Vigorun-Remote Control Lawn Mower
Vigorun-Remote Control Lawn Mower
  • 1 810
  • 228 782
Ең жақсы бағамен сатылатын қол жетімді сымсыз арамшөп жегіш#robotlawnmower #lawnmowers
Ең жақсы бағамен сатылатын қол жетімді сымсыз арамшөп жегіш
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Электрондық пошта:
Дәстүрлі көгал шабудың қиындықтары мен қаупінен шаршадыңыз ба? Vigorun Tech біздің заманауи қашықтан басқарылатын көгал шабу машинасымен соңғы шешімді ұсынады. Бұл инновациялық машина көгалдарға күтім жасау тапсырмаларын бұрын-соңды болмаған тиімді және қауіпсіз орындауға мүмкіндік береді.
Біздің қашықтан басқарылатын көгал шабу машинасы әртүрлі рельефтерде әмбебап болу үшін жасалған. Еңістерді, тегіс емес беттерді немесе тар аумақтарды шарлау болсын, оның жоғары маневрлігі мұқият жабуды және дәл кесуді қамтамасыз етеді. Бұл бейімділік оны әр түрлі көгалдар түрлері мен пішіндері үшін өте қолайлы етеді, бұл тұрақты ұқыпты көріністі қамтамасыз етеді.
Автоматты зарядтау сияқты автоматтандырудың жетілдірілген мүмкіндіктерімен жабдықталған біздің шөп шапқыштар теңдесі жоқ ыңғайлылықты ұсынады. Операторлар өздерінің жабдықтары қажет кезде дайын болатынын біле отырып, тоқтаусыз тапсырмаға назар аудара алады. Оған қоса, қар тазалағыштар сияқты қосымша керек-жарақтар функционалдылықты қыс айларына дейін кеңейтіп, шөп шапқышты көгалдарға күтім жасау және қар тазалау үшін жыл бойы қажетті құралға айналдырады.
Үлгі: VTC550-90 / VTLM800 / VTW550-90/VTLM600
Кесу ені: 550мм / 800мм / 550мм
Жаяу жүру жылдамдығы: 0-4км/сағ; 0-4км/сағ; 0-6км/сағ
Жұмыс дәрежесі: 0-50°/0-60° / 0-40°
Реттелетін кесу биіктігі: 10~150мм/10~180мм/2,5/4,5/6,5/8,5 см
Минималды клиренсі: 20мм
Қашықтан басқару қашықтығы: 200м
Жанармай түрі: Бензин
Бренд: Loncin
Қуат / Шығарылым: 9Hp / 224cc; 16Hp / 452cc; 9Hp / 224cc
Қозғалтқыш түрі: бір цилиндрлі, төрт тактілі
Бастау әдісі: электрмен іске қосу
Эмиссия стандарты: еуро 5
Отын багы: 2л/7л/2л
Жұмыс уақыты: 2сағ/4сағ/2сағ
Жаяу мотор
Мотор түрі: щеткалы электр тартым
Кернеу / Қуат: 24V /1000W;48V / 1000W; 24В 350Вт*4
Динамо: 28В 1500В/28В 2000В/28В 1500В
Батарея: 24V 12Ah/48V 12Ah/24V 12Ah
Vigorun Tech шығарған қашықтан басқару пульті жол шөп кесетін машина, Vigorun RC шынжыр табанды шөп шабатын робот сатылады
сатылымға Vigorun Tech, Vigorun қашықтан басқару пульті бар резеңке жолды шөп шабу машинасы жасаған радиомен басқарылатын доңғалақты шөп шабу машинасы
Сатуға арналған Vigorun Tech, Vigorun қашықтан басқарылатын доңғалақты шөп кесу машинасы жасаған RC жол шөп кескіш
Vigorun Tech жасаған RC шынжыр табанды шөп шабатын машина, Vigorun сымсыз жолға қондырылған шөп шабатын робот сатылады
Vigorun Tech шығарған қашықтан басқарылатын резеңке жол шөп кесетін машина, Vigorun RC резеңке жолды шабу машинасы сатылады
Өзен жағасы, өзен арнасы, жол жиегі, ұгби алаңы, көшет, бұталар, еңіс, еңіс жағалаулар, футбол алаңы, тік еңіс, электрлік старт, үлкенірек өлшем, пайдалану оңай, тез кесу, жылдам жеткізу, тез арамшөптер, жоғары тиімділік, жоғары айналу моменті, интеллектуалды дизайн, төмен шу, көбірек ат күші, жылдам арамшөптер, өздігінен жүретін, өткір жүз, ақылды дизайн, күшті қуат, резеңке жол, өздігінен жүретін, қауымдық жасылдандыру, экологиялық бақ, экологиялық саябақ, жағалау, ферма, далалық арамшөптер, футбол өріс, орман, орман фермасы, алдыңғы аула, бау-бақша көгалдары, батпақ, террассалар, қалың бұта, көкөністер, вилла көгалдары, шөлейттер, арамшөптер, батпақты жерлер, жабайы шөптер, CE, EPA, CE сертификаты, бақтар, гольф алаңы, жылыжай, жасылдандыру, биік шөп, тас жол өсімдіктерінің еңістерін қорғау, төбе баурайы, тау баурайы, бау-бақша, жайылымдық, қоршау, қамыс, тұрғын алаң
#қашықшапқыш #көгалшапқыш #роботкөгалшапқыш #роботкөгалшапқыш #шөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпшөпкүрем- kowa #tondeuse #tondeuseàgazon #tondeuseagazon #tondeuseapente #төбешөпшөпшөп #rcшапқыш #роботикалықшапқыш #rasenmäher #көгалғакүтім #қашықтықтанбасқаратынкөгалшапқыш #cortacésped #cortadordehierba #cortacéspedremoto #Tagliaerba #Rasaerba #Falciatrice
มุมมอง: 2


Ең жақсы бағамен сатылатын қол жетімді радиомен басқарылатын шынжыр табанды шөп шапқыш қайшы
มุมมอง 114 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Ең жақсы бағамен сатылатын қол жетімд радиомен басқарылатын шынжыр табанды шөп шапқыш қайшы Ресми веб-сайт: Электрондық пошта: Дәстүрл көгал шабу машиналарымен байланысты физикалық жүктеме мен ықтимал қауіптерден шаршадыңыз ба? Vigorun Tech компаниясының заманауи қашықтан басқарылатын шөп шапқышы озық технологияны теңдес жоқ ыңғайлылық пен қауіпсіздікпен үйле...
Қолжетімді қашықтан басқарылатын арамшөп шабатын машина ең жақсы бағамен сатылады#lawnmowers
มุมมอง 214 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Қолжетімд қашықтан басқарылатын арамшөп шабатын машина ең жақсы бағамен сатылады Ресми веб-сайт: Электрондық пошта: Vigorun Tech компаниясының қашықтан басқарылатын жолды көгал кескішімен таныстыру Көгалдарға күтім жасау саласында қауіпсіздік пен тиімділік маңызды. Vigorun Tech сіздің шабу тәжірибеңізд өзгертуге арналған қашықтан басқарылатын көгал шабу машин...
Affordable wireless caterpillar grass trimmer for sale with best price#lawnmowers #lawnmowers
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Affordable wireless caterpillar grass trimmer for sale with best price Official website: Email: Introducing Vigorun Tech’s Remote-Controlled Lawn Mower: Revolutionizing Your Outdoor Experience Our remote-controlled lawn mower isn’t just a seasonal tool-it’s a versatile machine that can assist you throughout the year. By adding the optional snow plow attachmen...
Affordable wireless radio control rubber track slasher mower for sale with best price#lawnmowers
มุมมอง 884 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Affordable wireless radio control rubber track slasher mower for sale with best price Official website: Email: Are you tired of the physical strain and potential dangers associated with traditional lawn mowers? Vigorun Tech’s state-of-the-art remote-controlled lawn mower offers a revolutionary solution to your lawn care needs, combining cutting-edge technolog...
Affordable remotely controlled crawler grass cutter for sale with best price#robotlawnmower #mower
มุมมอง 2414 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Affordable remotely controlled crawler grass cutter for sale with best price Official website: Email: Introducing Vigorun Tech’s Remote-Controlled Lawn Mower In the realm of lawn care innovation, Vigorun Tech presents its latest marvel: the Remote-Controlled Lawn Mower. Revolutionizing the traditional approach to lawn maintenance, this state-of-the-art machin...
సరసమైన ధరతో RC క్రాలర్ లాన్ కట్టర్ అమ్మకానికి ఉంది#robotlawnmower #lawnmowers #lawnmowers #mower
มุมมอง 97 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
సరసమైన ధరతో RC క్రాలర్ లాన్ కట్టర్ అమ్మకానికి ఉంది అధికారిక వెబ్‌సైట్: ఇమెయిల్: విగోరన్ టెక్ యొక్క రిమోట్-నియంత్రిత మొవర్ యొక్క బహుము ప్రజ్ఞను స్వీకరించండి, గడ్డి కోత నుండి మంచు క్లియరింగ్ వరకు సజావుగా మారగలదు. ఐచ్ఛిక మంచు నాగలి అటాచ్‌మెంట్‌తో, మీరు ఏడాది పొడవునా మీ ఆస్తిని అప్రయత్నంగా నిర్వహించవచ్చు. ఇది వేసవిలో పచ్చటి పచ్చదనం లేదా మంచుతో నిండిన శీతాకాలపు అద...
సరసమైన ధరతో రిమోట్‌గా నియంత్రించబడే చక్రాల లాన్ ట్రిమ్మర్ అమ్మకానికి ఉంది#robotlawnmower #mower
มุมมอง 47 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
సరసమైన ధరతో రిమోట్‌గా నియంత్రించబడే చక్రాల లాన్ ట్రిమ్మర్ అమ్మకానికి ఉంది అధికారిక వెబ్‌సైట్: ఇమెయిల్: ఆధునిక లాన్ కేర్ రంగంలో, భద్రత, సామర్థ్యం మరియు వాడుకలో సౌలభ్యం చాలా ముఖ్యమైనవి. Vigorun Tech మీ గార్డెనింగ్ అనుభవాన్ని విప్లవాత్మకంగా మార్చడానికి రూపొందించిన దాని వినూత్న రిమోట్-నియంత్రిత లాన్ మూవర్‌ను సగర్వంగా అందజేస్తుంది. ఈ అధునాతన యంత్రం ఖచ్చితమైన గడ్డి...
Remote Control All Terrain Transport (RAT660)
มุมมอง 4447 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Remote Control All Terrain Transport (RAT660)
remote operated caterpillar grass mower made by Vigorun Tech, Vigorun RC wheeled weed cutter
มุมมอง 137 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
remote operated caterpillar grass mower made by Vigorun Tech, Vigorun RC wheeled weed cutter
wireless track weed reaper made by Vigorun Tech, Vigorun remote operated rubber track lawn mower
มุมมอง 227 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
wireless track weed reaper made by Vigorun Tech, Vigorun remote operated rubber track lawn mower
remote operate track brush cutter made by Vigorun Tech, Vigorun remote control grass cutting machine
มุมมอง 497 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
remote operate track brush cutter made by Vigorun Tech, Vigorun remote control grass cutting machine
800mm cut wireless lawn mower robot best price for sale China manufacturer factory#mower
มุมมอง 89412 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
800mm cut wireless lawn mower robot best price for sale China manufacturer factory#mower
800mm cut all terrain 200 meters long distance control wireless track mower#robotlawnmower
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800mm cut all terrain 200 meters long distance control wireless track mower#robotlawnmower
cutting width 800mm wireless radio control lawn mower best price for sale China manufacturer factory
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cutting width 800mm wireless radio control lawn mower best price for sale China manufacturer factory
cutting width 800mmcutting height 20-150mm electric motor driven wireless radio control mowing robot
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cutting width 800mmcutting height 20-150mm electric motor driven wireless radio control mowing robot
21 inch cutting blade wireless tracked robot mower best price for sale China manufacturer factory
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21 inch cutting blade wireless tracked robot mower best price for sale China manufacturer factory
21 inch secans ferrum altilium operatum longinquum imperium procul 200m wireless clivi metit#mower
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21 inch secans ferrum altilium operatum longinquum imperium procul 200m wireless clivi metit#mower
800mm resecta remota regente gramen putator optimum pretium pro sale Sinarum fabricante fabrica
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800mm resecta remota regente gramen putator optimum pretium pro sale Sinarum fabricante fabrica
800mm cut 360 degree rotation time-saving and labor-saving cordless track mower#remotecontrolmower
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800mm cut 360 degree rotation time-saving and labor-saving cordless track mower#remotecontrolmower
cutting width 800mm remote controlled slope mowing machine best price China manufacturer factory
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cutting width 800mm remote controlled slope mowing machine best price China manufacturer factory
cutting width 800mm blade rotary self charging backup battery lawn mower rc#robotlawnmower #mower
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cutting width 800mm blade rotary self charging backup battery lawn mower rc#robotlawnmower #mower
ریموٹ کنٹرول کیٹرپلر گراس کٹر جو ویگورن ٹیک نے بنایا ہے، ویگورون وائرلیس کرالر گراس ٹرمنگ مشین برائے
มุมมอง 3521 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
ریموٹ کنٹرول کیٹرپلر گراس کٹر جو ویگورن ٹیک نے بنایا ہے، ویگورون وائرلیس کرالر گراس ٹرمنگ مشین برائے
robot peiriant torri lawnt trac di-wifr a wnaed gan Vigorun Tech, torrwr brwsh olwynion Vigorun
มุมมอง 1621 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
robot peiriant torri lawnt trac di-wifr a wnaed gan Vigorun Tech, torrwr brwsh olwynion Vigorun
remote control track weed made by Vigorun Tech, Vigorun remote control track grass trimming machine
มุมมอง 130วันที่ผ่านมา
remote control track weed made by Vigorun Tech, Vigorun remote control track grass trimming machine
remote control track lawn mower made by Vigorun Tech, Vigorun wireless track slasher mower for sale
มุมมอง 21วันที่ผ่านมา
remote control track lawn mower made by Vigorun Tech, Vigorun wireless track slasher mower for sale
remote control lawn mower trimmer made by Vigorun Tech, Vigorun radio control track weed cutter
มุมมอง 39วันที่ผ่านมา
remote control lawn mower trimmer made by Vigorun Tech, Vigorun radio control track weed cutter
Affordable remote control track-mounted lawn grass cutter for sale with best price#lawnmower
มุมมอง 624วันที่ผ่านมา
Affordable remote control track-mounted lawn grass cutter for sale with best price#lawnmower
Affordable remote operated rubber track mower for sale with best price#lawnmowerrobot #mower
มุมมอง 111วันที่ผ่านมา
Affordable remote operated rubber track mower for sale with best price#lawnmowerrobot #mower
Lâmina de corte de 21 polegadas Cortador de grama tanque montado em esteira RC acessível para venda
มุมมอง 90วันที่ผ่านมา
Lâmina de corte de 21 polegadas Cortador de grama tanque montado em esteira RC acessível para venda


  • @alexsport9361
    @alexsport9361 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hi. How we can order the sample?

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15796031928 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @ramojiguptha3950
    @ramojiguptha3950 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    How much will be the cost? Is it available in India. What about service Please share details

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15796031928 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @herwigg3327
    @herwigg3327 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hi, the device looks interrsting. What will be the price in europe and will there also be an electric version of this?

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Thank you for your recognition. We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15796031928 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @andreyhelbel123
    @andreyhelbel123 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Quero comprar um deste qual o preço manda para o BRASIL e

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15796031928 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @andreyhelbel123
    @andreyhelbel123 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Quero comprar um deste qual o preço manda para o BRASIL

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- หลายเดือนก่อน

      Gracias por tu reconocimiento. Somos un fabricante de cortadoras de césped con control remoto de China, puede comprarlas directamente con nosotros, Podemos hablar por Whatsapp +86 15796031928 para más detalles. Este es mi correo electrónico: Para obtener más información sobre los productos, visite nuestro sitio web: Puede visitar este sitio web para conocer el precio más reciente.

  • @MarekHolasek-do6ms
    @MarekHolasek-do6ms หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dobry den máte někdo skušenosti s tímto strojem prosím napište zvažuji koupit či nekoupit

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- หลายเดือนก่อน

      Děkuji za uznání. Jsme výrobce sekaček na trávu na dálkové ovládání z Číny, můžete zakoupit přímo u nás, Pro podrobnosti můžeme mluvit přes Whatsapp +86 15796031928. Toto je můj e-mail: Pro více informací o produktech navštivte naše webové stránky: Nejnovější cenu můžete navštívit na této webové stránce

  • @warushasoysa9902
    @warushasoysa9902 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Very nice 👍

  • @andreyhelbel123
    @andreyhelbel123 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Quero comprar um deste qual o preço manda para o BRASIL

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- หลายเดือนก่อน

      Gracias por tu reconocimiento. Somos un fabricante de cortadoras de césped con control remoto de China, puede comprarlas directamente con nosotros, Podemos hablar por Whatsapp +86 15796031928 para más detalles. Este es mi correo electrónico: Para obtener más información sobre los productos, visite nuestro sitio web: Puede visitar este sitio web para conocer el precio más reciente.

  • @user-ii1pt8xr3j
    @user-ii1pt8xr3j หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- หลายเดือนก่อน

      ขอบคุณสำหรับการรับรู้ของคุณ เราเป็นผู้ผลิตเครื่องตัดหญ้าแบบควบคุมระยะไกลจากประเทศจีน คุณสามารถซื้อจากเราได้โดยตรง เราสามารถพูดคุยโดย Whatsapp +86 15796031928 เพื่อดูรายละเอียด นี่คืออีเมลของฉัน: สำหรับข้อมูลผลิตภัณฑ์เพิ่มเติม กรุณาเยี่ยมชมเว็บไซต์ของเรา: สามารถเข้าไปเยี่ยมชมเว็บไซต์นี้ เพื่อดูราคาล่าสุด

  • @milosdrca1766
    @milosdrca1766 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ima li kod nas u prodaji ?

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hvala vam na vašem priznanju. Mi smo proizvođač kosilica za travu na daljinsko upravljanje iz Kine, možete kupiti izravno od nas, Za detalje možemo razgovarati putem Whatsappa +86 15796031928. Ovo je moja adresa e-pošte: Za više informacija o proizvodima posjetite našu web stranicu: Možete posjetiti ovu web stranicu za najnoviju cijenu.

  • @andreyhelbel123
    @andreyhelbel123 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Quero comprar um deste qual o preço manda para o BRASIL

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Obrigado pelo seu reconhecimento. Nós somos um fabricante de cortadores de grama com controle remoto da China, você pode comprar diretamente de nós, Podemos conversar pelo Whatsapp +86 15796031928 para mais detalhes. Este é meu e-mail: Para mais informações sobre produtos, visite nosso site: Você pode visitar este site para obter o preço mais recente.

  • @andreyhelbel123
    @andreyhelbel123 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Quero comprar um deste qual o preço manda para o BRASIL

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Obrigado pelo seu reconhecimento. Nós somos um fabricante de cortadores de grama com controle remoto da China, você pode comprar diretamente de nós, Podemos conversar pelo Whatsapp +86 15796031928 para mais detalhes. Este é meu e-mail: Para mais informações sobre produtos, visite nosso site: Você pode visitar este site para obter o preço mais recente.

  • @sbshdjheiet67euhjoiwnjso
    @sbshdjheiet67euhjoiwnjso 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Azərvaycanda var hal hazırda?

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Tanıdığınız üçün təşəkkür edirik. Biz Çindən uzaqdan idarə olunan qazon biçən maşınların istehsalçısıyıq, birbaşa bizdən ala bilərsiniz, Ətraflı məlumat üçün Whatsapp +86 15796031928 ilə danışa bilərik. Bu mənim e-poçtumdur: Daha çox məhsul haqqında məlumat üçün vebsaytımıza müraciət edin: Ən son qiymət üçün saytına daxil ola bilərsiniz.

  • @sbshdjheiet67euhjoiwnjso
    @sbshdjheiet67euhjoiwnjso 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15796031928 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @UKsAssistant
    @UKsAssistant 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is something id love to stock

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @a.c.1411
    @a.c.1411 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Where i can buy this rubber tracks?

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @jimwells8001
    @jimwells8001 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    are there any dealers in usa

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Currently, agents and dealers are still actively recruiting. If you are interested, you can contact us first. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @leeknf6793
    @leeknf6793 4 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15684167898 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @deathnote12341000
    @deathnote12341000 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You looking for people to sell it in south africa? becuse I would be interested in distribution for south africa

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15684167898 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @truetech4158
    @truetech4158 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Just wondering, how long do the rubber tracks last, many years or less than that? How much cost are the two tracks?

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15684167898 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @truetech4158
    @truetech4158 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My hero!!

    • @truetech4158
      @truetech4158 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I would like to order one, with the additional front snow plow option, and if possible, remote starting and shut off, and if you can install it, a 360 degree cam with a mobile hotspot signal booster to reach around barns on a few acre property. I would like to also be able to adjust the height by remote control, even to the point that the height is adjusted by a art program such as Inkscape and proximity sensors such as lidar to keep a proper art drawing correctly lined up. And maybe a robotic arm that could control a edge trimmer to get right up to the sides of buildings. How much for just the basic model, and how much for the addon snow plow, and shipping to windsor ontario canada area? I am living with a neuromuscular challenge, and yardwork destroys me, so I need practical solutions such as your worthy ready to go fresh out of the box solution. I actually bought a sabretooth 24v dual motor RC controller board and a digital transmitter and a pair of wheelchair motors. Do you also offer an electric one with or without batteries for use with lipo lithium? We could mod these for additional feature uses! All the best to you including those around you too.

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes, we can communicate details via email. Here is my contact information: Whatsapp +86 15684167898 This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website:

  • @franciscoperez8546
    @franciscoperez8546 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Do you have a U.S Distributor in New Jersey?

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your recognition. We do not have distributer in New Jersey. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15684167898 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @MarcioSilva-xk5ej
    @MarcioSilva-xk5ej 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Gostaria de compra

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Obrigado pelo seu reconhecimento. Nós somos um fabricante de cortadores de grama com controle remoto da China, você pode comprar diretamente de nós, Podemos conversar pelo Whatsapp +86 15684167898 para mais detalhes. Este é meu e-mail: Para mais informações sobre produtos, visite nosso site: Você pode visitar este site para obter o preço mais recente.

  • @dilinglintasan652
    @dilinglintasan652 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15684167898 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @master7738
    @master7738 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15684167898 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @franciscoperez8546
    @franciscoperez8546 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Good morning, are there any distributors now located in New Jersey?

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your recognition.There are currently no agents or distributors in this area. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15684167898 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price

  • @franciscoperez8546
    @franciscoperez8546 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Good morning, I would like to know if there are any distributors in my area, (NewJersey-USA) and what is the retail price for one unit?

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your recognition. We don’t have an agent in your area yet. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15684167898 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @chikanwobu8688
    @chikanwobu8688 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Where can I buy this mower

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15684167898 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.

  • @joeyedwards1945
    @joeyedwards1945 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That lawn mower will come in good for people since I'm wheelchairs and stuff is still has to cut the grass instead having to pay somebody cut their grass they can get something like that with them up withdrawal and cut their grass and get their freedom back

    • @Vigoruntechgrasscutter-
      @Vigoruntechgrasscutter- 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you for your recognition. We are a manufacturer of remote control lawn mowers from China, you can buy directly from us, We can talk by Whatsapp +86 15684167898 for the details. This is my email: For more products information, please visit our website: You can visit this website for latest price.