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Tommy Yoneda
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 24 มี.ค. 2011
I create songs from the 1960s to the 1980s with my own arrangements.
I create songs from the 1960s to the 1980s with my own arrangements.
Happy Xmas (War is Over) (Cover)
今年もまたクリスマスソングを作ってみました。今回はJohn LennonとYoko Onoの「Happy Christmas(War is over)」です。名曲ですね。クリスマスシーズンにはあちらこちらで演奏される曲で、たくさんの人がカバーしています。なので私も私なりのアレンジで作ってみました。
This year, I made a Christmas song again. This time, it's "Happy Christmas (War is over)" by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. It's a great song. It's a song that's played here and there during the Christmas season, and many people cover it. So I made my own arrangement of it.
This year, I made a Christmas song again. This time, it's "Happy Christmas (War is over)" by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. It's a great song. It's a song that's played here and there during the Christmas season, and many people cover it. So I made my own arrangement of it.
มุมมอง: 168
Old Time Rock & Roll (Cover)
มุมมอง 160วันที่ผ่านมา
今週は1979年にリリースされたボブ・シーガーの「Old Time Rock & Roll」をカバーしてみました。昔からこのようなサウンドが好きで何度も聴いていた曲。今回は私なりのピアノアレンジを施してみました。賛否両論あると思いますが、私はいたく気に入っております。 This week I tried to cover Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock & Roll" released in 1979. I've always loved this kind of sound and have listened to this song many times. This time I tried to arrange it on piano in my own way. I'm sure there will be mixed opinions about it...
僕にまかせてください (Cover) クラフト[Craft]
มุมมอง 21014 วันที่ผ่านมา
今週は1975年に「クラフト」がリリースした「僕にまかせてください」をカバーしてみました。作詞・曲はさだまさしです。でも私はこのクラフト版が好きですねぇ。まだ結婚する前に妻とよく聴いていた曲で、とても懐かしい思い出がいっぱいです。 This week I tried covering "Bokuni Makasete Kudasai(Leave it to me)" released by Craft in 1975. The lyrics and music are by Masashi Sada. But I like this Craft version. It's a song that I used to listen to a lot with my wife before we got married, and it brings back a lot of fond ...
Without You (Cover)
มุมมอง 3421 วันที่ผ่านมา
今回カバーしたのは「Without You」という曲です。先日カミさんがテレビでこの曲を聴いて、私にやって欲しいという。それで、たぶん多くの人はNilsonの曲で知っていると思います。でもこれ、オリジナルはバッド・フィンガーが1970年に発表した曲。シングルカットされていなかったので、あまり知られてはおりませんね。その翌年にハリー・ニルソンがバラード調にアレンジしてヒットさせました。私はバッド・フィンガーのロックテイストの方が好きですけどね。そのふたつのいいとこどりをしてアレンジをしてみました。いかがでしょう? The song I covered this time is "Without You." My wife heard this song on TV the other day and asked me to do it. I think many people know...
Across the Universe (Cover)
มุมมอง 46หลายเดือนก่อน
ビートルズソングのカバーをまたひとつ作ってみました。1969年リリースの「アクロス・ザ・ユニバース」です。実はこれはいろいろなバージョンが存在します。その中から私なりに組み合わせて作ってみました。ところどころ私なりのアレンジを加えて、幻想的に仕上げてみたつもりです。いかがでしょうか? I made another cover of a The Beatles song. It's "Across the Universe" released in 1969. Actually, there are many versions of this song. I tried to combine them in my own way. I added my own arrangements here and there to create a fantastical finish. Wha...
She sold me magic (Cover)
มุมมอง 24หลายเดือนก่อน
1970年にリリースされたルー・クリスティの「She Sold Me Magic(邦題は「魔法」)をカバーしてみました。私が洋楽を聴き始めた中学1年のころにヒットした曲です。この独特の裏声をよく真似して歌っていました。あれから50年をすぎて、もうあのような高い声(ファルセットも)が出なくなってしまいました。なのでオリジナルとは少し違うものにはなってしまいました。 I tried to cover Lou Christie's "She Sold Me Magic" released in 1970. This song was a hit when I was in the first year of junior high school and started listening to Western music. I used to sing it by imitating th...
Hard to say I'm sorry (Cover)
มุมมอง 214หลายเดือนก่อน
1982年にリリースされた、シカゴの「Hard to say I'm sorry」(邦題は「素直になれなくて」)をカバーしてみました。私はピーター・セテラはあまり好きではないのですが、楽譜に入っていたので作ってみました。ですが、はやりピーター・セテラの声は高すぎて私にはでません。またオリジナル曲はすごく長いのですが、今回はショートバージョンで作ってみました。 I tried to cover "Hard to say I'm sorry" by Chicago, released in 1982. I don't like Peter Cetera that much, but I made this because it was in the sheet music. However, Peter Cetera's voice is too high for me to sing....
I think I love you (Cover)
มุมมอง 98หลายเดือนก่อน
パートリッジファミリーの曲第11弾が完成しました。タイトルは「I think I love you」で、彼らのデビュー曲であります。邦題は「悲しき初恋」で、これはあまり好きな曲ではありませんでしたが、先日とあるレストランで食事をしていたら、BGMでこの曲が流れました。懐かしくてついつい口ずさんでしまいました。で、この曲ってすごくシンプルだからすぐできるかなと思いアレンジを始めました。しかし作曲はTony Romeoなので、シンプルなようでいてとても面白いメロディラインでした。 I've finished my 11th cover of the Partridge Family. The title is "I think I love you" and it was their debut song. I didn't really like this song, but the ...
Never Marry a Railroad Man (Cover)
มุมมอง 512 หลายเดือนก่อน
ショッキング・ブルーのNever Marry A Railroad Man(邦題は悲しき鉄道員)をカバーしてみました。これがリリースされたのは1970年で、当時は日本版のみ回転を速めてオリジナルとは全然違うもので発売されていました。テンポアップしたから売れたのかもしれませんが、オリジナルを変えてしまうというのはどうなんでしょうね。もちろん私はオリジナルの方がいいと思っているし、今回もオリジナルテンポで作ってみました。 I tried to cover Shocking Blue's Never Marry A Railroad Man. This was released in 1970, and the Japanese version was released at a faster tempo, completely different from the original. M...
赤いハイヒール (Cover) 太田裕美
มุมมอง 522 หลายเดือนก่อน
女性ヴォーカルシリーズ、その第19弾は1976年にリリースされた太田裕美の「赤いハイヒール」です。ピアノの楽譜しかなかったので、ほかは全部私のアレンジにしました。太田裕美は大好きな歌手で、どの歌をカバーしようか悩んだ末この曲にしました。 This is "Akai High Heels" by Hiromi Ota, released in 1976. I only had the piano sheet music, so I arranged everything else myself. Hiromi Ota is one of my favorite singers, and after thinking about which song to cover, I decided on this one.
Everybody's got something to hide except me and my monkey (Cover)
มุมมอง 392 หลายเดือนก่อน
今回もまたビートルズをカバーしてみました。White Albumから「Everybody's got something to hide except me and my monkey」という曲。もう大好きな曲です。しかしこの歳になるともうあのジョンのような声がでないので、かなりおとなしい曲になってしまいました。ちょっと悲しいです。 This time I tried to cover the Beatles again. It's a song from the White Album called "Everybody's got something to hide except me and my monkey." It's a song I love. However, at my age, I can't sing like John anymore.
Proud Mary (Cover)
มุมมอง 362 หลายเดือนก่อน
Creedence Clearwater Revivalの「Proud Mary」をカバーしました。この曲はバンド時代に何度も何度も演奏してました。単純ですがとてもノリのいい曲です。ただ残念なのはかつてのような声がもう出ないので、ジョン・フォガティのあのワイルドな感じが出せない。一応ヴォーカルは3つ、コーラスを2つ重ねてますが・・・・ I covered "Proud Mary" by Creedence Clearwater Revival. I played this song many times when I was in a band. It's a simple but catchy song. Unfortunately, I can't sing as well as I used to, so I can't express the wildness of John...
มุมมอง 122 หลายเดือนก่อน
My original song No.92 「絵里沙誕生」です。 私の娘が生まれたときに作った曲です。もう生まれそうだという日の夜、妻は医院のベッドに横になっており、私は妻の実家に泊まり込んでそのときを待っていました。朝方、5時ごろ階下から電話の音が鳴り響き、義母が電話を受けていたのが印象に残っています。そのときのことをその日のうちに詞にして、数日かけて曲を作り上げました。今回はその曲にもっと違うアレンジをほどこしてみました。そのときの感動が伝わるでしょうか? This is a song I wrote when my daughter was born. On the night that the baby was about to be born, my wife was lying in bed at the hospital, and I was staying at h...
Silly Love Songs (Cover)
มุมมอง 553 หลายเดือนก่อน
ポールマッカートニー(Wings)のSilly Love Songsをカバーしてみました。実はこれ、一度あまりに複雑な構成のため挫折していた曲です。1年たってまた作ってみようと一念発起し完成させました。本当に難しい曲でした。あまりいいできではないと思いますが、ぜひ聴いてください。 I tried to cover Silly Love Songs by Paul McCartney (Wings). Actually, I gave up on this song once because it was too complicated. After a year, I decided to try again and completed it. It was a really difficult song. I don't think it's very good, but plea...
ワイングラス (Wine Glass)
มุมมอง 403 หลายเดือนก่อน
My original song No.110 「ワイングラス」 また今回も自作のリメイクです。 1982年にふたつの曲を作りました。しかしどちらも中途半端な曲で、そのまま手付かずの状態。それを2000年になってあらためてその二つを合体させてこの曲が完成しました。ですから歌詞は2000年になってから作ったものです。酒の飲めない私が適当に作ったものですから、矛盾点がいくつか露呈しました(2024年に(笑)) まぁよかったら聞いてください。私自身は大好きな曲です。 My original song No.110 "Wineglass" I wrote two songs in 1982. However, both were half-finished songs and left untouched. In 2000, I combined the two again to compl...
With a little help from my friends (Cover)
มุมมอง 63 หลายเดือนก่อน
With a little help from my friends (Cover)
Wow this is a lovely song, great cover, Tommy! I'm always very interested in discovering Japanese music, but not speaking the language makes finding some of the older music a bit more difficult. So I appreciate finding some recommendations from your covers. I hope you're having a lovely end of year!
Thank you. Oh, what should I call you? Thank you for always listening. I understand that you are interested in Japanese songs, but would it be better if you put English translations on the screen? Also, I have a Facebook page, so if you check it out, you'll learn more about Japan.
@@TheGloriousKnight My given name is just 'Caleb', but please refer to me however even if it is just "The Australian man that listens to my music". When I can find covers like yours that let my copy and paste or have the english translations available it makes it much easier to find, it is why I appreciate them. It can be difficult sorting through a lot of titles and bands in Japanese but it's very worth it for the music!
ほう みー 🎵
@TheGloriousKnight 耳が悪い😭
ビートルズ シャウトでハモリ 春日和
@TheGloriousKnight 三段切れです
Hey Tommy! I actually love this song, it was featured in a television show I watched during quite a romantic segment, and it was stuck in my head for weeks after the fact. I still haven't listened to any other songs by the Partridge Family however, I should maybe explore that avenue. I'm glad that even if you didn't really enjoy the song you could enjoy making a cover. Thanks from Australia!
Thank you for listening. I really liked their songs, more than the TV show, The Partridge Family. So I've covered more than 10 songs. If you like, please listen to my past performances. Thank you so much for listening.
Nama saya
Adakah nama yang sama bermaksud nama yang sama dengan saya? Adakah ia sama dengan tajuk lagu?
Jiieiieieieueiejidehdiheiddhdidjijjfidjdihd separatedisiji
ビートルズの、曲の中でも結構マイナーな😰楽曲ですよね🤔 でも偶に頭の片隅で、この曲ながれている事があるんですよ🤭 Run For Your Life(浮気娘)もカバーしてください😊 ありがとうございました😉
聴いていただきありがとうございます。 Run for your Lifeは考えておきます。
@@TheGloriousKnight ☺😉😊😁
Listening to your Blackbird cover made me wonder if you did when I'm 64 or not. This is another one of my dads absolute favourites. He turned 64 almost 10 years ago now, and he put it on repeat constantly that day. Thanks again for your passion and covers, Tommy!
Thank you for your comment. I also turned 64 a few years ago. But I didn't feel anything like the lyrics of this song. I think it's best to look at it as a story. Thank you for listening again.
You've been quiet lately. I wonder if you're doing well and keeping busy?
@@TheGloriousKnight Hi Tommy, I have been doing well! I have been busier than usual lately, and when i've listened to your covers i haven't felt like I had much to add, I thank you for thinking of me. I hope you're doing well and still enjoying what you're doing here. Thank you again, Tommy :)
I understand. Please come and listen again.
Blackbird is one of my Dad's favourite songs from the Beatles, so I always remember hearing it when I was very young. Such a beautiful song.
Thank you for listening, it's very encouraging.
素敵です。 原曲への深い愛とリスペクトを感じます❤
Hi Tommy, hello again from Australia! Sorry I haven't commented much lately, but I've still been enjoying the covers! I notice in your description you say you haven't got the voice you used to have. Do you have any videos of you singing when you were younger? I'd be interested to hear that. Hope you have a lovely day, Caleb.
Thank you for listening again. I have a lot of old live videos at the end of my TH-cam channel. I'd like to show you one of them. Sunao Ashihara & The Shelter Skelter performed live at "Soul K" in front of Hino Station on March 22nd, 2008. This is the Beatles version of "Roll over Beethoven," which was the fifth song we played. Guitar: Sunao Ashihara Guitar: Ryuichi Ikenoue Bass: Yoshiyuki Suzuki Drums: Kazuhiro Sato Keyboard & Lead Vocal: Tommy Yoneda th-cam.com/video/wVUo5UHmWmc/w-d-xo.html
👏👏👏😊 素敵な声をありがとうございます😊 よい月曜日を迎えることができそうです👍
Beautiful!!! Regards from Spain 😃
Excelente hermosa música muy bien cantado
Gracias por escuchar.
Hello, Tommy! Another good cover! I actually had not previously heard this song from John Lennon, so thank you for introducing me to another song to enjoy. I've been practising my singing slowly but surely, I still don't know if I'll upload as you do, but it's been enjoyable to find my voice again. I hope you're having a pleasant week. Take care from Australia!
Thank you for listening. Sorry for all the minor songs. Many people cover famous songs, so it's easy to end up choosing lesser songs. But I'm glad that you liked it.
Me encantó, gracias
Gracias por escuchar
もう今から約30年前、ダコタハウスへ行ったこと思い出しました。 帰りは友人たちとside walkerでカニ食べて帰りました😃
El mejor cover de esta hermosa cancion que he escuchado, la mejor de the Beatles para mi.
Me siento muy honrado. Muchas gracias.
Hey Tommy will you be my grandad , your so fun, lol best wishes guys..
To your grandpa? I would like to do that if possible. Thank you for your continued support.
Como sempre perfeita esta dupla 🇧🇷🇧🇷🌹❤️
still love ye.
Great work - and also this is adorable
Thank you for listening.
@TheGloriousKnight ほこりも付いてましたね💦
@@TheGloriousKnight いい出来なら最高ですね!
Boss cover 😎
You don’t agree?
In this case, what does boss mean?
@TheGloriousKnight 歌🎵ありが鯛ですぅ🎵
this is amazing. love from turkey
Thank you for listening. Is it from Turkey? I've never been there so I'm really interested. I plan to upload two more songs with Saemi. Please listen again.
お孫さんですか? いい関係で羨ましいです❤
Beautiful cover, Tommy! Saemi still has a lovely voice. Was it enjoyable being able to record music with her again? I hope it was a fun experience for both of you!
Thank you. We had a really fun time. I've recorded two more songs, so I'd like to edit them and upload them soon. Thank you for always listening.
@@TheGloriousKnight I'll be looking forward to their release! I'll listen as long as I can, Tommy! As I said once your passion and love for music is inspiring, it makes me want to upload my own covers but I'm a bit scared of doing that myself. Please have a good time until we talk again!
Thank you for listening every time. Are you nervous about uploading? it's okay. Nothing will start unless you take a step forward. I wish you the best. I'm rooting for you.
please check out this song by the kelly family its called AN ANGEL try see what you think, ok thanks again.
I don't know that song. I'm very sorry.
But grandad who picks the songs, i feel that you do what Saemi want to sing lol thanks guys.
im sorry ,you play very well for self learned, thank you again bless ye.
Hi Tommy, This is a super cover ... Well-sung by both you and Saemi, and it's very nice to hear these old classics sung by a young generation of artists. Best wishes, James (Golden Street Music)
Thank you for listening. I currently have three works in collaboration with Saemi, and I will upload one of them tomorrow. Like you, I only focus on old songs.
Yes its me again, i have to say how beautiful it is to see family singing so good together, thank you for your beautiful songs but most of all to see such a family closnes, such love between you is justbeautiful. than you again.
Thank you for listening. But I don't have arthritis. I'm a self-taught piano player, so I just don't have the basics.
beautiful but your grandad needs to fix his artheritus in his fingers. god bless.
Very good!
love it guys.
Echt super. !!!