Hi. Is this available in India
Hi. Whr r u from. I need this vehicle
Rbecca cffyn
DO NOT BUY THIS CAR. IT IS LISTED AS HPI CLEAR BUT THAT IS NOT CORRECT. It has been involved in a crash previously and they are not declaring it!!!
Rbecca caffyn 1:12
Avarias frequentes sobre Mazda Demio
سلام خويا علي فين عندك محال مهتم
Top qual o valor
Bone l votier model Hyundai. m 💦
Bone votier model bwm.💦
what is price?
Is it 2,4L ?
Is this for sale?
Где Ана находиться и сколько стоит
Me gustaría k merrespodieras
Vendes laforgoneta
What is the address
0:09 лучше марки мерс нет на планете земля 0:08
كيفاش نتواصلو معاكوم
I am from tamil nadu
who knows what year kia was, I know it was 201..
Great looking car I'm biased though I've also got a 12plate DS3 Dsport+..
Looks lovely
hi good day is it possible to buy the car for export to Ireland ?what's the requirement ?any issue with customs to pay some amount?this car is still available ? how much last price? thanks
Hi. Is this available in India
Hi. Whr r u from. I need this vehicle
Rbecca cffyn
DO NOT BUY THIS CAR. IT IS LISTED AS HPI CLEAR BUT THAT IS NOT CORRECT. It has been involved in a crash previously and they are not declaring it!!!
Rbecca caffyn 1:12
Avarias frequentes sobre Mazda Demio
سلام خويا علي فين عندك محال مهتم
Top qual o valor
Bone l votier model Hyundai. m 💦
Bone votier model bwm.💦
what is price?
Is it 2,4L ?
Is this for sale?
Где Ана находиться и сколько стоит
Me gustaría k merrespodieras
Vendes laforgoneta
What is the address
0:09 лучше марки мерс нет на планете земля 0:08
كيفاش نتواصلو معاكوم
I am from tamil nadu
who knows what year kia was, I know it was 201..
Great looking car I'm biased though I've also got a 12plate DS3 Dsport+..
Looks lovely
hi good day is it possible to buy the car for export to Ireland ?what's the requirement ?any issue with customs to pay some amount?this car is still available ? how much last price? thanks