- 36
- 18 067
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 18 ก.ค. 2016
I'm !NooT, a music producer from Pabianice, Poland. I've been creating and playing music since 2007, exploring different styles over the years. In 2022, I decided to focus on synthwave, and since then, I've been crafting music with a retro, electronic vibe that draws heavily from synth-driven aesthetics. My sound continues evolving, and I share my work across various platforms, allowing listeners to check out my latest releases.
!NooT - For The Love Of Synth
For the Love of Synth. Doesn't the title explain itself? This is my last single of 2024, which summarizes my progress. It also sets the direction I want to follow with future releases - For The Love Of #synth!
You can support me by subscribing to this channel and/or:
• Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/16X0n7w7Vy9sRsdbeTgn1G
• Instagram: n.o.o.t.music
• Bandcamp: n00t.bandcamp.com/
🔊 Check my channel for other songs, and definitely check the full album if you liked the song!
#synthwave #nightdrive #80s #instrumental #outrun
You can support me by subscribing to this channel and/or:
• Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/16X0n7w7Vy9sRsdbeTgn1G
• Instagram: n.o.o.t.music
• Bandcamp: n00t.bandcamp.com/
🔊 Check my channel for other songs, and definitely check the full album if you liked the song!
#synthwave #nightdrive #80s #instrumental #outrun
มุมมอง: 309
!NooT - Toy Story
มุมมอง 204หลายเดือนก่อน
Toy Story-the title came to my mind because while doing this song, I felt like I was in a toy store. It's very dynamic, and even though it is less than four minutes, there are many transitions and a few different sections. Enjoy! Streaming: open.spotify.com/album/5s8blyCcQT5z33zmktem5r You can support me by subscribing to this channel and/or: • Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/16X0n7w7Vy9sRsdbe...
!NooT - 54
มุมมอง 1.8Kหลายเดือนก่อน
My newest song 54 has a concise name, but that's for a reason. I used an uncommon time signature at the beginning and end of this song, which is... 5/4! That's why I decided to call it as simple as that. Enjoy! Streaming: open.spotify.com/album/71rRACABfJxZYl7nVqYS90 You can support me by subscribing to this channel and/or: • Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/16X0n7w7Vy9sRsdbeTgn1G • Instagram: ...
!NooT - Endless Road
มุมมอง 4292 หลายเดือนก่อน
Check Endless Road, the last and title song from my last EP - Endless Road. It's a peaceful and epic ballad, that leaves the open space for the future that will come. I dedicate this song to my beloved wife ❤️ Streaming: open.spotify.com/album/6VrSJVPbv0yqfn4cmDKFVx You can support me by subscribing to this channel and/or: • Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/16X0n7w7Vy9sRsdbeTgn1G • Instagram: i...
!NooT - Final Destination
มุมมอง 9582 หลายเดือนก่อน
Check Final Destination, the 3rd song from my last EP - Endless Road. Imagine a calm, peaceful settlement on a new planet, that suddenly is disturbed by a cosmic chase. Streaming: open.spotify.com/album/6VrSJVPbv0yqfn4cmDKFVx You can support me by subscribing to this channel and/or: • Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/16X0n7w7Vy9sRsdbeTgn1G • Instagram: n.o.o.t.music • Bandcamp: n...
!NooT - New Beginning
มุมมอง 2.6K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
Check New Beginning, the 1st song from my last EP - Endless Road. It's a dynamic synthwave song that opens the exploration of new world. Streaming: open.spotify.com/album/6VrSJVPbv0yqfn4cmDKFVx You can support me by subscribing to this channel and/or: • Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/16X0n7w7Vy9sRsdbeTgn1G • Instagram: n.o.o.t.music • Bandcamp: n00t.bandcamp.com/ 🔊 Check my cha...
!NooT - Chasing Universe [video]
มุมมอง 6762 หลายเดือนก่อน
Check the video for Chasing Universe, the 2nd song from my last EP - Endless Road. It's a synthwave journey through the atmospheric sounds, connected with clear leads and melodies. Streaming: open.spotify.com/album/6VrSJVPbv0yqfn4cmDKFVx You can support me by subscribing to this channel and/or: • Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/16X0n7w7Vy9sRsdbeTgn1G • Instagram: n.o.o.t.music •...
The intro reminds me a bit of the Burial song of Théoden by the Tolkien Ensemble
@@Matakshaman it's the first time I hear about this song, but will definitely check it!
Indeed it is a bit similar, wasn't my intention though. But there's another song that was my inspiration, coming from a movie from 90s ;)
nice TRACK i like it
Thank you!
Great Job ! 🥰
Awesome as always 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thank you so much 😍
Dobre to to!
Unfortunately I already picked other option, you wrote the proposition too late 😔 but I will consider it for next song title 👌
@@YamahaNajlepsza cześć, czy Witam to propozycja tytułu? 😅
@@n.o.o.t nie xD tagu
Mixed really well.
@@calcutlass thank you, I'm constantly learning and I'm also very happy about the result here :)
@@flibberdigibbet \m/
Love it!!
Thank you! ❤
Rzeczywiście kawałek w innym stylu niż dotychczasowe, ale bardzo przyjemny 😊
@@kamilbednarz1890 dziękuję. Kolejny będzie bardzo klimatyczny, już się tworzy ❤️
Kciuk w góre Nociku :]
Dzięki bardzo Cybulionie!
holy shit istg if this aint the newest tiktok sound im gay
@@flibberdigibbet haha I wish it could be 😅 thank you!
Jest klimacik 😊❤
Świetny kawałek, czekam na więcej 👏
@@kamilbednarz1890 dziękuję, już 16.11 kolejny singiel na kanale, zapraszam też do przesłuchania mojej EP która wyszła miesiąc temu 😁
Gratulacje! 💪
Great Job 🎉
Kciuk w góre! Oby tak dalej.
Underrated song ,amazing tune
@@xxshadowfoxunknownxx5834 thank you ❤️ it just got released today 🙂
Dobrze to siada!
Super! 😄
Fajna muzyka relaksująca. Pozdrawiam i życzę tworzenia dalszych nowych "kawałków"....🥳
Moje klimaty. Oby tak dalej. Zajefajne......
Bro this sooooo sick! I love it!
thank you very much bro!
Mirek wymiatasz :)
Trąci Bilińskim.
Jestem jego fanem, także bardzo mnie cieszy, że tak jest :)
Wlasnie trafilem Twoj post na wykopie. Staryyy to jest zajebiste! ❤ Nie zatrzymuj sie!❤ Pozdrawiam
@@MaZik91 dziękuję bardzo! Już pracuję nad kolejnym singlem także zapraszam do obserwowania 😁
@@n.o.o.t Bede na pewno. Sam zaczynam przygode z tworzeniem muzyki i bardzo mnie zainspirowales! Dzieki i czekam na wiecej!
@@MaZik91 wołaj kiedy uda się coś zrobić, mogę też Ci wysłać zaproszenie na fajny Discord, na którym jestem, gdzie pomagamy sobie mocno w tworzeniu muzyki :) W razie czego pisz PW na wykopie!
Bardzo porządnie wykonany kawałek. Bardzo spójny i klimatyczny. Śmiało rób więcej. Sub poleciał. Ps. Pozdrawiam z Wykopu ;)
@@czesctojapiotrek dzięki bardzo za miłe słowo i że udało się dowieźć w dobrej jakości, mega dużo czasu spędziłem nad miksem! ❤️
elegancko ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
grat job
amazing work
Great Work ! :)
ło panie kto ci tak klip spierdolil🤣 nie no zajebisty kawalek pozdrawiam
Cung moj chuj XD
Wohoooo!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Fajne przypomina mi czasy jak słuchałem Jean Michel Jarre
Bardzo fajny kawałek 👌
⚡️🎵⚡️. . . 🙏
✨🎹 ✨🇵🇱✨🎹✨ . . . 🙏
Hotline Miami :)
@@SOwho90 thank you! I'm glad my music is similar to it 😁
@@n.o.o.t Zajebista nutka :D
Dobrze to wchodzi!