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Diana LovesTo Plan
United States
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 25 พ.ย. 2013
My Happy place for Planning and watching crafty videos 😬 Is that what we write here???? 😂 This is where I share my love for all things planner related! Grab a drink and sit back and enjoy....Thank you for visiting!!!
New Pen Day: Pilot Vanishing Point - Matte Black
Thank you so much for watching. I filled this yesterday and 'm already wearing out this new pen - I'm obsessed with it currently. Do you have this pen? Do you dislike it or love it? would love to hear your thoughts on it.
sweetcaressdesigns.com. USE CODE: DIANA15
MY INSTAGRAM: diana.lovesto.plan
MY BOOKSTAGRAM: Diana.lovesto.read
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sweetcaressdesigns.com. USE CODE: DIANA15
MY INSTAGRAM: diana.lovesto.plan
MY BOOKSTAGRAM: Diana.lovesto.read
PLEASE NOTE ALL MY LINKS ARE AFFILIATED CODES which means I receive a small commission at no charge to you which helps to support my channel:
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NEW PEN DAY - Radius Settimo Marmo Bianco Unboxing
มุมมอง 8147 หลายเดือนก่อน
Thank you for joining me: This pen purchase was enabled my KarynaLovesToPlan. I usually like to wait several days before I make a purchase, but with this one I just knew it had to be part of my growing pen collection. I purchased the steel nib version and I’m impressed on how well it writes. I purchased my pen form Pen Chalet: *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ MY INSTAGRAM: diana.lovesto.plan dian...
PACK WITH ME (Minimal - Planner Supplies): Week Long Trip
มุมมอง 3207 หลายเดือนก่อน
Hope you enjoyed this! I had fun making it. Trying to not over pack when I take my planner (because I always overpack - lol) and this time I feel like I really only too the necessities! I'm currently in NY visiting my Mom and won't be returning until May 4th so this will be my last video this week. I'll be back at it once I return home. *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ MY INSTAGRAM: diana.lovesto.plan instagra...
NEW PEN DAY: Sailor Profit Junior x Mizutama Kohiru with Comparison Ink Swatches
มุมมอง 2.4K7 หลายเดือนก่อน
Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did to film it. I was able to find the pen at With Japan Love: rb.gy/vuz7b4 *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ MY INSTAGRAM: diana.lovesto.plan diana.lovesto.plan MY BOOKSTAGRAM: Diana.lovesto.read diana.lovesto.read PLEASE NOTE ALL MY LINKS ARE AFFILIATED CODES which means I receive a small commission at no charge to you which helps to support my ...
Ferris Wheel Press Ink Swatches: Sad Charade, Dancing Thyme, Buttered Popcorn + Ink Comparisons
มุมมอง 1.3K7 หลายเดือนก่อน
Join me while I swatch 11 Ferris Wheel Press Inks! I had so much fun doing thise and make sure you watch until the end for comparison watches. *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ MY INSTAGRAM: diana.lovesto.plan diana.lovesto.plan MY BOOKSTAGRAM: Diana.lovesto.read diana.lovesto.read PLEASE NOTE ALL MY LINKS ARE AFFILIATED CODES which means I receive a small commission at no charge t...
NEW PEN DAY: Platinum #3776 Century Fountain Pen Shape of a Heart Chai Latte
มุมมอง 9117 หลายเดือนก่อน
Hope you enjoyed this unboxing. It looks like Jetpens.com and Cultpens.com may have some VERY limited stock at the time I'm posting this since these are limited edition. Thank you so much for watching! A BIG shout out and thank you to Yumiko from @goodpenlife on INSTAGRAM for helping me add this beauty to my collection. *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ MY INSTAGRAM: diana.lovesto.plan diana.loves...
FIRST TIME FOUNTAIN PEN INK SWATCHING!!! Diamine, Teranishi Chemical Industry, Sailor and more
มุมมอง 1.6K8 หลายเดือนก่อน
Welcome back or WELCOME if you are new here. Please come join me as swatch my FIRST fountain pen inks ever! CHANNEL MENTION: @KarynaLovesToPlan *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ MY INSTAGRAM: diana.lovesto.plan diana.lovesto.plan MY BOOKSTAGRAM: Diana.lovesto.read diana.lovesto.read PLEASE NOTE ALL MY LINKS ARE AFFILIATED CODES which means I receive a small commission at no charge ...
มุมมอง 1.7K8 หลายเดือนก่อน
Thank you so much for visiting. Each view, like and subscribe is appreciated. *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ MY INSTAGRAM: diana.lovesto.plan diana.lovesto.plan MY BOOKSTAGRAM: Diana.lovesto.read diana.lovesto.read PLEASE NOTE ALL MY LINKS ARE AFFILIATED CODES which means I receive a small commission at no charge to you which helps to support my channel: Receive 10$ off your ord...
มุมมอง 2368 หลายเดือนก่อน
Thanks for joining me. I'm new to the fountain pen journey and I want to document all my new additions for my channel. Let me know if you have any questions below in the comments. PS ..I know SNUGGLY is not a word :) *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ MY INSTAGRAM: diana.lovesto.plan diana.lovesto.plan MY BOOKSTAGRAM: Diana.lovesto.read diana.lovesto.read PLEASE NOTE ALL MY LINKS AR...
Custom Pocket Ring Van Der Spek Stardust Planner Flip
มุมมอง 1K8 หลายเดือนก่อน
Thank you so much for visiting. Please see all the items below I was able to link. Some items are no longer available. Don't forget to add your favorite drink in the comments below I'm a 50/50 Person, half the time its Gold Peak Unsweetened Iced Tea and Iced Flat white or Coconut Coffee! *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ MY INSTAGRAM: diana.lovesto.plan diana.lovesto.plan MY BOOKSTAGRAM: Diana.lo...
Pocket Ring Planner Stamped Dashboard
มุมมอง 1119 หลายเดือนก่อน
Thank you so much for watching. Please subscribe and hit the thumbs up as it really helps my channel out. *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ MY INSTAGRAM: diana.lovesto.plan diana.lovesto.plan MY BOOKSTAGRAM: Diana.lovesto.read diana.lovesto.read PLEASE NOTE ALL MY LINKS ARE AFFILIATED CODES which means I receive a small commission at no charge to you which helps to support my chann...
Hobonichi Weeks February 2024 Back Planning Session
มุมมอง 2199 หลายเดือนก่อน
Thank you so much for visiting, please make sure you subscribe to help support my channel so I can bring you more content. *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ MY INSTAGRAM: diana.lovesto.plan diana.lovesto.plan MY BOOKSTAGRAM: Diana.lovesto.read diana.lovesto.read PLEASE NOTE ALL MY LINKS ARE AFFILIATED CODES which means I receive a small commission at no charge to you which helps to...
Hobonichi Weeks Moterm Cover Setup
มุมมอง 2789 หลายเดือนก่อน
Thank you for watching! Please subscribe as it helps to support my channel so I can continue bringing you videos. *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ MY INSTAGRAM: diana.lovesto.plan diana.lovesto.plan MY BOOKSTAGRAM: Diana.lovesto.read diana.lovesto.read PLEASE NOTE ALL MY LINKS ARE AFFILIATED CODES which means I receive a small commission at no charge to you which helps to support ...
Pocket Rings Planner Flip! - Valentine's Day Setup
มุมมอง 12K5 ปีที่แล้ว
Amazon Link for planner: www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073CYGJ95/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05 o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 INSTAGRAM - doodledee.lovesto.plan USE CODE: DIANA15 createwithpen.com/ Shops mentioned which can be found online or Etsy: Catspresseco - Jelly Dashes and inbox clip Bubblemon Create with Pen Cardboard Couture - Dividers Van Stickie - Digital Papers Grin and Bear it - Valentine’s D...
Christmas Traveler's Notebook (Foxy Fix) Planner Setup
มุมมอง 1.7K6 ปีที่แล้ว
Hi Al - I will link all the shops mentioned in my video below. You can follow me on INSTAGRAM at DoodleDeeDesigns. If you have any questions please leave them below in the comments. Thank you for watching! Foxy Fix: www.foxyfix.com Scrappy Drew Designs: www.etsy.com/shop/ScrappydrewDesigns USE CODE: DOODLEIG for 10% off Pick and Stones: www.etsy.com/shop/PicksandStones USE CODE: DIANAPLANS15 Pi...
Gillio Amica Holiday 2017 Personal Ringed Planner Setup
มุมมอง 2.7K7 ปีที่แล้ว
Gillio Amica Holiday 2017 Personal Ringed Planner Setup
Fall Traveler's Notebook (Foxy Fix) Planner Setup 2017
มุมมอง 1.5K7 ปีที่แล้ว
Fall Traveler's Notebook (Foxy Fix) Planner Setup 2017
Halloween Traveler's Notebook (Foxy Fix) Planner Setup 2017
มุมมอง 3.5K7 ปีที่แล้ว
Halloween Traveler's Notebook (Foxy Fix) Planner Setup 2017
Current Planner Setup - Winter 2017 | Aqua Filofax Malden
มุมมอง 19K7 ปีที่แล้ว
Current Planner Setup - Winter 2017 | Aqua Filofax Malden
Korean Dairy Stickers (ft. Bonjour Cochonn)
มุมมอง 1.4K7 ปีที่แล้ว
Korean Dairy Stickers (ft. Bonjour Cochonn)
Christmas Foxy Fix Traveler's Pocket Notebook Setup
มุมมอง 12K8 ปีที่แล้ว
Christmas Foxy Fix Traveler's Pocket Notebook Setup
Traveler's Notebook Fall Setup Series: Part 3 Another Dashboard
มุมมอง 3.5K8 ปีที่แล้ว
Traveler's Notebook Fall Setup Series: Part 3 Another Dashboard
Traveler's Notebook Fall Set Up Series - Part 2 Set up and new Foxy Fix Wide
มุมมอง 8K8 ปีที่แล้ว
Traveler's Notebook Fall Set Up Series - Part 2 Set up and new Foxy Fix Wide
Traveler's Notebook Fall Set Up Series - Part 1 Dashboard Process Video
มุมมอง 7K8 ปีที่แล้ว
Traveler's Notebook Fall Set Up Series - Part 1 Dashboard Process Video
Once More With Love Sticker Haul/Collection
มุมมอง 1K8 ปีที่แล้ว
Once More With Love Sticker Haul/Collection
Coleto Haul, Refills, Swatches and Review
มุมมอง 1.7K8 ปีที่แล้ว
Coleto Haul, Refills, Swatches and Review
FOXY FIX Pocket Traveler's Notebook Unboxing
มุมมอง 2.1K8 ปีที่แล้ว
FOXY FIX Pocket Traveler's Notebook Unboxing
Chic Sparrow Outlander Pocket Travelers Notebook Unboxing (and Other Tn Supplies)
มุมมอง 2.3K8 ปีที่แล้ว
Chic Sparrow Outlander Pocket Travelers Notebook Unboxing (and Other Tn Supplies)
Gillio Compagna VS Amica - Which I prefer?
มุมมอง 17K8 ปีที่แล้ว
Gillio Compagna VS Amica - Which I prefer?
SewMuchCrafting Personal Planner Inserts and Storage
มุมมอง 8K8 ปีที่แล้ว
SewMuchCrafting Personal Planner Inserts and Storage
Can you share where the single pen tray came from? Thanks!
Do you remember where your 'Lists are good' stamp is from?
wow this pen is adorable
Did you have to pay additional for customs?
@@tiffanyhuang3901 I didn’t. Unless she worked into the price but I got a great deal on it so I don’t think.
so so cute and beautiful! thank you for sharing :)
Nice pen, love the color and the shape. Seems on my screen close to the color ivory. Do you know if a broad or true medium nib might be available for it?
I just found your channel! Great first fountain pen video. 🎉 New subscriber here ❤
Thanks so much for sharing, and for taking the time to list so many helpful links. I’m totally inspired. 🌺
It's a favourite of mine ❤
I love this flip through. It’s so beautiful inside and out. You’ve given me so many ideas. Thank you for sharing.
I bought the Buttered popcorn based on your swatching it here…and had to order it from Europe too. Cannot wait to get this unusual color , thanks for going in and doing this ❤
If you like buttered popcorn, you might enjoy Diamine Honey Burst. I suspect it's easier to get...
The issue with a lot of Ferris Wheel Press’ inks is that they have shimmers and it’s very difficult to use them with your fountain pens that have cartridges or pistons since these will clog them them. Dip pens, 100% ok
Thanks for the info!
Recommend Pilot Take-Sumi, or Noodlers Heart of Darkness. Both have worked great in my VP. Be sure to shake HoD before filling.😊 By the way matte black is amazing!
I absolutely love the coffee section. I’ve been meaning to put a coffee section in my planner. 😊
Thank you!! It’s one of my favorite sections for sure.
I just got sample of Peter Moss and really liked it. But now I need to try a sample of Dancing Thyme. It looks like a really versatile ink. Enjoyed your swatches and comparison with Teranishi Opera Rose makes me think I should’ve gotten that instead of Colorverse Brunch Date.
Dancing Thyme is now inked in one of my go to pens. I’m enjoying it cause it feels like it’s so unique. I haven’t tried Brunch Date, but Opera Rose is so different. It’s my most unique ink. Sometimes I think it’s brown, with no pink… but then I put it up against brown and I see the pink and vice versa. It’s such a chameleon of an ink. It’s always seems different each time I use it or swatch it and I love that. It never gets boring and I’m still arguing with myself if it’s pink or brown…depends on the day 😂
Lovely pen of the sort one might find also with Leonardo or Asvine. I hope the Radius people can preserve their individual style. They certainly have brought forth a gorgeous resin. Thanks for the review!
I agree. I hope radius is preserved as it unique in its own way. This resin is beautiful. Thank you for watching.
I have been waffling on buying this exact pen for weeks! You convinced me!
It’s really a decent pen fur sure. I used it on my trip for an entire week and really enjoyed it a lot.
Hi, I am new to your channel. I just wanted to say that I heard recently from a very knowledgeable TH-camr that the muted colors are always going to be dryer. So you have to maybe even add a minuscule micro amount of the white lightning from Goulet Pens. But I found out the hard way that it can cause your ink to feather so it’s a hard call.
Hi! Welcome 😊 Yes I’ve heard that too. I can instantly feel and see when it’s dry when I swatch with the glass end. What I’ve heard about the white lightening is the same too. Like dip a needle in and then dip that into the ink and that can even be too much. I wish the white lightening wasn’t as crazy 🤣 I’m going to purchase some to try it out. I’d like to see if I can do it without having the ink feather.
Diana thank you so much for a gorgeous and heartfelt review. I ordered my Medium Chai Latte immediately. Should have it within the next 2 days.
How exciting. I hope you like it as much as I like mine. Thank you for visiting!
The scissors look like the sun-star stickyle scissors. I know jet pens sells them
Thank you so much for the info. I wasn’t 100% sure. I’ll look at jetpens to see if I can find it. I love those scissors! I’ve had foldable pairs in the past and they were never great like these are.
I saw this pen while I was in Japan and didn’t get it. I come home and everyone’s ordering one 😅 the regret!!
Oh no, lol. That happened to me a few years back. I wasn’t really into FP at the time and every one was getting a specific Sailor I really loved the look of and now I can’t get it …it’s impossible to find. The regret is the worst felling 😅
Welp, I just bought a pen. Thanks for linking it lol
😂 You are welcome.
what a cute pen! i hope you have a good trip! :)
Agreed!!! I could not say no to having this one. I’ve been writing with it for about a day so far and it’s been enjoyable! Thank you for visiting. 😊
The Sad Charade is my favorite ink I’ve ever tried color-wise, it’s the perfect dusty blue-grey. I’ve written nearly an entire bullet journal with that ink 🖋️ I wonder how Sad Charade compares to Storied Blue?
I agree and since this video I got a full sized bottle! I’m swatching Storied Blues on my next ink video and I’ll make it a point to compare the two for the end comparison section 😊 I’m curious myself!
@@dianalovestoplan Much appreciated! I swear dusty blues are my spirit color, I’ll never turn down a comparison of lovely misty blues
treasured manuscript is one of my favourites! i bought it recently too, and its currently in my sailor medium mixed with bookkeepers brass. its dark enough to be read in a fine i think? though i write small and that makes inks look darker... it really is lovely to use as a base though! my ratio was 13 drops of treasured manuscript and 3 drops of bookkeepers brass (in a small bottle)
I absolutely love it too. It had that great surprised olive undertone. That combination sounds amazing. I haven’t gotten brave enough to start mixing but I know it will happen cause I love changing things up and not getting bored of a full bottle. I figure I’ll try it in a middle fine as is and if it’s too light will definitely mix it!
Sherwood Green was my first fountain pen ink! It's a beautiful color and I still use it super often (the huge bottle lol)
It was my very first too! I think I’ll use it as well. I may not regret the big bottle after all 😂
@@dianalovestoplan Definitely no regrets from me :)
I found your channel by chance and i just love your enthusiasm for your own progress! Its really refreshing being a fountain pen beginner myself
Thank you so much and WELCOME 🤎
You don't sound like a newbie. You're doing fine. Every fountain pen collection has to have at least one Lamy Safari. I have three ...so far. Eventually, you should try piston and vacuum fillers. You have to dip the pen in the ink bottle with them. Syringes are essential for eye dropper pens. The advantage to these three types is that your pen can hold more ink. I look forward to more of your videos.
Thank you! I already want another safari and I am eyeing vacuum fillers …they look so interesting! Thanks for visiting.
WOW! You did an awesome job on your video. Your selection of inks go together nicely too. If I may help with the Japanese..."kitsune" (means "fox") sounds like kee-tsu-nay. The Hobonichi "Hon" ("hon" means book) is like the first syllable in Honolulu (minus the olulu 😅), so hoe + the "un" sound....hoe-un. And "Kakimori" would sound like kah-kee-mo-ri. So the "ki" is kee, rather than kay. I hope that helps. But regardless, I loved your video, with your pretty inks and your swatching format. Thank you so much for sharing your collection! When you do look back on this video someday, you ought to give yourself a big pat on the back. BRAVO! 👏🏻
Yes all that helps so much. I definetly struggle with all the Japanese 😅 I’ll have to remembers these. Thank you so much for visiting 😊
Hi Diane, I just got a chai latte fountain 3776, my first pen, I’m so excited now just exploring some inks. Im a total newbie and new subscriber love watching your videos. Can I get the suppliers details thanks.
Hi! I’m so happy you got one as well. I’m obsessed with mine. So glad you enjoyed watching. The supplier I got my pen from is GOODPENLIFE. She can be found on Instagram. She posts hard to find pens but if you are looking to find something specific send her a DM and she will help you out. She’s amazing to work with. I hope that helps! I too am now exploring all the inks. So many good ones out there. THANK YOU for visiting and subscribing 😊
Loved this!!!!!
Thank you !!!
I would be willing to trade samples. That’s my plan for large bottles that I know I won’t use all of!!! If you are interested let me know…!
That’s so kind! I’m very new so I don’t have much. If you like I can send a list of what I have. I do the sample thing mostly too so those are hard to split and share…I’m trying to control buying bottles best I can but I do have a few. Let me know and I can tell you what I have 😊
Hello Diana! You can buy other colours from the same line and mix them to create your own custom colour. There's also a cheat sheet on how to do it. platinumpenusa.com/wp-content/uploads/e_mixfree041.jpg
Thanks for sharing. Spadina is a main street in Toronto. It’s pronounced spa-dine-a. It used to be the centre of the fashion district. There are a number of FWP inks named for places in Toronto: Edwards garden, Bathurst blue denim, down the Don Valley (parking lot😂) , Morningside mint. Lovely choices. Thanks again 😊
Thank you! Another follower pointed out the correct pronunciation as well …next time I use it I’m making it a point to say it correctly. I’ve said it wrong for a bit now so hope I remember the next time I use it in a video. Thanks for visiting ♥️
@@dianalovestoplan oops sorry. I didn’t read all the comments first! Enjoy your pretty inks 🖋️❤️📖
@@annienigro4624 No worries, I usually don’t either when I watch other videos 😂
"No no", "syringe warning"? You're too woke and snowflake sounding for me. Good luck
wow what a lovely selection of colours!! i hope you enjoy them in pens! also i don’t mean to nag but jsyk Spadina is actually pronounced spa-die-na (it’s named after a road in Toronto where i live) :) also FWP inks are known for being a bit on the dry side. thank you for sharing! 💛
No problem at all! Thanks you so much for the info on how to pronounce it properly. I hope I remember for my next video that has it featured because I have said it wrong for so long now it’s going to be hard to change and say it right from now on 😂 I was excited I could actually tell which ones were dry. It was a struggle understanding how I would know how to differentiate, but it was easy …I could actually feel it and see it when it was dry. Not as hard to tell as I thought it would be. Now I need to learn how to tell if a pen is wet or dry …that seems hard 😂
I'm looking forward to the next one 💗
Thanks 😊
I loved the Sailor Kitsune Biyori. That is on my list. I bought the Opera Rose because of Kayrena, too. This was a fun video.
Thank you!!! The Kitsune Biyori is so unique …I love how different it is and you can even find it right on Amazon with prime. Thanks for visiting!
Super job!!!! No need to be worried! Swatching is a form of therapy for me. I hadn’t heard of your first two inks… now I’m putting them on my shopping list!!!!!
I’m filming a new ink swatch one today and going to try not to get too nervous 😬 It really is therapeutic. Teranishi Chemical Indystry inks are a new obsession! I have several more colors coming and will do a video on them too 😊
That is truly a very special pen!!! Congrats to you, Diana!!! Such a happy moment for you and thanks for sharing it! Enjoy writing and planning with it! All the best to you from a new subscriber 🤎🤍🤎
Awe you are too sweet!!! Thank you so much and welcome 🤎