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Biodiversity Data Science
United States
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 3 ส.ค. 2020
Data science for ecology, evolutionary biology, and everything inbetween.
Download and Explore NEON Data
This tutorial is designed to provide an overview of how to access and use NEON data in R.
มุมมอง: 747
For Loops in R
มุมมอง 12K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Following this tutorial you should be able to: practice basic syntax and usage of for loops use for loops to automate function operations understand how to decompose complex problems Data file moved to: github.com/datacarpentry/semester-biology/raw/main/data/locations.zip 0:00 Start 5:35 Loop using indexing 18:27 Looping over files 29:54 Apply function
Iteration Without Loops in R: The apply Family
มุมมอง 1.6K4 ปีที่แล้ว
We cover how to use and create vectorized functions use the apply family of functions for iteration integrate custom functions with dplyr for iteration 0:00 Start 2:10 Vectorize 8:41 apply 18:42 dplyr
Conditionals in R
มุมมอง 6054 ปีที่แล้ว
In this tutorial we discuss conditionals, trailing digits, and Hadley Wickhams' Style Guide including: basic relational operators if statement to evaluate conditionals if statements with functions
Functions in R
มุมมอง 9984 ปีที่แล้ว
This video demonstrates functions in R and how to: - use, modify, and write custom functions - use the output of one function as the input of another
Spatial Data in R
มุมมอง 21K4 ปีที่แล้ว
An overview of Rasters Raster math Plotting spatial images Shapefile import Integrate raster and vector data 0:00 Setup 5:00 Import Raster 8:17 Convert to dataframe 9:06 Map in ggplot 15:10 Vectors 27:00 Extract Raster Values 30:28 Map of Point Data 42:21 Make Your Own Vector Data
Data Visualization with ggplot2
มุมมอง 6164 ปีที่แล้ว
The fifth and final video in a series on using R and RStudio. 0:00 Setup & Installation 3:25 Basic ggplot Format 10:47 Boxplot 15:12 Time Series 19:26 Integrating Pipes 23:08 Faceting 32:12 Customization 41:22 Arranging Plots 47:12 Exporting Plots This series is based on the Data Carpentry R for Ecologists tutorial. Michonneau et al. (2020). “datacarpentry/R-ecology-lesson: Data Carpentry: Data...
GGPLOT2: Publication Quality Figures
มุมมอง 3.8K4 ปีที่แล้ว
The second of two videos on ggplot2, the popular plotting package in R. The video covers, file formats, resolution, dpi, and dimensions, color palettes, themes, saving and exporting, and combining multiple plots. Themes: ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/ggtheme.html Cheatsheets: rstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ggplot2-cheatsheet.pdf Cookbook for R: www.cookbook-r.com/Graphs/ 0:00 Setup 2:...
GGPLOT2: The Basics
มุมมอง 3654 ปีที่แล้ว
The first of two videos on the ggplot2 package, the popular plotting package in R. This video covers grouping by continuous and discrete factors, rescaling axes, statistical transformations, and changing values across layers. Different ggplot2 themes: ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/ggtheme.html 0:00 Setup 1:49 Download Data 8:30 Groupings 12:14 Rescaling 19:41 Statistical Transformations 23:06...
Working With Data using dplyr
มุมมอง 3024 ปีที่แล้ว
This tutorial covers basic and advanced dplyr functions including Working with Tabular Data (in dplyr) dplyr Aggregation Combining Data Manipulations dplyr Joins Advanced Filtering 0:00 Setup 6:32 Basic dplyr functions 12:40 Aggregation 24:22 Pipes 30:19 Multiple filter conditions
dplyr inner_join()
มุมมอง 3574 ปีที่แล้ว
In this quick video we cover single and multi-table joins using dplyr's inner_join() function.
Working with Data in R
มุมมอง 8134 ปีที่แล้ว
The fourth of a five-part series on using R and RStudio. This series is based on the Data Carpentry R for Ecologists tutorial. Michonneau et al. (2020). “datacarpentry/R-ecology-lesson: Data Carpentry: Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists, June 2019.” doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3264888, datacarpentry.org/R-ecology-lesson/01-intro-to-r.html 0:00 Start 1:10 Set up 6:16 Selecting Columns &...
Starting with Data in R
มุมมอง 3814 ปีที่แล้ว
The third of a five-part series on using R and RStudio. This series is based on the Data Carpentry R for Ecologists tutorial. Michonneau et al. (2020). “datacarpentry/R-ecology-lesson: Data Carpentry: Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists, June 2019.” doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3264888, datacarpentry.org/R-ecology-lesson/01-intro-to-r.html 0:00 Start 2:24 Download & Import Data 7:14 Insp...
Introduction to R
มุมมอง 3454 ปีที่แล้ว
The second of a five-part series on using R and RStudio. This series is based on the Data Carpentry R for Ecologists tutorial. Michonneau et al. (2020). “datacarpentry/R-ecology-lesson: Data Carpentry: Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists, June 2019.” doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3264888, datacarpentry.org/R-ecology-lesson/01-intro-to-r.html 0:00 Start 11:58 New Script 13:00 Commenting 22...
Getting Started in R & RStudio
มุมมอง 2534 ปีที่แล้ว
The first of a four-part series on using R and RStudio. This series is based on the Data Carpentry R for Ecologists tutorial. Michonneau et al. (2020). “datacarpentry/R-ecology-lesson: Data Carpentry: Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists, June 2019.” doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3264888, datacarpentry.org/R-ecology-lesson/. By the end of the series you will be able to: Describe the purpos...
Estimating Population Size Using NEON Small Mammal Data
มุมมอง 2174 ปีที่แล้ว
Estimating Population Size Using NEON Small Mammal Data
Data Management with NEON Small Mammals
มุมมอง 1454 ปีที่แล้ว
Data Management with NEON Small Mammals
BIOL 691: Data Science for Biologists - Canvas & Syllabus
มุมมอง 1084 ปีที่แล้ว
BIOL 691: Data Science for Biologists - Canvas & Syllabus
Where are the x, y coordinates relative to the raster cell? A corner or the center?
Thank you very much
I love it!
Excellent Presentation. I hope you can continue to provide training like this on an ongoing basis because it is very beneficial for us. Thank you again. My regards.
It was clear and usefull. Good job.
Helpful and enjoyable to listen to
This is awesome, informative. Finally someone explaining in details the scale_colour ()
great work .. thanks for your effort .. you should really increase the content of your channel .
Great video, thank you!
Please make more videos, I like your style. Very well done.
Very nice intro. It makes the case for aquiring new skills - like coding in R (or python) quite well. However, many will simply say: Why should I learn anything new? I am good with Excel, Word and Powerpoint. As far as I can tell the biological and medical sciences are lightyears ahead of the physical sciences in adopting these new powerful open source tools. It may also be that the those in the physical sciences are simply not as keen on sharing their data - especially when it was hard earned through field and lab work. The Data Science train left the station now years ago and those left behind may soon regret not having jumped on as their enrollments in classes dwindle.
Still watching this, it's hot mam ,how could I get you on any social media, gotta learn most from you. Cheers
Having watched most/all of your videos this far, I am more encouraged to jump deeper into Biodiversity Data Science. Would be great to see more videos specific to community ecology, species distribution modeling and species population dynamics. Great work this far! I recommend your channel 100% !
Quite important and relevant in a great wealth of Ecological investigations.
Always inspiring, good work to Biodiversity Data Science interface!
I fully support creation of R projects instead of setwd(), it makes everything perfectly organized 👍👍
Amazing piece of work!
You are doing the best for Ecologists! You really know how to sink the message home in easy-to understand manner! Thank you.
Excellent explanation. Very clear and clarified subject matter thoroughly
How to aggregate various spatial with different spatial resolutions ? my case is to resample and aggregate global forests cover data ,cloud ,evapotranspiration ,land surface temperature (reanalysis data).
Thank you !
Thank you for this video....How can we do suitability analysis using machine learning algorithm in R programming??
Thank you for your nice work
really good! I am not in biodiversity but in finance ... but the core concepts were explained really well. Thank you very much!
This video help me so much. Thank you very much for spending time to create this wonderful R tutorial. Very clear and easy to follow...GBU
Hi. This has helped a lot. However, I am having trouble with my output. I got the for loop to edit my data files, now what I want to do is save results in txt files on my PC. Presumably the results object would be a data frame with a link to the target folder? Any advice?
You can edit themes directly in patchwork by using (gg1+gg2)+theme_bw()
Patchwork made it to cran
great job with this lesson
The location data moved to: github.com/datacarpentry/semester-biology/raw/main/data/locations.zip
This was so helpful!! Thank you so much. Others are right: your voice is so nice and calming!
Thank you so much! Good lesson
Thank you so much! It is quite clear and useful.
Thank you! This video is fantastic. It is clean, calming, easy to absorb, and not distracting in anyway. Will be sharing with my lab group!
I know I am kinda randomly asking but does anyone know a good place to watch new movies online ?
@Chance David Lately I have been using FlixZone. Just google for it :)
@Chance David Try flixzone. You can find it by googling :)
hello, how to calculate number of different categories of attributes for various columns of a dataset?
Amazing presentation!
Great video, thanks for video
Excellent video by the way. :)
Hi. Can you direct me to a working taxonomic resolver API/service? GBIF's and GNR does not work. I am trying to reconcile my bird data set with 9000+ rows.
Thanks a lot!
Very useful! Thanks!
I jogged my mind and estimated bare land area and classified vegetation lifeforms based on quantiles of canopy heights, see rpubs.com/Wyclife/NEON_DSM_DTM and .Rmd at github.com/Wycology/spatialanalysisR/blob/main/NEON_Harvard_Trees.Rmd
Super inspiration from humble beginning Dr. Catherine Hulshof. Am touched: "... we all knew that in order to improve our situation we had to be good at something ..." I share in your story at length.
Thanks so much for this. Quite interesting and important.
Thank you!!! very muchh
Super cool presentation. A very clear and gentle voice. Could you share the raster files? I would love to practice with them.
Thanks. The raster files can be downloaded here and saved to your data directory: catherinehulshof.github.io/Fall2020-biology/data/NEON-airborne.zip
@@biodiversitydatascience Thank you so much. I managed to download the data and am progressing with the practice.