Nick T
Nick T
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  • 90
Student Performance Factors - A Statistical Study.
🎥 Exploring Statistical Methods: Student Performance Analysis 📊
Join us as we dive into an introductory data analysis project using a generic Kaggle dataset on Student Performance Factors 👉
In this video, we explore various statistical methods to uncover insights into how different factors influence exam scores. From hypothesis testing to chi-square tests, this project serves as a practical demonstration of statistical techniques in data science.
Speaker Timeline:
🗣️ John Huamani: 0:00
🗣️ Aarya Patel: 5:31
🗣️ Nick Tavares, CIMA®: 7:18
🔍 What you'll learn:
The process of analyzing Kaggle datasets, with insights into descriptive statistics and exploratory data analysis (EDA)
How to use statistical methods for hypothesis testing
Visualizations and interpretations of the results
Key takeaways for improving academic performance metrics
This video offers valuable insights into exploratory data analysis and statistical modeling, helping convey practical insights into educational data.
มุมมอง: 42


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