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Ewnet Tube እዉነት ቲዩብ
United States
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 8 พ.ย. 2023
እውነት ቲዩብ ለተበዳይ በማረጋገጫ እና በማስረጃም የጉዳዮን እውነተኝነት ከተሰጠን ማሰረጃ አንፃር መሄድ እሰካለብን በመሄድ ከእውነትና እውነት ጋር ብቻ የሚቆም ሚዲያ ነው እውነት ኒዜው ይርዘም እንጂ መገለጧ አይቀርም ይህን ቻናል ይዘን የቀረብንላችሁ በህይወቴ ከራሴ ሰዎች ከገጠመኝ እጅግ ልብ ስባሪ እውነተኛ እና አሳዛኝ የታሪክ ገጠመኝ በመነሳት ነው እውነት ያሸንፋል።
this TH-cam channel is working on a true story investigation and evaluate conflicts by being in front factual evidences to solve it .
Integrity is telling and stand for the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people. Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy. An unbelieved and false based info narrating can hurt community so we start for truth bc at last truth wins.
this TH-cam channel is working on a true story investigation and evaluate conflicts by being in front factual evidences to solve it .
Integrity is telling and stand for the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people. Truth without love is brutality, and love without truth is hypocrisy. An unbelieved and false based info narrating can hurt community so we start for truth bc at last truth wins.
ምን ጉድ ነው ታዳጊውን አር.ደ.ው ገደ.ሉ.ት ሲታ.ረ.ድ የተቀረፀው ቪዲዮ ከኤርፖርት የተሰማው አስ.ደን.ጋጭ ዜና
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We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating various philosophies and positions regarding the community. As the motto succinctly describes it, “Truth is the winner!
Ethiopia News - Ethiopian Daily News Korem | Hachalu Hundesa | Somali Special Force | Mustefe Mohammed | Getachew Reda | Reuters | Tekeze River | Ethiopia News | Addis Ababa | Tekeleberhan Ambaye | Harmony Hotel | Kaleb Hotel | Eritrea News | New York Times Debretsion Geberemichael ኢትዮ ፎረም Demsti Woyane | TMH | Tsa
The you tube content is subject to change at any time without notice and may not necessarily be up to date or accurate at the time you view it.
We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating various philosophies and positions regarding the community. As the motto succinctly describes it, “Truth is the winner!
Ethiopia News - Ethiopian Daily News Korem | Hachalu Hundesa | Somali Special Force | Mustefe Mohammed | Getachew Reda | Reuters | Tekeze River | Ethiopia News | Addis Ababa | Tekeleberhan Ambaye | Harmony Hotel | Kaleb Hotel | Eritrea News | New York Times Debretsion Geberemichael ኢትዮ ፎረም Demsti Woyane | TMH | Tsa
The you tube content is subject to change at any time without notice and may not necessarily be up to date or accurate at the time you view it.
มุมมอง: 40 939
ሰበር ዜና ሱቆች ለቀናት ሊዘጉ ነው በመርካቶ ፈርሶ ሊሰራ ነው በጉዳዩ ልጅ አባቱን ገደለ
มุมมอง 1.7K4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
አስደ.ንጋጭ ዜና ሳውዲ 7 ኢትዮጵያውያን ተሰቅ.ለው ተገ.ደሉ የመርካቶ እሳት 10 ህፃናት በአደ.ጋው ሞ.ቱ
มุมมอง 20K7 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
ሰበር ዜና አርቲስት ይገረም በህይወቱ ወሰነ ጫካ ውስጥ የተፈፀመው ከባ.ድ ወን.ጀል
มุมมอง 10K9 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
አስደ.ንጋጭ ዜና አ.አ እየተሸጠ ያለው ገዳ.ይ መድሀኒት 2ቱም ሴቶች ህይወ.ታቸው አለፈ
มุมมอง 11K16 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
የአርቲስት ገነት ንጋቱ አስነዋሪ ቅሌ.ት ፕ/ር ሙልጌታ ጀዋሬ የሚፀፀትበት ታሪክ እውነቱ የተጋለጠበት ቪዲዮ
มุมมอง 6K19 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
ሰበር ዜና አ.አ የተጧጧፈው የኩ.ላሊት ሽያጭ የ4 ዓመቱን ህፃን በጭ.ካኔ ገደ.ሉት ዲያቅን ሄኖክ ሀይሌ
มุมมอง 4.5K21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
በኢቲዮጵያ ትልቁ ጠን.ቋይ አ.አ ላይ እጅ ከፍንጅ ተያዙ የአርቲስቶች እና የባለሀብቶች ጉድ ወጣ
มุมมอง 2Kวันที่ผ่านมา
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
አለቅን ከ60 በላይ ሰዎች ተገ.ደሉ ከሟ.ቾች የተረፈው ግለሰብ ተናገረ
มุมมอง 4.1K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
ያሳዝናል ዛሬም በመ.ሬት ና.ዳ ሰዎች ሞ.ቱ ስለህፃን ሄቨን የተሰማው አነጋጋሪ መረጃ
มุมมอง 1.2K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
የጉድ ሀገር ሰሊናን በህይወት እያለች ቀበ.ሯት እህት እና ወንድም የፈፀሙት ከባድ ወን.ጀል
มุมมอง 4.8K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
ሰበር ዜና አርቲስቶቻችን አ.አ ላይ የተፈፀመው ግ.ፍ አርቲስት ሰላም ተስፋዬ ምን ነካት
มุมมอง 18K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
እረ.ኡ.ኡ.ኡ ህፃን ባምላክ በእንጀራ አባቷ ተደ.ፍራ ተገ.ደለች ወላጆችም ህይ.ወ.ታ.ቸው አለ.ፈ
มุมมอง 3.8K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
መርካቶ ከእሳት አደ.ጋው ጀርባ የተሰማው አስደን.ጋጭ መረጃ ወንጀለኞቹ ተይዘዋል የአአ ፖሊስ መግለጫ ሰጠ
มุมมอง 11K28 วันที่ผ่านมา
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
ያሳዝናል መርካቶ የአመታት ልፋታቸው በደቂቃዎች የወደመ.ባቸው ወገኖቻችን አደጋ.ው እስከአሁን ቀጥሏል
มุมมอง 2.4K28 วันที่ผ่านมา
Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/@Ewnettube123?si=RAWo8CHHW7oZYnuL We’re here for one reason to provide fair and unbiased information to the community and are committed to separating news and views, while covering broad areas of health, education, politics and sports. Awaze Mereja is dedicated to informing its viewers, and its editorial section is committed to advocating va...
አሁንም መርካቶ እየወ.ደመች ነው ምን ማድረግ ይቻላልየተላከው ኢሊኮፍተር መጨረሻ
มุมมอง 8K28 วันที่ผ่านมา
አሁንም መርካቶ እየወ.ደመች ነው ምን ማድረግ ይቻላልየተላከው ኢሊኮፍተር መጨረሻ
ጉድ ነው ተወዳጇ አርቲስት ብሩክታዊት የራ.ቁ.ት ቪዲዮ ወጣባት ለቤ/ያን ደብዳቤ ተላከ
มุมมอง 2.8K28 วันที่ผ่านมา
ጉድ ነው ተወዳጇ አርቲስት ብሩክታዊት የራ.ቁ.ት ቪዲዮ ወጣባት ለቤ/ያን ደብዳቤ ተላከ
ኬብሮንን አትፈልጓት ገለ.ው ጥለዋታል ጎንደር እያነባች ነው
มุมมอง 72328 วันที่ผ่านมา
ኬብሮንን አትፈልጓት ገለ.ው ጥለዋታል ጎንደር እያነባች ነው
ያሳዝናል ተወዳጇ አርቲስት ሄለን በድሉ እና ቤተሰቦቿ ለዓመታት የተፈፀመባቸው ግ.ፍ ወንጀ.ለኛው ይፈለጋል
มุมมอง 16Kหลายเดือนก่อน
ያሳዝናል ተወዳጇ አርቲስት ሄለን በድሉ እና ቤተሰቦቿ ለዓመታት የተፈፀመባቸው ግ.ፍ ወንጀ.ለኛው ይፈለጋል
ሰበር ዜና ተወዳጇ ሊዲያ በሰርጓ ማግስት በባሏ ተገ.ደለች አ.አ ከመሸ መሬት አሁንም ተንቀጠቀጠ
มุมมอง 6Kหลายเดือนก่อน
ሰበር ዜና ተወዳጇ ሊዲያ በሰርጓ ማግስት በባሏ ተገ.ደለች አ.አ ከመሸ መሬት አሁንም ተንቀጠቀጠ
አስደን.ጋጭ ዜና ሩታ በፍቅረኛዋ ክህንፃ ተወርውራ ሞተ.ች ከሞሞቷ በላይ የተሰማው አስደንጋጭ
มุมมอง 8Kหลายเดือนก่อน
አስደን.ጋጭ ዜና ሩታ በፍቅረኛዋ ክህንፃ ተወርውራ ሞተ.ች ከሞሞቷ በላይ የተሰማው አስደንጋጭ
271 ኦርቶዶክሳውያን መገደ.ላቸው ተሰማ ebs በድርጊቱ ተከሰሰ በግድ.ያው መግለጫ ተሰጠ
มุมมอง 44Kหลายเดือนก่อน
271 ኦርቶዶክሳውያን መገደ.ላቸው ተሰማ ebs በድርጊቱ ተከሰሰ በግድ.ያው መግለጫ ተሰጠ
ዳኒ ሮያል እና አብርሽ ተጋ.ደሉ ለሀ.ጭ አቶድም ነግራኛለች ሚስቴን ይመልስልኝ
มุมมอง 10Kหลายเดือนก่อน
ዳኒ ሮያል እና አብርሽ ተጋ.ደሉ ለሀ.ጭ አቶድም ነግራኛለች ሚስቴን ይመልስልኝ
ሽማግሌ ልኮ ሸወደኝ ዶ/ር ትንሱ በስርግዋ ዋዜማ ፍቅረኛዋን በአሳ.ዛኝ ሁኔታ አጣ.ችው
มุมมอง 48Kหลายเดือนก่อน
ሽማግሌ ልኮ ሸወደኝ ዶ/ር ትንሱ በስርግዋ ዋዜማ ፍቅረኛዋን በአሳ.ዛኝ ሁኔታ አጣ.ችው
መሬት ዛሬም ጨከነች አ.አ ውስጥ እህቶቻችህን ህይወታቸው አ.ለፈ በመሬት መንሸራተቱ ሰዎች ሞ.ቱ
มุมมอง 3.7Kหลายเดือนก่อน
መሬት ዛሬም ጨከነች አ.አ ውስጥ እህቶቻችህን ህይወታቸው አ.ለፈ በመሬት መንሸራተቱ ሰዎች ሞ.ቱ
የሄቨን እናት እና አጎት ማግ.ጠዋል ያልታሰበው የአልጋ ቤት ቪዲዮ ወጣ ገዳ.ይዋ የላከው መልዕክት
มุมมอง 10Kหลายเดือนก่อน
የሄቨን እናት እና አጎት ማግ.ጠዋል ያልታሰበው የአልጋ ቤት ቪዲዮ ወጣ ገዳ.ይዋ የላከው መልዕክት
አይረሴው ምሽት አ.አ መሬት ከተንቀጠቀጠ በኋላ አስደንጋጭ ነገር ተፈጠረ ልንጠፋ ነው ቤት ስንመለስ ያየነው ያማል አስታዝ አቡበከር ሚስጥሩን ዘረገፉት
มุมมอง 1.5Kหลายเดือนก่อน
አይረሴው ምሽት አ.አ መሬት ከተንቀጠቀጠ በኋላ አስደንጋጭ ነገር ተፈጠረ ልንጠፋ ነው ቤት ስንመለስ ያየነው ያማል አስታዝ አቡበከር ሚስጥሩን ዘረገፉት
5 ባሎች አሏት የሄቨንን እናት ጉድ ስሙ ቧለቤቷ ሚስጥሩን ዘረገፈው
มุมมอง 2.9Kหลายเดือนก่อน
5 ባሎች አሏት የሄቨንን እናት ጉድ ስሙ ቧለቤቷ ሚስጥሩን ዘረገፈው
ያሳዝናል እናትም ተገደ.ለች ስለ ሄቨን እናት የተሰማው አስደ.ንጋጭ ዜና
มุมมอง 2.3Kหลายเดือนก่อน
ያሳዝናል እናትም ተገደ.ለች ስለ ሄቨን እናት የተሰማው አስደ.ንጋጭ ዜና
እንደፍየል አር.ዷት ነው የደረስነው ብርክቲን ባለማትረፋችን አዝነናል ቀድመው የደረሱ የሰፈሯ ሰዎች በእ.ንባ ተናገሩ
มุมมอง 3.6Kหลายเดือนก่อน
እንደፍየል አር.ዷት ነው የደረስነው ብርክቲን ባለማትረፋችን አዝነናል ቀድመው የደረሱ የሰፈሯ ሰዎች በእ.ንባ ተናገሩ
Fetari tsenatun yesetesh
በነጃዋር እና ህወሃቶች ተቀናብሮ አጫሉን ገድሎ አማራ ገደለው ተብሎ አማራን ከአኦሮሞ ለማጋደል የተጠነሰሰው ሴራ ዛሬ ደግሞ ሌላ ቅንብር ነው ሃቁ።
እደት አዉሮፖላን ዉስጥ ያርዱታል ምን ጉድ ነዉ እደትስ ሰዉ ጨክኖ ሰዉ ያርዳል በጣም ያማል አላህ የነገዋን ቀን አያሳየዉ የሂን ልጂ ያረደዉን ሰዉ ያረቢ በጣም ያማል ወላሂ 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
እግዞ ማህርና ክርስቶስ ምን አይነት ዘመን ላይ ድረስ አምላኬ ሆይ ማሥተዋሉን ሥጠን 😢😢😢😢😢😢
Yetgnaw hig
እስላሞቹን አራጅ ስንል ስናሳቃቸዉ በአሜሪካ ቱል ቱላ ይሔዉ ክርስቲያን አራጅ
አል ቃኢዳ አልቃኢዳ ስትሉ ዉሸታሙን የተረገመዉን የእስራኤልንና አሜሪካ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ይሔዉ በአብ የሚያርድ ኢትዮጵያዊ እያየን ነዉ
Yhe lij difretna hilm machelem sayhon balemastewal hizbun lemerdat mereja mestetu neber. Miskin lij
ግን እውነት ከሆነ ቪዲዮን ብታሳየን የልጁን አሟሟት ምን ዓይነት አረመኔ እና ጨካኝ ሰው ቢሆን ነው ታዳጊ ልጅ እንደ በግ ያረዱት ? አሁንም አላመንኩም መረጃው ይሟላ ።
ፍፍፍፍ አረ ያሳዝናል 😢😢
Uuuuuuuf yaa Allah 😢😢😢😢
ነግ በኔ ነው ፍትሕ ለኢትዮጵያ
መንግስት እንደዚህ ነገር አፉጣኝ መልስ መስጠት እንዳለብት እምነት አለኝ
ፈራጁ እግዝአብሔር ስለ ደሃው ነፍስ ይፍረድ
እግዚኦ ማረነ ክርስቶስ
Aye Gala , yerasun hizb mared jemere Fanon mashenef siyaketew. Lemayawkesh tategni. Galecho DERAMACHIW ALTESAKAM.
ምነዉ ይህ ብርቅ ነዉ እንዴ የትግራይ ሰዎች ጭድ አርገዉ ከነነፍሱ ሲያቃጥሉት አላያችሁም ለነገሩ እሱ ትግሬ ነዉ አያገባችሁም ከነነፍሳቸዉ ቤት ተዘግቶ ሲቃጠሉ ከነነፍሳቸዉ እጃቸዉ ታስሮ ተከዜ ላይ ሲጣሉ ለነገሩ እነነሱ ትግሬ ናቸዉ አያገባችሁም ግን ማንነታችሁሁ ይህ ነዉ እዩት የህ ነዉ ኢትዮጵያዊነታችሁ ይህ ነዉ
😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 ayii yarabii 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Merigeta bileh yebetekrstiyan abatochin lemashemakek atimokir. Tenkuay new gebah dedeb
Abyin tenkenal saygebah ataragb ,serawun tereda mejemeriya
አማራ ያሳደገውን በግ ወይም ዶሮ እንኳን አርዶ ለመብላት ይከብደዋል አማራ አትግደሉኝ ብሎ ነው ጦር ይዞ የተነሳው ከዚህ ውጭ አማራ ሰርቶ መኖር ብቻ ነው ፍልጎቱ ህወሀት በሀውዜን የፈጸመውን ብልጽግና በኦሮሚያ ክልል ወይም አ.አ ውስጥ በኦሮሞ ላይ ሊፈጽመው ስለሚችል መንቃት አለብን ማን ፈጸመው ለሚለው ምንም መልስ የለም የኦሮረሞ ወጣቶች ወደ ዘመቻ መሄድ አልፈልግ ብለዋልና ለዚህ ለማነሳሳት ነው አማራ ከኦሮሞ የአንድ ጤፍ እንኳን የምትክል ምንም ችግር የለበትም፡፡ በጣም የሚያሳዝነው በስማም የሚል አማራ ብቻ ነው ኦሮሞ ሆኖ ኦርቶዶከስ የሚከተል የለም በሚገርም ሁኔታ የድምጽ አክሰንቱን ስትሰሙ የኦሮሞ መሆኑን እወቁት እውነትም ከብት ናችሁ፡፡ ፋኖ ሰው ማረድ ቢፈልግ የማረከውን በገደለ ነበር፡፡ አሳዛኝ ጉድ በዚህ በለፉት 6 አመታት ሰው እንደ በግ በወለጋ ፣ በአሩሲ፣ ሻሸ መኔ ነው ሰው እንደ በግ የታረደው፣ ተዘቅዝቆ የተሰቀለው‹፣
እግዚኦ መሀረነአ ከረሰቶአሰ😢😢
በስመአብ ተባለ አትበል አንተ የሰይጣን ዩቱበር
ሰዎች በዚህ ልክ ጨካኞች ሲሆኑ የእምነት ቦታዎች ፆም ፀሎት እና ትክክለኛ ትምህርት ለህዝባቸው ማስተማር ያለባቸው ::---በጃፓን አገር መገዳደል በተለይ በቅርብ ቤተሰብ ጋደኛ የተለመደ ነው so ገዳይም እረጅም ግዜ እድሜ ልክ ( ስቅላት የሚባል የእስር ግዜ የለም ይያዛሉ ቶሎ ነው የሚያዙት ጉዳያቸው ከተመረመረ ቡሀላ ምንም እንዳልታወቃቼው ሲቀጥል የሚሰማቸው ድንጋጤ እና ፀፀት ታይቶ የስነልቦና ህክምና ነው የሚደረግላቸው ስነልቦናቸው ወደ ትክክለኛ መስመር እስኪመጣ ህክምና ነው እየተከታተሉ መድሀኒት እየወሰዱ ማቆያ (እስርቤት ይቆያሉ ችግሩ ግን ከእስር ከወጡ ቡሀላ የድህንነት አካላት የረዳት ድርጅቶች ክትትል በሚድያ ዜና በመሰራጨቱ ቶሎ ሰዎች ስያይዋቸው ያለ ድንጋጤ የገቡበት ስራ ቦታ ተከትለው ታሪኩ ተናግረዋል ያለመረጋጋት የሆነ ምልክት ከታየ በዚህ ስልክ ደውላችሁ አሳውቁን የሚሉ አካላት ስላሉ ያንን ሰው ከግዜ ቡሀላ እራሱን አጥፍቶ ወይ አብዶ ነው የሚታየው ይህ ነው ቅጣቱ 🤔እኛ ግን የእምነት ሰዎች ነን እና እራሳችን ስተን በዚህ ልክ መጥፎ እየሰራን ካለን የሆነ ከእግዚአብሔር የተበላሸብን ነገር አለ እንፈትሽ የሰለሙን ጥበብ እያሉ በባለንጀራ ላይ ኩፉ ሰይጣን ማምጣት እየሱስ እያሉ ድራማ መስራት የተለመደ ሁነዋል ትውልድ እንዴት ይዳን (ይትረፍ ???? ❓❓❓❓
እኔ ብጣም ነው ይደንግትቁት ልጁን ሳርዱ እወንት እኔ የታሪክ ነው የምሰልንይ ብጣም ነው ያምምኝ ፍትሁ ልወንደሜ 😭😭😭😭😭ያማል
ኧረ ው😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Min aynet sewneh you tuberu'' Besime Ab blew ...''.yemtlw video awrdew Abin yemiyawk yhenin ayadrgim kalat atekakemihn astekakl
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭ፍትህ ለገራቸን
ኦሮሚያ ምድር ያላየነው የስቃይ አይነት የለም
Mengist yelem lezanw nw hulachenem meteredachin ay qerim wedemt enehed enehed
ፋኖነው በሰመአብብለው አረዱት የአማራፋኖ ህፃን አርደው ጀግና መሆን አይ በላይዘለቀ እስቲ ይሁና አለች ቦጋለች።
ፋኖ ኦረሚያየለም ሀቢቢቲ ፋኖ እክልሉነውያለው ያብይጂሌ ለፖለቲካ ያሳረዴው
ፋኖ ኦረሚያ መቸ ገቡ ትንሽ ፈጣሪን አፈሩም
ኦሮሚያላይ ፋኖስትሉ አይከብድም ጉዳችሁንቻሉእዛው
,ፍኖ ኦሮም መቸ ገባ ወይ አለማስተዋል ፍኖ ሴገባነዉ ሰላም እምትሆን ኢ/,ያ
ሰዉ በስማም ተብሎ አይታርድም አይደንቀኝም ይኸን በመስማቴ ሴጣንም እኮ መላክ ነበረ ስለዚህ ሀይማኖትን ከሀይማኖት ለማጋጨት የተደረገ እና ዘርን ከዘር ለማጋጨት የተደርገ ሴራ ነዉ አገሪቱን የሉሰፈርስ መነሀሪያ ሆናለች ነገር ግን ለሁሉም ፈራጅ የድንግልየ ልጅ አለ ዝምታዉ ለምክንያት ነዉ ግን በዘር በሀይማኖት የማይሆን ነገር እዚህ ላይ የምትነጋገሩ ሰዎች ለራሳችሁ ቆም ብላችሁ አስቡ ለራሳችን እግዞ እንበል ወደ ፈጣሪ እንማፀን አሟሟታችን እንዳይከፍ የመንግስቱ ወራሾች እንድንሆን 😂😂!!
ዘረኞች# የትግሬ ዘረኞች የኦሮሞ ዘረኞች የአማራ ዘረኞች የስልጤ ወረኞች ይህ ሁሉ የእናንተ ውጤት ነው ምድርና ሰማዩን የዘረጋው ጌታ ይቅር አይበላችሁ😢😢😢😢😢
😢😢😢😢 min gud new egzabher nifis yimar bismam bilaw alki iko bamin ergitag nek ?