a county that surprises at every step, a really interesting and welcoming destination for any Romanian or foreign tourist.
มุมมอง: 160
Castelul Lupilor
มุมมอง 240ปีที่แล้ว
Deschis pentru vizitare!!! Castelul Lupilor a fost inclus în circuitul turistic! Așezări tradiționale în miniatură, atent realizate manual de meșteri pricepuți, parc de distracție pentru cei mici, circuit cu ghid în castel dar si multe alte surprize!
Valea Iarului
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Verde și liniște în valea iubită de munți, cu dimineți răcoroase și susur blând.
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Aripi de foc - Festivalul Cetății MEDIEVALE Mălăiești
Festivalul Dragan Muntean - Casa memoriala Dragan Muntean
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Festivalul Dragan Muntean - Casa memoriala Dragan Muntean
Schi și zăpadă din plin în Stațiunea Montană Parâng.
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Schi și zăpadă din plin în Stațiunea Montană Parâng.
Sono posti di una bellezza straordinaria. Romania è bellissima. ❤
Matei Corvinu o fost un trädätor als romäniei si castelului a fost construit de Iancu de Hunedoara, Matei o fost un copil de-al lui, care s-a dat pe parte dușmanilor, cine îl ține pe Matei de important sunt unguri pt care el o înșelat și pe propriu lui tatä.
Cel mai frumos si mai interesant judet din tara noastră. Am un sentiment de liniste, pace sufleteasca de fiecare data cand vin aici.
Baftă la vloguri! Abonat ! Sa vina vloguri din Hd !❤
Belissimo !
Hristos a Înviat 🏞️👫🇷🇴🇲🇩🌐⛪📚✝️🙏 În Franta existã 3 locuri create de oameni ce au legãturã cu România si românii : 1/ Jardin du Vasterival, creat de printesa Greta Sturdza ; 2/ Musée d'art naïf Anatole Jakovsky, la Nice, creat de autorul moldovean de artã naivã Anatole Jakovsky ; 3/ Expozitia de avioane de mici dimensiuni, elicoptere si machete, create de românul Marcel Jurcã.
Omul sfinteste locul, daca vrea si poate.
Da. Aici am ales sa mor.... un colt de rai.
terenuri ieftine mai sunt ? nu toti suntem boieri cu bani,sa le luam noi romanii nu strainii cu bani mulți,iar cei ce le vand strainiilor, blestemati pe veci !
Doamne ce frumoasa și bogata încă este, aceasta tara miraculoasa, România.. Fiecare zona a tarii este binecuvântată, păcat ca încă exista umani care nu prețuiesc, ceea ce le-a dat Dumnezeu. Mulțumesc pt filmuleț, acesta este un mic colt de Rai l❤️👋👋👋
Frumos, iar trenuletul este reconditionat!
🎉🎉❤ Dacia dacii liberi 🐺 Romania 🇷🇴🇲🇩🐺
Foarte frumos 🤗🥰❣️ un mic colț de Rai și oameni minunați buni blânzi prietenoși iubitori cuminți cumsecade înțelepți harnici serioși morali profesioniști responsabili evoluați îmbunătățiți cinstiți corecți și foarte frumoși !
Foarte frumos!
Veniti in judetul Hunedoara! Are atatea frumuseti de explorat!
ce frumos este si ce bogat!!! Pacat de cei care conduc Romania de la guvernare… nu le mai pasă
Bine realizat!!!!
Am fost , am vazut acel minunat loc , taxa de intrare accesibila pentru toti ! Frumos !
Ai nostri trec granita si pleaca pentru a _ si usura traiul . Isi lasa copiii , parintii , pentru a le usura traiul ! Strainii vin sa faca lucruri pe care noi nu le putem face din lipsa de bani ! Trist . Romania neputincioasa ofera oportunitati strainilor !
Felicitári acestui domn pentru aceastá frumusete de grádiná👏🏼🥰
Am fost aici, este SUPERB! Foarte bine organizată, ospitalitate și civilizație la o familie cu rădăcini adânci în acest loc.
Super fain O mica sugestie, o traducere in engleză ii foarte bine venita pentru a putea înțelege și strainii
Este unjudet frumos de acolo mă trag si eu din Petrila,dar soarta ma dus undeva iñ sudul tari di fata blocului iñcare mam nascut se vedea Paringu
Fantastic. Noi nu am fost în stare de asa planuri frumoase, extraordinare. Felicitări acestui italian îndrăgostit de frumoasa noastră Romanie
O grădină minunata 🥰felicitări 👍
Am umblat în această țară de mai bine de 30 ani. Nu știu de ce , dar când merg în acest județ mă sint cel mai bine. ( am cel mai plăcut sentiment )
NICOLAE , Mulțumim pentru cuvintele frumoase de apreciere la adresa județului HUNEDOARA ! Subscriu 100/ 100 celor scrise de dta. ! Este un judet care pe de-o parte are o încărcătură semnificativă privind așezămintele religioase ORTODOCSE , iar pe de altă parte ponderea monumentele istorice și frumusețea locurilor ( turism ) atrage mulți vizitatori 👍👍👍
Sfinte Părinte Arsenie roagate lui Dumnezeu pentru noi păcătoși Amin
Ma bucur ca-mi poarta numele, dar nu si ca nu o pot vizita ...
Csodás hely , nagy hatással van a testre , lélekre ,egy csodás meditáció helynek alapja és beteljesedése ! Minden elismerést megérdemel !🏆🏅
Un videoclip minunat!🥰
Multumesc frumos!
𝐩яⓞ𝓂𝓞Ş𝐦 😻
Superrrr...dar citi bani ?Cine din Romania da atiti bani.....A cumparat locul pe citeva mii .....
Felicitări 🌹
Frumusete,minunat ,munca! Credeti ca a luat cineva acest exemplu..... Felicitari,sanatate!!
Totul este ca intr-un vis! Si ce muzica minunata! Cine stie cum se numeste aceasta melodie?
Che meraviglia, un pezzo di paradiso! ♥️ Complimenti!!!
A facut ce nu putea face in Italia...felicitari