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เข้าร่วมเมื่ภ15 ส.ค. 2024
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DILOR FAYRAYSHANI| Rohingya new heart touching Poetry| Rohingya Burmese song| Rohingya World TV
Dark reality of YouTube| What is the reality of YouTube|Rohingya important video| Rohingya World TV
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 66หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
Dark reality of TH-cam| What is the reality of TH-cam|Rohingya important video| Rohingya World TV
Rohingya JIBON/shanti |Rohingya Life new ghajal | Rohingya Hindi song|Junior Rifas
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 5972 หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
Rohingya JIBON/shanti |Rohingya Life new ghajal | Rohingya Hindi song|Junior Rifas
"Dead Sea"King of ocean| Rohingya important video| Rohingya Interesting video by -Junior Rifas
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 2602 หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
"Dead Sea"King of ocean| Rohingya important video| Rohingya Interesting video by -Junior Rifas
Rohingya sad poetry|AH! Rohingya Gurafuwa| Rohingya poetry by Junior Rifas| Rohingya Hindi Song
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 4962 หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
Rohingya sad poetry|AH! Rohingya Gurafuwa| Rohingya poetry by Junior Rifas| Rohingya Hindi Song
Rohingya motivational video| How to success in Life| Best way to success in Life| Rohingya new video
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 2453 หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
Rohingya motivational video| How to success in Life| Best way to success in Life| Rohingya new video
Rohingya new emotional poetry| Rohingya Hindi song| Rohingya Hindi song by Atif Aslam| Junior Rifas
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 7803 หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
Rohingya new emotional poetry| Rohingya Hindi song| Rohingya Hindi song by Atif Aslam| Junior Rifas
YouTube Channel intro , Power of motivation
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 783 หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
TH-cam Channel intro , Power of motivation
Reform ARU | Rohingya new message | Why Reform ARU | #ReformARU | by .Rifas 24
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 5583 หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
Reform ARU | Rohingya new message | Why Reform ARU | #ReformARU | by .Rifas 24
Adore Kenogore | reaction video Faijan Arkan | by (Rifas 24)
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Adore Kenogore | reaction video Faijan Arkan | by (Rifas 24)
Rohingya demands speech in Hindi,by Power of motivation
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 4213 หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
Rohingya demands speech in Hindi,by Power of motivation
Rohingya Genocide Day Hindi Song , 25 August, Remembrance Day
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 2.6K3 หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
Rohingya Genocide Day Hindi Song , 25 August, Remembrance Day
Rohingya new poetry By Rifas and emotional Song Studio
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 5953 หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
Rohingya new poetry By Rifas and emotional Song Studio
Rohingya Hindi song,Top three Bollywood songs by Emotional Song Studio (ESS)
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 1.1K3 หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
Rohingya Hindi song,Top three Bollywood songs by Emotional Song Studio (ESS)
Rohingya Hindi Songs, Top two Bollywood songs By emotional song studio.
มุมมà¸à¸‡ 2.8K3 หลายเดืà¸à¸™à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™
Rohingya Hindi Songs, Top two Bollywood songs By emotional song studio.
Thanks, congratulations 🎉
Alhamdu lilla very nice ðŸ‘.
ရá€á€á€¯á€„်ဒေသမှာနေရင် အá€á€»á€„်းá€á€»á€„်းá€á€»á€…်á€á€„်ကြရမယ်ထင်á€á€šá€º
ရá€á€á€¯á€„်ပြည်မှာနေကြá€á€²á€· ရá€á€¯á€Ÿá€„်ဂျာဖြစ်ဖြစ် ရá€á€á€¯á€„်ဖြစ်ဖြစ် အá€á€¼á€¬á€¸á€œá€°á€™á€»á€á€¯á€¸á€–ြစ်ဖြစ် အá€á€»á€„်းá€á€»á€„်း ဒီသေသá€á€á€¯á€¸á€á€€á€ºá€–á€á€¯á€· အá€á€»á€„်းá€á€»á€„်းစည်းလုံးဖá€á€¯á€·á€œá€á€¯á€á€šá€º
Nice song proud to be rohingya â¤â¤â¤â¤
Very nice â¤
Great song
Wow Fantastic 🎉
Marsha AllahðŸ‘ðŸ‘â¤ï¸â¤ï¸
Congratulations 🎊 â¤â¤â¤â¤â¤
Absolutely your right
Very beautiful song 💪💪💪💪â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ†ðŸ†ðŸ†ðŸ†ðŸ’¯ðŸ’¯ðŸ’¯ðŸ’¯ðŸ’¯âœ…✅✅✅✅
Right ðŸ‘
Very nice song
Very nice song thank you so much
ဤသီá€á€»á€„်းသည် ကျွန်ုပ်á€á€á€¯á€· ရá€á€¯á€Ÿá€„်ဂျာအသá€á€¯á€„်းအá€á€á€¯á€„်းအá€á€½á€€á€º ပြီးပြည့်စုံသည်á‹
ကျေးဇူးအများကြီးá€á€„်ပါá€á€šá€º á€á€»á€…်ညီလေး
Wedarfull sons
So great for rohingya power
Good video
He is already father not brother
Nice song â¤â¤â¤â¤
မင်းá€á€á€¯á€·á€™á€¼á€± နာမည်ဘယ်လá€á€¯á€á€±á€«á€ºá€œá€² á€á€á€¯á€¸á€á€„်မြေလာ ကုလားá€á€¯ ဘာသာပြန်
â¤â¤â¤ thanks ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘