- 38
- 85 531
콤드 coMde
South Korea
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 8 ต.ค. 2012
coMde 콤드 채널은 국내 최초 1/6 스케일(12인치) 밀리터리 피규어를 소개 하고 커스텀 하는 방법 및 팁들을 공유하는 채널입니다.
PMC Private Military Company Instructor by Soldier Story Military figure 1/6 Scale review [Unboxing]
#sixthscale #militaryfigure #actionfigures
Korea's first 1/6 Sixth Scale (12 inch) military figures custom channel
I'm uploading a video after a long time.
This video is PMC, the early product of Soldier Story.
The figure head is the Jeff Bridges head from the movie Iron Man 1, and it was a popular product in collaboration with T.A.D Gear.
While watching the video, you can feel the memories of purchasing in the past, and even those who know it for the first time can enjoy the military figure.
I hope you feel the attraction.
Have fun watching it,
I would appreciate it if you give me "power" by "subscription" and "like" and "notification". : D
Always have a pleasant "Milfi" life.
Instagram comde.figures
email kbrang7979@gmail.com
Korea's first 1/6 Sixth Scale (12 inch) military figures custom channel
I'm uploading a video after a long time.
This video is PMC, the early product of Soldier Story.
The figure head is the Jeff Bridges head from the movie Iron Man 1, and it was a popular product in collaboration with T.A.D Gear.
While watching the video, you can feel the memories of purchasing in the past, and even those who know it for the first time can enjoy the military figure.
I hope you feel the attraction.
Have fun watching it,
I would appreciate it if you give me "power" by "subscription" and "like" and "notification". : D
Always have a pleasant "Milfi" life.
Instagram comde.figures
email kbrang7979@gmail.com
มุมมอง: 2 048
Flagset Call of Duty"Captain Price" Manual AR-15 Rifle Setting Military figures 1/6 Scale [Manual]
มุมมอง 8213 ปีที่แล้ว
#sixthscale#militaryfigures#figures#customfigures#comde 안녕하세요. 국내 최초 1/6 Sixth Scale (12인치) 밀리터리 피규어 커스텀 채널의 coMde 콤드 입니다. 이번 영상은 밀리터리 피규어 메뉴얼 여섯번째 시간으로 “Flagset”의 “Modern Battlefield 2020 END WAR Death Squad-"A" Price 제품의 "라이플" AR-15 셋팅법을 각 장비의 제조회사와 실제 이름을 덧붙여서 제작하였습니다. 배그나 콜옵 레식처럼 밀리터리 FPS 게임 좋아하신다면 익숙하실 장비들로 꾸민 영상이니 부담없이 쉬어가는 느낌으로 편하게 감상하셨으면 좋겠습니다. 무엇보다 부디 초보분들에게 도움 되었으면 하고요, 재미있게 봐 주셨으면 합니...
Flagset Call of Duty"Captain Price"Manual Plate Carrier Setting Military figure 1/6 Scale [Manual]
มุมมอง 7073 ปีที่แล้ว
#sixthscale#militaryfigures#figures#customfigures#comde 안녕하세요. 국내 최초 1/6 Sixth Scale (12인치) 밀리터리 피규어 커스텀 채널의 coMde 콤드 입니다. 이번 영상은 밀리터리 피규어 메뉴얼 다섯섯번째 시간으로 “Flagset”의 “Modern Battlefield 2020 END WAR Death Squad-"A" Price 입니다. 이 제품의 "방탄조끼"420 Plate Carrier 셋팅법을 각 장비의 제조회사와 실제 이름을 덧붙여서 세팅하였습니다. 언제나 몰리(Molle)결속은 풀어야 할 숙제 인거 같습니다. 항상 쉽게 올리려고 노력하지만 잘 전달이 되는지 모르겠습니다. 아무쪼록 도움 되었으면 하고요 조금씩 더 이해하기쉽게 영상 만...
Call of Duty Modern Warfare Warzone "Captain Price" by Flagset Military figures 1/6 Scale [Unboxing]
มุมมอง 7K3 ปีที่แล้ว
#sixthscale#militaryfigures#figures#customfigures#comde Hello. Korea's first 1/6 Sixth Scale (12 inch) military figures custom channel "coMde" This is the second package product unboxing. The product is "Modern Battlefield 2020 END WAR Death Squad-"A" Price from "Flagset". Anyone can see that this is the Captain Price of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Anyway, it's a famous game character, so ple...
Call of duty Modern Warfare Warzone “D Day”Military Figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Custom]
มุมมอง 1.7K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Hello. Korea's first 1/6 Sixth Scale (12 inch) military figures custom channel "coMde" This time, I customized "Call of Duty Modern Warfare" and "D'Day" as "World's First"... :) As my personal favorite character, I took care to look as similar as possible. In this video, there is a part to customize the head, but there is also an easy way to express a tattoo I hope this helps a lot. Have fun wa...
Damtoys DEA SRT "Manual"Plate Carrier Setting PICO APC Military figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Manual]
มุมมอง 8784 ปีที่แล้ว
#sixthscale#militaryfigures#figures#customfigures#comde 안녕하세요. 국내 최초 1/6 Sixth Scale (12인치) 밀리터리 피규어 커스텀 채널의 coMde 콤드 입니다. 이번 영상은 밀리터리 피규어 메뉴얼 네번째 시간으로 “댐토이즈”에 “DEA SRT(Special Response Team) Agent El Paso” 제품의 "방탄조끼"PICO APC(Assulters Plate Carrier) 셋팅법을 각 장비의 제조회사와 실제 이름을 덧붙여서 세팅하였습니다. 플레이트 케리어 세팅 영상을 몇번 올렸지만 어떻해 영상을 만들어야 이해가 빠를까 항상 고민하게 됩니다. 아무쪼록 도움 되었으면 하고요 조금씩 더 이해하기쉽게 영상 만들도록 하겠습니다. 그리고 저...
Damtoys DEA SRT "Manual"FAST Helmet Setting Military figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Manual]
มุมมอง 7104 ปีที่แล้ว
#sixthscale#militaryfigures#figures#customfigures#comde 안녕하세요. 국내 최초 1/6 Sixth Scale (12인치) 밀리터리 피규어 커스텀 채널의 coMde 콤드 입니다. 이번 영상은 밀리터리 피규어 메뉴얼 세번째 시간으로 “댐토이즈”에 “DEA SRT(Special Response Team) Agent El Paso” 제품의 "방탄헬멧"(FAST Helmet) 셋팅법을 각 장비의 제조회사와 실제 이름을 덧붙여서 제작하였습니다. 헬멧에도 여러가지 주변장비들이 많은데 실제로 어디에 사용하는지 모르시는분들이 많으실 겁니다. 이번영상으로 장비들에 대해서 조금이라도 알게되는 계기가 되면 좋겠습니다. 그럼 쉬어가는 느낌으로 편하게 감상하셨으면 좋겠습니다. 무엇보다...
Damtoys DEA SRT Manual "M4 Carbine" Rifle Setting Military figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Manual]
มุมมอง 1K4 ปีที่แล้ว
#sixthscale#militaryfigures#figures#customfigures#comde 안녕하세요. 국내 최초 1/6 Sixth Scale (12인치) 밀리터리 피규어 커스텀 채널의 coMde 콤드 입니다. 이번 영상은 밀리터리 피규어 메뉴얼 그 두번째 시간으로 “댐토이즈”에 “DEA SRT(Special Response Team) Agent El Paso” 제품의 "라이플" M4 Carbine 셋팅법을 각 장비의 제조회사와 실제 이름을 덧붙여서 제작하였습니다. 배그나 콜옵 레식처럼 밀리터리 FPS 게임 좀 하신다면 익숙하실 장비들로 꾸미는 영상이니 부담없이 쉬어가는 느낌으로 편하게 감상하셨으면 좋겠습니다. 무엇보다 부디 초보분들에게 도움 되었으면하고요, 재미있게 봐 주셨으면 합니다. 그리...
Damtoys DEA SRT Manual "Warbelt" Setting Military figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Manual]
มุมมอง 5914 ปีที่แล้ว
#sixthscale#militaryfigures#figures#customfigures#comde 안녕하세요. 국내 최초 1/6 Sixth Scale (12인치) 밀리터리 피규어 커스텀 채널의 coMde 콤드 입니다. 이번 영상은 밀리터리 피규어를 처음 접하셨을때 느끼는 "이거 어떻해 다는거지?"라고 당황하셨던 분들 계실겁니다. 밀리터리 피규어를 구입하면 정말 신기하게도 어느회사 하나 "사용설명서", "메뉴얼"이 친절하게 들어 있는 제품은 없더라고요. 그래서 이번에 "언박싱"을 하면서 영상으로 "사용설명서", "메뉴얼"을 만들어보면 밀리터리 피규어 처음 접하시는분들한테 도움이 되지 않을까 하는 생각으로 제작 하게되었습니다. 그 첫번째 시간으로 “댐토이즈”에 “DEA SRT(Special Respons...
DEA SRT(Special Response Team) Agent El Paso by Damtoys Military figures 1/6 Scale [Unboxing]
มุมมอง 4.5K4 ปีที่แล้ว
#sixthscale#militaryfigure#customfigures#comde Hello. Korea's first 1/6 Sixth Scale (12 inch) military figures custom channel "coMde" In this video, I opened a channel and “unboxing” the packaged product for the first time. The product is “DEA SRT (Special Response Team) Agent El Paso” in “Damtoys”. Recreated the drug crackdown quick response team, and the head is the “Grinder” head played by "...
"Ops-Core Ballistic Fast Helmet"Setup sixth scale 1/6 Military Figures [Tutorial]
มุมมอง 8254 ปีที่แล้ว
안녕하세요. 국내 최초 1/6 Sixth Scale (12인치) 밀리터리 피규어 커스텀 채널의 coMde 콤드 입니다. 지금까지 영상들이 길어서 "팁"(Tip)들이 있었는지도 모르셨을 분들에게 좀 더 쉽게 밀리터리 피규어를 접할 수 있는 기회가 되었으면 해서 만들게된 영상입니다. 이번 튜토리얼은 “메달 오브 아너 워파이터”(Medal of Honor Warfighter”의 “부두”(VooDoo)셋팅때 했던 “옵스코어 패스트 헬멧”(Ops Core FAST Ballistic Helmet)셋팅하는 부분을 자세히 제작한 영상입니다. 재미있게 봐주시고, 저에게 "구독"과 "좋아요" "알림" 으로 "힘" 한번씩 주시면 감사하겠습니다. :D 그럼 항상 즐거운 "밀피"생활 하세요. 이번에도 시간에 쫓겨서 출,퇴근시...
How to attach "Tourniquet" #1 LV-MBAV Military figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Tutorial]
มุมมอง 4034 ปีที่แล้ว
#sixthscale#militaryfigures#customfigures#comde 안녕하세요. 국내 최초 1/6 Sixth Scale (12인치) 밀리터리 피규어 커스텀 채널의 coMde 콤드 입니다. 이 영상은 기존에 밀리터리 피규어를 커스텀 하면서 보여 드렸었던 여러가지 커스텀 "팁"(Tip)들을 한번에 보실 수 있게 정리한 영상입니다. 이번 "팁"(Tip)은 밀리터리 피규어 초보자분들이 난감해하시는 부분중 하나인 "Tourniquet"(지혈대)를 바디아머에 달아주는 방법입니다. 이번영상을 시작으로 여러장비에 지혈대를 달아주는 영상을 올릴 예정이니 초보자분들에게 많은 도움이 되었으면 합니다. 재미있게 봐주시고요, 저에게 "구독"과 "좋아요" "알림" 으로 "힘" 한번씩 주시면 감사하겠습니다. :...
How to attach"Tourniquet"#1 LV-MBAV Military figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Tutorial]
มุมมอง 4104 ปีที่แล้ว
#sixthscale#militaryfigures#customfigures#comde Hi. Korea's first 1/6 Sixth Scale (12 inch) military figure custom channel This is a coMde 콤드. This video shows various custom "tips" that were shown while customizing military figures. This is a video that you can see at once. This "Tip" is a way to attach "Tourniquet" (Tourniquet), one of the parts that beginners of military figures are in troub...
How to attach "MOLLE"pouch #1 LV-MBAV Military figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Tutorial]
มุมมอง 5274 ปีที่แล้ว
#sixthscale#militaryfigures#customfigures#comde 안녕하세요. 국내 최초 1/6 Sixth Scale (12인치) 밀리터리 피규어 커스텀 채널의 coMde 콤드 입니다. 이 영상은 기존에 밀리터리 피규어를 커스텀 하면서 보여 드렸었던 여러가지 커스텀 "팁"(Tip)들을 한번에 보실 수 있게 정리한 영상입니다. 이번 "팁"(Tip)은 밀리터리 피규어 초보자분들이 제일 처음 접하게 되는 난관 바로 바디아머에 장비들을 달아주는 건데요."MOLLE"(몰리)라는 부분을 잘 모른다면 누구든지 난감 하실겁니다. 그래서 이번에 간단한 파우치 두개를 달아주는 걸로 방법을 알려 드리려고 합니다. 초보자분들에게 많은 도움이 되었으면 합니다. 재미있게 봐주시고요, 저에게 "구독"과 "좋아...
How to attach "MOLLE"pouch #1 LV-MBAV Military figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Tutorial]
มุมมอง 8384 ปีที่แล้ว
#sixthscale#militaryfigure#customfigures#comde Hi. Korea's first 1/6 Sixth Scale (12 inch) military figure custom channel This is a coMde 콤드. This video shows various custom "tips" that were shown while customizing military figures. This is a video that you can see at once. This "Tip" is the first challenge for beginners of military figures and attaches equipment to the body armor. Anyone who i...
How to tie a "Shemagh"#1 Military figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Tutorial]
มุมมอง 9894 ปีที่แล้ว
How to tie a "Shemagh"#1 Military figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Tutorial]
FAST Ballistic Helmet Two-tone Color Upgrade 1/6 military figures sixth scale [Tutorial]
มุมมอง 6434 ปีที่แล้ว
FAST Ballistic Helmet Two-tone Color Upgrade 1/6 military figures sixth scale [Tutorial]
Call of Duty Warzone "Ghost" Head Sculpting #2 Military Figure SixthScale 1/6 [Tutorial]
มุมมอง 1.2K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Call of Duty Warzone "Ghost" Head Sculpting #2 Military Figure SixthScale 1/6 [Tutorial]
Call of Duty Warzone "Ghost" Head Sculpting #2 Military Figures SixthScale 1/6 [Tutorial]
มุมมอง 4.9K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Call of Duty Warzone "Ghost" Head Sculpting #2 Military Figures SixthScale 1/6 [Tutorial]
Call of Duty Warzone"Ghost" Head Sculpting #1 military figures SixthScale 1/6 [Tutorial]
มุมมอง 6K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Call of Duty Warzone"Ghost" Head Sculpting #1 military figures SixthScale 1/6 [Tutorial]
Call of Duty Warzone"Ghost" Head Sculpting #1 Sixth Scale 1/6 Military Figure [Tutorial]
มุมมอง 7904 ปีที่แล้ว
Call of Duty Warzone"Ghost" Head Sculpting #1 Sixth Scale 1/6 Military Figure [Tutorial]
Call of Duty Modern Warfare "Ghost" Military Figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Custom]
มุมมอง 9K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Call of Duty Modern Warfare "Ghost" Military Figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Custom]
Call of Duty Modern Warfare "Ghost" Military Figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Custom]
มุมมอง 3.6K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Call of Duty Modern Warfare "Ghost" Military Figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [Custom]
Medal of Honor Warfighter"Voodoo" Military Figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [custom]
มุมมอง 8K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Medal of Honor Warfighter"Voodoo" Military Figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [custom]
Medal of Honor Warfighter"Voodoo" Military Figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [custom]
มุมมอง 6K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Medal of Honor Warfighter"Voodoo" Military Figures Sixth Scale 1/6 [custom]
"Medal of Honor Warfighter" Voodoo Head Rooted Beard Military Figure Custom SixthScale 1/6[Tutorial]
มุมมอง 2.3K4 ปีที่แล้ว
"Medal of Honor Warfighter" Voodoo Head Rooted Beard Military Figure Custom SixthScale 1/6[Tutorial]
Military Figure Custom 1/6"Medal of Honor Warfighter" "Voodoo" Head Rooted Beard [Tutorial]
มุมมอง 5234 ปีที่แล้ว
Military Figure Custom 1/6"Medal of Honor Warfighter" "Voodoo" Head Rooted Beard [Tutorial]
Buy and Sell Used Figures Parts #2 Sixth Scale 1/6 military figures [Unboxing]
มุมมอง 1.5K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Buy and Sell Used Figures Parts #2 Sixth Scale 1/6 military figures [Unboxing]
Buy and Sell Used Figure Parts #2 Military Figure Custom Sixth Scale 1/6 military figures [Unboxing]
มุมมอง 1.3K4 ปีที่แล้ว
Buy and Sell Used Figure Parts #2 Military Figure Custom Sixth Scale 1/6 military figures [Unboxing]
MARSOC: MARINE RAIDERS_#2 Military Figures Custom Sixth Scale 1/6 [custom]
มุมมอง 2.7K4 ปีที่แล้ว
MARSOC: MARINE RAIDERS_#2 Military Figures Custom Sixth Scale 1/6 [custom]