That is the hymn to the apostle Saint James the major (Himno al Apóstol Santiago). You can google it but it goes roughly as: Victorious Saint, patron of the Spains, friend of the Lord: defend you darling disciples, protect your nation. The victorious weapons of Christendom we came to guard in your holy and lit fire of your altar. The Spains often mean the modern country or all the kingdoms and nations the settled in the former roman province of Spain (Iberian Peninsula). All but Portugal eventually became part of Spain. Adalid (here translated as victorious) comes from arabic Al-Dalīd meaning a military guide and was a commander of great success and a officer in the Castillian army during the Reconquista. Castille, one of the kingdoms tha formed Spain an became dominant in it
O botafumeiro é o incensario de gran tamaño que se atopa na catedral de Santiago de Compostela. Por extensión, en Galiza é frecuente chamarlle botafumeiro a calquera incensario. É o maior incensario do mundo, feito de latón bañado en prata, que pesa 62 kg baleiro e mide 1,50 m de altura e 59 cm de diámetro na parte máis ancha. Orixinalmente pesaba 60 kg, pero en 2006 engadíuselle un baño de prata que fixo aumentar a súa masa ata os 62 kg actuais. A corda que o suspende, atada do ciborio da catedral, é, desde o 2007, dun material sintético, mide 65 metros, ten 5 cm de diámetro e pesa 90 kg. Anteriormente as cordas facíanse de cánabo ou de esparto.
Amen thank you 🙏
Happy Birthdaii Saint James❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉💓💓🩷🩷🩵💙💕🕊🦅🦅🤍🤍⚘️⚘️⚘️🩵🩵🩷💋💋👏👏🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
May the lord bless us
Hello Dios OS Abla hoy a todos vosotros
Saudade de quando estive lá.
Could someone please tell me what is the chant that is being sung?
That is the hymn to the apostle Saint James the major (Himno al Apóstol Santiago). You can google it but it goes roughly as: Victorious Saint, patron of the Spains, friend of the Lord: defend you darling disciples, protect your nation. The victorious weapons of Christendom we came to guard in your holy and lit fire of your altar. The Spains often mean the modern country or all the kingdoms and nations the settled in the former roman province of Spain (Iberian Peninsula). All but Portugal eventually became part of Spain. Adalid (here translated as victorious) comes from arabic Al-Dalīd meaning a military guide and was a commander of great success and a officer in the Castillian army during the Reconquista. Castille, one of the kingdoms tha formed Spain an became dominant in it
Thank you so much
Ho assistito di presenza nel 2008. Emozionante sembrava che dovesse cadere sopra le nostre teste.
Somebody didn't light the charcoal properly or didn't put enough incense in the thurible
O botafumeiro é o incensario de gran tamaño que se atopa na catedral de Santiago de Compostela. Por extensión, en Galiza é frecuente chamarlle botafumeiro a calquera incensario. É o maior incensario do mundo, feito de latón bañado en prata, que pesa 62 kg baleiro e mide 1,50 m de altura e 59 cm de diámetro na parte máis ancha. Orixinalmente pesaba 60 kg, pero en 2006 engadíuselle un baño de prata que fixo aumentar a súa masa ata os 62 kg actuais. A corda que o suspende, atada do ciborio da catedral, é, desde o 2007, dun material sintético, mide 65 metros, ten 5 cm de diámetro e pesa 90 kg. Anteriormente as cordas facíanse de cánabo ou de esparto.
Tradizioni che non dovrebbero finire mai. Questa non è sola cattolica e folkloristica ma, è significativa.
Essere d'accordo
Just a question, what kind of incense do you guys use in that thurible??
In most cases a blend of Frankincense, Myrrh, or Damascus Rose resins are used. I can't speak for this Cathedral, but those are the most common.