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Madhavi Canada Vlog
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 1 ม.ค. 2024
Welcome to Madhavi Canada Vlog! 🍁
Join us on an incredible journey through the beautiful landscapes, vibrant culture, and unique experiences of life in Canada. From bustling city life to serene natural wonders, we capture the essence of our daily adventures, sharing our lifestyle, traditions, and the joyous moments that shape our lives.
Embark on this immersive exploration with us as we showcase the diverse flavors, traditions, and sights that make Canada our cherished home. Whether it's exploring local festivals, savoring delicious cuisines, or simply sharing snippets of our everyday life, we invite you to be a part of our Canadian escapades.
Come along, hit subscribe, and let's celebrate the beauty of Canada together! ✨
Join us on an incredible journey through the beautiful landscapes, vibrant culture, and unique experiences of life in Canada. From bustling city life to serene natural wonders, we capture the essence of our daily adventures, sharing our lifestyle, traditions, and the joyous moments that shape our lives.
Embark on this immersive exploration with us as we showcase the diverse flavors, traditions, and sights that make Canada our cherished home. Whether it's exploring local festivals, savoring delicious cuisines, or simply sharing snippets of our everyday life, we invite you to be a part of our Canadian escapades.
Come along, hit subscribe, and let's celebrate the beauty of Canada together! ✨
ફાઈલ મુકતા પહેલા આટલી વાતો ધ્યાનમાં રાખજો | Madhavi Canada Vlog
ફાઈલ મુકતા પહેલા આટલી વાતો ધ્યાનમાં રાખજો | Madhavi Canada Vlog
#canada #canadaupdate #gujarati #madhavicanadavlog #canadalife #canadainformation #canadavlogs #gujarat #vlog #canadastudentvisa
#canada #canadaupdate #gujarati #madhavicanadavlog #canadalife #canadainformation #canadavlogs #gujarat #vlog #canadastudentvisa
มุมมอง: 2 963
કેનેડા નું સૌથી મોટું અપડેટ | Canada Biggest Update | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 10K14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
કેનેડા નું સૌથી મોટું અપડેટ | Canada Biggest Update | Madhavi Canada Vlog #canada #canadaupdate #canadapr #canadaupdate #madhavicanadavlog #gujarati
કેનેડા ના નવા 2 PR પ્રોગ્રામ | Canada New PR Program | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 3.2K16 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
કેનેડા ના નવા 2 PR પ્રોગ્રામ | Canada New PR Program | Madhavi Canada Vlog #visacanada #visacanadaupdates #visaupdatefromcanada #canadavisa #canadavisaupdate #canadavisa2025 #canadavisanews #canadavisaupdates #newupdatecanada #madhavicanadavlog
કેનેડા સ્ટુડન્ટ માટે ખરાબ સમાચાર | Canada Student Visa Update | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 2.6K21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
કેનેડા સ્ટુડન્ટ માટે ખરાબ સમાચાર | Canada Student Visa Update | Madhavi Canada Vlog #canada #canadalife #gujarati #canadainformation #canadavlogs #gujarat #madhavicanadavlog #vlog #canadaupdate #canadastudentvisa
2025 માં કેનેડા આવું મૂર્ખતા? Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 4.2Kวันที่ผ่านมา
2025 માં કેનેડા આવું મૂર્ખત? Madhavi Canada Vlog #canada #canadalife #gujarati #canadainformation #canadavlogs #gujarat #madhavicanadavlog #vlog #canadaupdate #canadastudentvisa
Canada સ્ટુડન્ટ માટે ખરાબ સમાચાર | Bad news for students | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 4K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
Canada સ્ટુડન્ટ માટે ખરાબ સમાચાર | Bad news for students | Madhavi Canada Vlog #canada #gujarati #canadalife #canadainformation #canadaupdate #canadastudentvisa #gujarat #madhavicanadavlog #canadavisa #visacanada #canadavisaupdate #canadavisa2025 #visaupdatefromcanada #visaupdates #newupdatecanada #newupdate
કેનેડામાં મહિનાની ઇન્કમ અને ખર્ચ કેટલો થાય? Canada Monthly Income & Expenses| Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 2.6K14 วันที่ผ่านมา
કેનેડામાં મહિનાની ઇન્કમ અને ખર્ચ કેટલો થાય? Canada Monthly Income & Expenses| Madhavi Canada Vlog #canada #canadalife #canadavlogs #gujarati #vlog #madhavicanadavlog #canadainformation #gujarat #canadaupdate #canadastudentvisa
વર્ક પરમિટમાં કેનેડા અવાય કે નહીં? Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 10K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
વર્ક પરમિટમાં કેનેડા અવાય કે નહીં? Madhavi Canada Vlog #canada #canadalife #canadavlogs #gujarati #vlog #madhavicanadavlog #canadainformation #gujarat #canadaupdate #canadastudentvisa
50 લાખ લોકોને છોડવું પડશે કેનેડા? Latest Canada Updates | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 52K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
50 લા લોકોને છોડવું પડશે કેનેડા? Latest Canada Updates | Madhavi Canada Vlog #vlog #canada #canadalife #canadavlogs #gujarati #madhavicanadavlog #canadainformation #gujarat #canadaupdate #canadastudentvisa
કેનેડા PR મળશે કે નહીં? Canada LMIA Updates | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 2.5K21 วันที่ผ่านมา
કેનેડા PR મળશે કે નહીં? Canada LMIA Updates | Madhavi Canada Vlog #vlog #gujarati #canada #canadalife #canadavlogs #madhavicanadavlog #canadainformation #gujarat #canadaupdate #canadastudentvisa
2025 માં કેનેડા અવાય કે નહીં | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 3.6K28 วันที่ผ่านมา
2025 માં કેનેડા અવાય કે નહીં | Madhavi Canada Vlog #vlog #gujarati #canada #canadalife #canadavlogs #madhavicanadavlog #canadainformation #gujarat #canadaupdate #canadastudentvisa
કેનેડામાં આ લોકોને છે વધારે કમાણી | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 8Kหลายเดือนก่อน
કેનેડામાં આ લોકોને છે વધારે કમાણી | Madhavi Canada Vlog #vlog #gujarati #canada #canadalife #canadavlogs #madhavicanadavlog #canadainformation #gujarat #canadaupdate #canadastudentvisa
કેનેડા ભારતીય સ્ટુડન્ટને કરશે ડિપોર્ટ | Canada Latest Update | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 6Kหลายเดือนก่อน
કેનેડા ભારતીય સ્ટુડન્ટને કરશે ડિપોર્ટ | Canada Latest Update | Madhavi Canada Vlog #vlog #gujarati #canada #canadalife #canadavlogs #madhavicanadavlog #canadainformation #gujarat #canadaupdate #canadastudentvisa
કેનેડા છોડવા લોકો થયા મજબૂર | Canada Latest Updates | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 81Kหลายเดือนก่อน
કેનેડા છોડવા લોકો થયા મજબૂર | Canada Latest Updates | Madhavi Canada Vlog
કેનેડામાં સ્ટુડન્ટ કેટલા કલાક કામ કરી શકશે? Canada Latest Updates | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 6Kหลายเดือนก่อน
કેનેડામાં સ્ટુડન્ટ કેટલા કલાક કામ કરી શકશે? Canada Latest Updates | Madhavi Canada Vlog
Canada Express Entry Changes | Canada Latest Update | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 2.1Kหลายเดือนก่อน
Canada Express Entry Changes | Canada Latest Update | Madhavi Canada Vlog
સ્ટુડન્ટ ની વધી મુશ્કેલીઓ | Canada Student Visa Latest Update | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 2Kหลายเดือนก่อน
સ્ટુડન્ટ ની વધી મુશ્કેલીઓ | Canada Student Visa Latest Update | Madhavi Canada Vlog
Canada Visitor Visa Latest Update | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 3.5Kหลายเดือนก่อน
Canada Visitor Visa Latest Update | Madhavi Canada Vlog
કેનેડાની ફાઈલ મુકતા પહેલા આ વિડીયો જરૂરથી જોજો🙏 | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 2.8Kหลายเดือนก่อน
કેનેડાની ફાઈલ મુકતા પહેલા આ વિડીયો જરૂરથી જોજો🙏 | Madhavi Canada Vlog
કેનેડાનો ગુજરાતી ગ્રોસરી સ્ટોર | Canada Gujarati Grocery store | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 1.7Kหลายเดือนก่อน
કેનેડાનો ગુજરાતી ગ્રોસરી સ્ટોર | Canada Gujarati Grocery store | Madhavi Canada Vlog
Work Permit વાળા ને PR મળશે કે નહીં? Canada Latest Updates | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 11Kหลายเดือนก่อน
Work Permit વાળા ને PR મળશે કે નહીં? Canada Latest Updates | Madhavi Canada Vlog
2024 માં કેટલા લોકોને મળશે Visa | Canada Latest Update | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 1K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
2024 માં કેટલા લોકોને મળશે Visa | Canada Latest Update | Madhavi Canada Vlog
2024 માં કેનેડાની Work Permit મળશે? Canada Latest Updates | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 3.9K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
2024 માં કેનેડાની Work Permit મળશે? Canada Latest Updates | Madhavi Canada Vlog
કેનેડામાં રહેતા લોકોને મળશે જલ્દી PR | Good news for Canada Pr 🇨🇦 | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 13K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
કેનેડામાં રહેતા લોકોને મળશે જલ્દી PR | Good news for Canada Pr 🇨🇦 | Madhavi Canada Vlog
Canada Fall | Festival of colours 2024 | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 5952 หลายเดือนก่อน
Canada Fall | Festival of colours 2024 | Madhavi Canada Vlog
2024 માં કેનેડા માં રહેવું પોસાય કે નહીં? Canada Monthly Income | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 5K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
2024 માં કેનેડા માં રહેવું પોસાય કે નહીં? Canada Monthly Income | Madhavi Canada Vlog
Lake Louise Family Tour | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 4622 หลายเดือนก่อน
Lake Louise Family Tour | Madhavi Canada Vlog
કેનેડામાં 2bhk Apartment કેવા હોય છે | Apartment price in canada | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 1.4K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
કેનેડામાં 2bhk Apartment કેવા હોય છે | Apartment price in canada | Madhavi Canada Vlog
Canada Latest Updates | કેનેડામાં રહેતા લોકોને મળશે જલ્દી PR | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 8K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
Canada Latest Updates | કેનેડામાં રહેતા લોકોને મળશે જલ્દી PR | Madhavi Canada Vlog
Good News for Canada Students | Latest Canada Updates | Madhavi Canada Vlog
มุมมอง 1.4K2 หลายเดือนก่อน
Good News for Canada Students | Latest Canada Updates | Madhavi Canada Vlog
Good information and helpful details 👍
Rural renewal ni file nominations mate June ma muki chhe haju avyu nathi ..to ema ketli wait karvani hoy chhe ..amne a rules lagse ...
Total 12 to 15 month thai che visa aavta
@madhavicanadavlog rules koi lagu pade amne .... nomination avta ketla month thay approximately
Tme Ben khub sari mahiti aapo chho
Sachi vat aajkal khotu boline chhetarva vada aejant Ghana vdhi gaya chhe ,aejant loko ne bas Paisa thij Matlab hoy
Jay khodiyar ma
Jay khodiyar maa
ગૂડ જામનગર ભારત
Very informative videos keep it up👍 My queries are below My daughter get pre approved addmission in mac master for MBA how is the university and what are the chances of work permit after complition? Is it advisable to do so My firtst daughter completed her master in E C eng from waterloo We applied for visitors visa for her convocation but they refuse is it advisable to try another chance My daughter have three year work permit and her package is 80000 Pl advise for both queries Thank you Regards
Fari visitor ni file proper sop and documents sathe submit karo and india return javanu karan ekdam strong aapo to visitor visa Mali jase..main to sop strong karo
@madhavicanadavlog pl do share your view about mac master university for MBA Thank you
Pnp chalu che ke bandh canadama ena vise vidoe bana vo pls
Province wise different hoi che..bav badhi pnp ma stream chale che
Veri nice
Hi Madhavi good information for your video
Visitors visa manthi work permit thai shake???
Na atyare bandh che
જય ઉમિયામતજી જય શ્રીકૃષ્ણ
Jay shree krishna
App mujhe ye information Dena ke toranto me abhi ja na Chaya ka nahi please mujhe itna bata do
Toronto ma cost of living high che atale expenses vadhare thase ...house rent n badhu atale vichari n decision levu k taamari job profile su che ....
Badha na mind set different hoi Ghana n toronto game Ghana n british columbia atale aapde kya province ma job sari male e rite vicharai
Hello Madhavi Mam. Aap ke video very nice information
Very nice Information
Jay shree krishna
માધવી. બેન. મારે. કેનેડા. આવવુ. હૌય. તૌ છૌકરૌ. કેનેડા. પી આર. છે. તૌ. શુ. કરવુ. પડે. એના. વીડીયૌ. બનાવજો
તમે મેં માહિતી સરસ આપો છો.પણ સાથે month અને year પણ Bolo જેથી માહિતી ક્યાર ની છે હમોને ખબર પડે . Thankyou
Very very helpful
Thank you! Cheers!
Rajkot ma Amara jevi kam hoy to kehjo ban it's my pleasure
Madhaviben tme Mari comment no reply aapiyo thank you very much Dil thi khub khub aabhar
Tamne mara ans thi help thai to e mara mate sari vat kevai... hu basic video atale j banavu chu k loko n gujarati ma purati mahiti male ... thank you for your support 🙏
માધવીબેન તમે સરળતા થી જાણકારી આપો છે જેથી તમારી વીડિયો જોવો ગમે છે
Jay shree krishna
Jay shree krishna
માધવી બેન ભારત મા હુ અત્યારે તા 21 12 2025 ને શનિવાર સવારે 10 વારે જોય છુ તો તયાનો. સમય વાર તારીખ રાત કે દિવસ સુ છે બતાવો
In Canada right now 20/12/2024 night 11:53
Jay Krishna જય ઉમિયાજી
Canada mate study mate nava rules anusar ketla band joe ye
Tamaro kayo course che and band to jetala vadhare atala file strong banse
Rural area atle su please madhaviben reply karjo
Rural atale j k province no village type area hoi .
Biometric thyu hoy to pachhi ketlo time liye passport submition no mail aave
Tame Kai stream ma file kari che ..jo pnp hoi to total 12 to 15 month thai visa aavta
@madhavicanadavlog a janavu tamne hotel four seasons ma cab driver mate muki chhe
@madhavicanadavlog ben mate work visa mate file muki chhe can draiver
@@hanifbaruni1507 wp ma total time hal mujab 6 to 7. month lage che ....Hal thodo vadhare time lage che
@madhavicanadavlog ok pan vfs varato kahe chhe one munth lage chhe submition mate to tamara kehva mujab varlagse ne pun message aavi to jay chhene
જય શ્રી ક્રિષ્ણા માધવી 👌👌👌
Jay shree krishna
Jay mogal maa
તમારૂ બથ પેલેસ ક્યુ છે
જય શ્રીકૃષ્ણ. જય ઉમીયાજી
Jay umiya ji...
Canada saru k India
E to have badha ni mentality different hoi but starting ma ahiya struggle hoi che pachi vandho na aave
ખૂબ સરસ માધવીબેન.. જય શ્રી કૃષ્ણ
Jai ambe 🙏🏻
Jay ambe
Jay shree krishna
MBA માટે અવાય?
Avai finance banking sector ma profile hoi to ahiya bank.ma.job Mali sake ..but starting ma struggle che
Jay shree Ram
જય ઉમિયા જી
Jay mataji
Jay Shree Krishna
🇨🇦 PLS REPLY AS PER YOUR EXPERIENCE ❤ Hi Madhvi, I hope you’re doing well. My name is Prashant, and I’m originally from Ahmedabad, India. Right now i am in INDIA. I recently received my Permanent Residency (PR) in October 2024, and my family-my wife, daughter, and I-are planning to move to Canada in May or June 2025 as PR holders. Here’s a brief overview of my professional background: • I completed my Master’s degree (MBA) in Sydney, Australia, in 2011. • I have 2 years of supervisory experience in Australia (2009-2011). • After returning to India, I worked in managerial positions at two different companies, gaining nearly 12 years of experience. In total, I have around 12-14 years of experience in my field. My Australian MBA has been assessed and recognized in Canada, which played a significant role in me obtaining PR. Despite my background and qualifications, I am concerned about finding a job in my field once I arrive in Canada. I would greatly appreciate it if you could share your insights or advice regarding the job market and opportunities in Canada. Looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Prashant Gajjar❤
Tamare jo accounting filed ma tamaro experience hoi to direct tamare ontario province ma javu joia because toronto side banking and finance sector mate opportunity sari che..
Hal Starting ma thodu though che but main to cv canadian style no hovo joia .. cv thi bav moti effect pade che
@ 🇨🇦I obtained my PR through the SINP (Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program) with my younger brother’s invitation. He and his wife live in Saskatchewan, and I plan to stay with them for at least one year since my PR is tied to SINP. After that, I am considering moving to Ontario. I know the job market is tight in Ontario, but I’m curious about how it is in Saskatchewan.
Jay shree krishna didi
Jay ma ખોડીયાર
Jay khodiyar
જય શ્રી કૃષ્ણ
Jay shree krishna
Madhvi tamara videos bahu upyogi chhe....
ગૂડ જામનગર ભારત
,જય ઉમીયાજી
Jay umiya maa