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Institute of Alcohol Studies
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 16 มิ.ย. 2021
The Institute of Alcohol Studies is an independent body bringing together evidence, policy and practice from the UK and abroad to promote an informed debate on alcohol’s impact on society. Our purpose is to advance the use of the best available evidence in public policy decisions on alcohol.
IAS is a registered charity, number 1112671.
IAS is a registered charity, number 1112671.
Alcohol-specific deaths in England reach record high - Dr Katherine Severi | TalkTV with Ian Collins
Deaths from conditions wholly attributable to alcohol in England have increased by 4.6% from 2022 to 2023, reaching the highest number for the fourth year in a row.
Since 2019, deaths have increased by a shocking 42%.
IAS's Chief Executive, Dr Katherine Severi, spoke to TalkTV about this rising crisis.
Since 2019, deaths have increased by a shocking 42%.
IAS's Chief Executive, Dr Katherine Severi, spoke to TalkTV about this rising crisis.
มุมมอง: 38
Alcohol and the Brain: Explained
มุมมอง 22Kหลายเดือนก่อน
Alcohol very easily finds its way into the brain, and when there, has a profound effect on many of the brain’s structures and functions. Alcohol is a neurotoxin, meaning it is poisonous to neurons, the main type of brain cell. It causes both short term and long term effects and harm to the brain, although the risks and harms change throughout our life course. Our film looks at how alcohol gets ...
Institute of Alcohol Studies welcomes alcohol duty changes in Autumn 2024 Budget
มุมมอง 75หลายเดือนก่อน
In the Autumn 2024 Budget, alcohol duty rates were increased in line with inflation. At the same time, the relief on draught alcohol under 8.5% was increased, to help support pubs and hospitality. "We welcome the decision to specifically target cheap, supermarket alcohol in the budget, by raising off-trade alcohol duty by inflation. This will help narrow the widening gap in affordability betwee...
Alcohol and Cancer: Explained
มุมมอง 2.2K4 หลายเดือนก่อน
In 1988, alcohol was added to the list of Group 1 carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, alongside tobacco, asbestos, radiation, and viral infections such as HIV and HPV. This classification, put simply, means that alcohol causes cancer. Yet public awareness of this remains remarkably low. Drinking alcohol is known to cause at least seven types of cancer: mouth, upper t...
Alcohol and the Heart: Explained
มุมมอง 2.6K8 หลายเดือนก่อน
Cardiovascular disease is the biggest killer across the globe, causing 20 million deaths every year. And drinking alcohol directly contributes to cardiovascular disease. Yet for many years, the idea that alcohol, particularly red wine, is good for the heart has inundated our media, policy debates, and been spread by industry misinformation. Over the past decade, new study designs have improved ...
Alcohol brief interventions for people with cognitive decline webinar
มุมมอง 4289 หลายเดือนก่อน
On Tuesday 12 March, IAS hosted a webinar as part of its Small Grants Scheme, with Dr Philippa Case presenting her systematic review of 'Alcohol brief interventions for people with cognitive decline'. The number of older at-risk drinkers experiencing cognitive decline is likely to increase as a consequence of an ageing population and increased prevalence of at-risk drinking among older adults. ...
Alcohol Marketing: Explained
มุมมอง 3.2K10 หลายเดือนก่อน
Alcohol marketing is all around us: at our favourite sports matches, on our TV screens, online, at bus stops and on billboards. It affects what we think and how we drink, nudging us to drink more and during more occasions. But how does it reach us, why are current regulatory structures failing to deal with a growing problem, why does the World Health Organization recommended comprehensive bans ...
An exploration of lay discussions about alcohol and pregnancy on Mumsnet
มุมมอง 186ปีที่แล้ว
On 14 November 2023, IAS hosted a webinar to discuss a new study on how people posting on Mumsnet discuss alcohol and pregnancy. Dr Lisa Schölin (University of Edinburgh) and Rachel Arkell (British Pregnancy Advisory Service) presented their findings, including how people posting on Mumsnet discussed evidence of alcohol and pregnancy, the NHS guidelines, deferring to professional advice, unders...
The Price of Alcohol: Explained
มุมมอง 1.1Kปีที่แล้ว
Reducing the affordability of alcohol is one of the most powerful tools at the UK government’s disposal to tackle alcohol harm. At the same time, capping the price of a pint is a frequent political tool deployed to appeal to the public. So what is the real relationship between cost and consumption, and how does this impact the nation’s health and the economy? This video explains how the cost of...
Off-trade alcohol availability and violence: the impact of on-trade closures
มุมมอง 167ปีที่แล้ว
On Monday 18 September we hosted a webinar to launch our latest report on off-trade alcohol availability and violence. It is difficult to disentangle the effects of off-trade (supermarkets, off-licences) and on-trade (pubs, bars, restaurants) availability on alcohol-related violence. This is because people may consume alcohol from the off-trade before visiting the on-trade, or because purchases...
Big Alcohol: Explained
มุมมอง 6Kปีที่แล้ว
Across the world, alcohol consumption and harm are on the rise, and since the pandemic, deaths from alcohol rose to their highest level on record in the UK. Despite an abundance of evidence showing how to reduce alcohol consumption and harm, the alcohol industry has been a major barrier to progress and has slowed or prevented meaningful change. The alcohol industry has a profound effect on our ...
Alcohol use in the cost of living crisis 2023
มุมมอง 236ปีที่แล้ว
On 22 June 2023, the Institute of Alcohol Studies and Director of Public Health for Gateshead, Alice Wiseman, hosted a webinar on how the cost-of-living crisis is impacting public health, particularly in relation to levels of alcohol harm. Dr Philip Broadbent (Specialty Registrar in Public Health Medicine) presented findings from his research into the public health implications of the cost-of-l...
Alcohol marketing to Sexual and Gender Minorities
มุมมอง 340ปีที่แล้ว
Dr David Whiteley of Glasgow Caledonian University presents a scoping review on alcohol marketing to Sexual and Gender Minorities/the LGBTQ community. He discusses: 1. How do alcohol companies target gender and sexually diverse communities? 2. What effect does targeted alcohol marketing have on the drinking practices of gender and sexually diverse communities? 3. What are the potential implicat...
ITV News - 06 February - Alcohol deaths
มุมมอง 99ปีที่แล้ว
On 06 February @ITVNews discussed the harm that cheap and strong alcoholic drinks can cause. The UK Government has frozen or cut alcohol duty every year over the last decade, apart from 2017, making alcohol much more affordable and leading to subsequent harm.
Corporate Political Activity of the Alcohol and Gambling Industries
มุมมอง 3772 ปีที่แล้ว
On 21 September 2022 we hosted a launch webinar of our new study, which shows that the alcohol and gambling industries use the same arguments and framings to shape the narrative around the harms caused by their products, and the solutions to those harms. The lead author of the study, Saloni Bhuptani, presented the results and answered questions. 00:00 - Saloni Bhuptani presentation 23:10 - Q&A ...
The COVID Hangover: BBC News interview - Dr Sadie Boniface
มุมมอง 2032 ปีที่แล้ว
The COVID Hangover: BBC News interview - Dr Sadie Boniface
The COVID Hangover: long-term health impacts of changes in alcohol consumption during the pandemic
มุมมอง 3132 ปีที่แล้ว
The COVID Hangover: long-term health impacts of changes in alcohol consumption during the pandemic
Marketing and Consumption of No and Low Alcohol Drinks in the UK
มุมมอง 6572 ปีที่แล้ว
Marketing and Consumption of No and Low Alcohol Drinks in the UK
Alcohol industry sustainability commitments
มุมมอง 2272 ปีที่แล้ว
Alcohol industry sustainability commitments
Preventing underage alcohol purchasing online using payment card details
มุมมอง 2033 ปีที่แล้ว
Preventing underage alcohol purchasing online using payment card details
'Alcohol marketing during the 2020 Six Nations' - report launch webinar
มุมมอง 1713 ปีที่แล้ว
'Alcohol marketing during the 2020 Six Nations' - report launch webinar
Alcohol-related violence, anti-social behaviour and deprivation - presentation
มุมมอง 2043 ปีที่แล้ว
Alcohol-related violence, anti-social behaviour and deprivation - presentation
Alcohol and inequalities in victimisation
มุมมอง 283 ปีที่แล้ว
Alcohol and inequalities in victimisation
The problems of cheap, high strength alcohol
มุมมอง 1463 ปีที่แล้ว
The problems of cheap, high strength alcohol
Save lives, safer roads, lower the drink drive limit
มุมมอง 433 ปีที่แล้ว
Save lives, safer roads, lower the drink drive limit
Stop promoting the idea that everyone has to pay for others stupidity -
The profit margins are great and the influence of (government lobbyists) by breweries + distillers prevents the detrimental effects being more widely publicized.
Yeah yeah yeah, but it's also not known as Dutch Courage for nothing. Plus, it's a lovely buddy when you live in isolation and no, I don't want any friends. But must stop as can't afford it now and only drink JD.
Thank you for the information... but, could it be you are biased towards the 0.0 realm of alcohol intake?
As an extraterrestrial from zerrum II I find it extremely puzzling why humans ingest Ethanol.
I’m so happy to say I haven’t had ANY alcohol for 6 months except a 1 beer at work event, that’s a far cry from having 1 bottle a day. Alcohol makes you stupid, it kills your brain cells so DONT DRINK IT . I’m so happy I wasn’t doing it long enough to have any noticeable effects, 3-4 months. This is why anyone who drinks alcohol chronically is fucking stupid
Alcohol plus brain = magic
You guys missed a HUGE issue: The alcoholic and codependent authorities from every sector of society, in conjunction with the alcohol industry, FORCED a monopoly over the recreational drug market. The consequences were catastrophic and probably FATAL. There were 100s of millions of violent alcohol related crimes over the past 60 years in America alone, including the sexual abuse of 10s of millions of children. Those are primary causes of PTSD and other stress disorders. As that mass of victims was entering THE GATEWAY - trauma, especially alcohol related violent and sexually perverse crimes - to alternative recreational drug consumption (75% of all alternative consumption was cannabis), their certifiably alcoholic and codependent leadership projected onto the victims consuming cannabis the evil of their own doing. Those were denied equal protection under the law alcohol druggies enjoyed, even the right to compete in the workplace. Furthermore, the only competitor know to humans against alcohol as a recreational substance (stress relieving, a medical necessity) - cannabis - was given over to Mexican cartels which became the foundation of their empires that now threaten national security daily, netting them TRILLIONS. So, the alcoholic and codependent nations waged war on the traumatized victims of the nation's drunken debauchery - cannabis consumers, the greatest majority group of which has always been the traumatized victims of alcohol related violence and sexual perversion, thus making orphans of 10s of millions of wounded souls, multiplying their trauma, and making "fresh meat" of them for underworld predators. Now you have 10s of millions of Americans strung out on prescription psych meds and the alcoholic and codependent, including the medical community that created a whole industry based on making cannabis consumers feel guilty and abnormal, can't identify why.
Excellent explanation
Very informative
Fantastic work, IAS. 💙
Alcohol is ethanol and caurse cancer and we all know that ethanol loses up fat (the brain is made of fat). Why bother drinking ethanol? Why?
Alcohol is a horrible substance. I’m so glad I stopped bothering with that poison quite a few years ago. It’s is the most vile , Unmotivating substance ! I don’t touch it at any point in my life anymore even at Xmas. I enjoy life actively and happily without that toxicity
I hate drunk kitties
This is very interesting. Despite all of the news we hear about alcohol being safe, just like our food, there is a lot of information being suppressed to push people to think it's okay to drink. Nobody talks about this because everyone drinks! I wonder what RFK Jr. thinks about this as he was once an alcoholic who is trying to make America healthy again with food, but why not with limiting alcohol consumption also!
This video is a good example of why Nationalized Healthcare reduces your freedom. I am not defending heavy drinking ,but looking a societal problems through the lens of cost of healthcare could lead to all to all sorts of government bans & controls.Loud music isn't good for hearing and hearing aids are expensive so nothing that produces sound can have a volume level past 5.Animals bite people in certain cases and the cost isn't worth it so no pets allowed.Child health care is expensive so only 2 children are allowed per woman. I realize it sounds over the top but only recently has the government and medical institutions come to the realization that they can't define what a woman is and who is a woman.
I didn’t have drink till I was 40years old when my marriage was broken it dulls the pain I always like wine now I have lived a long life but I know I would be better if I didn’t have it at all I do pity alcoholics it’s destructive
Its just an excuse to allow horrible evil behavior(s) and physical.artacks , verbal.etc
Thank you for this important and informative video. The sheer ubiquity of alcohol, its social acceptance, and its place in our cultural history, all contribute to its terrible toll upon our lives, families, and communities. Not only is alcohol a neurotoxin, a sedative, and a carcinogen, but it is also a brutal form of social control. When we consider the spectacular beauty of a healthy brain and body it is obvious that all consumption of alcohol is a stupid act of self-harm.
An extremely simple explanation of the impact of alcohol on the brain. Hope is always eternal that those with alcohol addiction are given the help they require thus also helping with the burden carried by families, in particular, the children of alcoholics. Thank you for posting the video.
It’s crazy how physically hazardous and socially harmful alcohol/ethanol is in comparison to drugs that are actually illegal
Some disturbing statistics to deter excess alcohol consumption.That being the case it is pretty hard to imagine a fall in demand for beer and other alcohol beverages across pubs and public houses
Thanks IAS, that's really helpful.
wHY DO people DRINK
Trauma, in my case. Used to be recommended for vets.
Relaxation effects. But like everything, if used, needs to be in moderation only.
Are there not any beneficial effects among all those facts? I don't drink but I'm a bartender and all these are not great selling points.
There aren't any beneficial physiological effects on the brain no. For some people there are beneficial social effects around drinking alcohol, but that's a different topic!
Maybe run with the social congeniality argument? 🤔
Can you comment on the brains ability to recover or rebuild once abstinence is acquired? I’m sure there’s a tipping point but for example someone who drinks heavily a few times a month then ceases completely, can they recover from the damage? Thanks for the informative video, it seems to support the disease concept of AUD.
An interesting and thorough explanation of the impact of alcohol on the brain and our health. The burden of these effects are carried not only by the person drinking, but everyone around them, including children. It is vital we talk more about this so families know they are not alone and it's not their fault.
Really informative video, thank you IAS
Robert Rutkowski -Polish expert from Warsaw , therapy and knowledge about alco drug and orher drugs
Sober Adults deserve discounts on insurance premiums.
We need to increase User Fees and Duties on alcoholic beverages. We need to reduce the Blood Alcohol Content for Driving Under the Influence and increase the penalties. We need to ban advertising, marketing and political donations. We need Dram Shop laws that compensate victims and their families of over service rather than protecting irresponsible alcohol retailers. Distracted Driving begins at .005 Blood Alcohol Content (Commercial Drivers) and Drunk Driving begins at.024 BAC. Sober Adults deserve discounts on insurance premiums. We lose money on every drink sold and are subsidizing it with Income and Death taxes. Join the Puritan Movement.
1. Higher User Fees on alcoholic beverages. 2. Lower the Blood Alcohol Content for Driving Under the Influence and increase the penalties. Drunk Driving begins at .024 BAC and Distracted Driving for Commercial Drivers begins at .005. 3. Reduce the hours of Service; end Service at 10 pm. 4. Reduce the hours of package sales; end sales at 7 pm. 5. Reduce the number of sales locations; increase the licensure. Make Liquor a Pharmacy package sale only item. 6. Ban alcohol advertising and marketing. 7. Sober Adults deserve discounts on insurance premiums. 8. Modify Dram Shop laws to provide compensation to victims and their families of over service rather than protecting irresponsible alcohol retailers. 9. Ban Alcohol industry from making political donations. 10. Advertise the medical harm of alcohol used and disease risk.
This information is completely incorrect, and based on weak data. Whatever one thinks, very few alcoholics get cancer because of the alcohol itself. It is more interesting that many alcoholics are also smokers. And one should shift the focus to smoking, which is greatest above. I work in addiction care, and there are very few alcoholics who get cancer. However, there are many other more important somatic complications of alcohol, which are unfortunately not mentioned here. Read on, do the right thing, and go out with evidence-based facts.
Everything in this film is taken from the referenced documents in the description, published by organisations such as the World Health Organization and Cancer Research UK, as well as peer-reviewed publications. The film is specifically about cancer, hence why we haven't mentioned other somatic harms, but we do have other films - such as one on alcohol's effect on the cardiovascular system - and we are developing other films to publish. This is our heart film if you are interested: th-cam.com/video/lh7TzXmJodY/w-d-xo.html
How do these studies figure out that it’s the alcohol? Do all of the people in the study have the same exact lifestyle, same diet, drink the same drinking water? I just want to know how they could control for these factors.
Whilst I've no doubt that alcohol advertising does encourage people to drink, it doesn't work on everyone. Throughout my life I've been bombarded by alcohol advertising but I don't drink alcohol at all (not due to any religious reason)
This video is really well done. As someone who has struggled with alcohol for a long time, I noticed quite early that every time I tried to get sober I would see some advertising on tv that normalized, sexualized, or even said that alcohol=fun. Knowledge is power, keep spreading the message.
Thank you so much for this concise and incredibly useful video. I'm a dietitian working for a CVD NGO. Just want to let you know how much I appreciate this video, so great to get clear and evidence based info on this topic. THANK YOU.
No problem at all! You may also be interested in this talk by Professor Tim Stockwell on the same topic: th-cam.com/video/_5o3MyFF6Pg/w-d-xo.html
Thank you, very helpful. There is a lot of wrong and misleading information out there regarding safe limits of alcohol, which I have surmised to be zero. Any alcohol intake is harmful.
You're definitely right about there being lots of misinformation out there. The World Health Organization has made it clear that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption, mainly due to the risk of cancer increasing from low levels of drinking, as Professor Britton mentions in this film at 11:26.
@@instituteofalcoholstudies9339would it be fine if I posted a clip of this on my TH-cam channel…I want others to know as well!
P r o m o S M
Alcohol is a crime against humanity bigger than the Holocaust.
The alcohol industry has its tentacles in all the public service advertising in Canada. Facts are ethanol is a poison in all amounts. There is no safe amount. Its just an increasing risk curve. The message however that we get is never dont drink but instead drink ion moderation or X drinks a week are the recommendation. Everything we buy has warning levels on toxicity in Canada but not one word on any booze labels at all. One of the truly evil things that big alcohol is doing is "inventing" new drinks like hard lemonade, red bull with booze, fruit juice with booze. The targets for these products are not your middle aged man or woman or the elderly. Instead these products are targeted at kids. What big alcohol offer to do as a "responsible corporate citizen" is to put out these PSAs BUT the message is theirs and not the truth. Alcohol damn near killed me and I had no idea of the real facts surrounding ethanol as I was born in the 60s. Here is a stat. IN Russia the life expectancy for males is 11 years less than for females and one of the lowest in the modern world. The reason plain and simple is early death due to booze.
Lots of parallels with big tobacco.
Good info.
Great video.
Big Booze preys on any minority to sell alcohol.
Great video.
Great video. IAS is doing a fantastic job.
Great video! Alcohol is pure evil.
wake up. Prohibition has already been tried and failed.
I have a revolutionary idea for you; watch the video before commenting. Because there is not even a minor, small bit, incidental mention of prohibition in it.
I would settle for a POISON label.
No you wake up, so because something was tried yrs ago and failed just let people suffer for ever? Is that your answer? Its down to humanity to wake up to this shit and stop buying it. They are very clever at getting everyone hooked but thankfully the cracks are starting to show, much the same as what happened with tobacco.
Prohibition was a great Public Health success. You have been 1984ed.
Please do a video how alcohol industry exploits the people in the developing countries.
Hi Ravi, that's a great idea and is definitely on our radar. The films take some time to develop, so we may not work on that one for a while but definitely aim to.
We are eagerly waiting for this as well,would be glad to participate in providing content for such a video