What’s so incredible is reading his life story and how shy and awkward he felt, while dreaming of one day reaching the heights of his musical heroes. Now he is the idol and the legend, but at heart the same complicated and shy person. What an extraordinary life and what an extraordinary man.
Yes Julia is his friend, and one of the most obsessive fan. She's been almost every Moz gig since 90s . And she runs famous fan-site true-to-you (where Morrissey often write his statement on).
: he's just...amazing.
"Are you fine? _Pfff, I'm ok." He doesn't want to be here and doesn't even hide it.
oh big hug.
That would have been such an honour.
Well-dressed and gorgeous.
What’s so incredible is reading his life story and how shy and awkward he felt, while dreaming of one day reaching the heights of his musical heroes. Now he is the idol and the legend, but at heart the same complicated and shy person. What an extraordinary life and what an extraordinary man.
Looks like he's about to dine for pasta 😅
I want a Moz hug <3
was jens lekman there!!!
He really has Perfected the fine art of being totally awkward
And that's why we love him
ohhh lo que daria por estar cerca de el...solo eso.
His Robin Williams impersonation?
He's just like Mr. Bean here haha
I like him ,but fucking hell love that was some cringy shit.
He's the cutest, honestly if I was hugging him I don't think I would have let go.
I have a recurring nightmare where I meet Morrissey and I hug him for too long and he yells at me to stop it.
Why does EVERYBODY want to hug him and he hates it!
He said in an interview he’s extremely flattered by it because it’s a very high praise.
@@slumdogjay Only PR. He's made it clear he hates people.
@@fredmila Love him or hate him he has always praised his fans.
Patting the roses....their are brighter sides to life.
She's one of four people in the acknowledgments of Autobiography.
"Rosita ¡pónte allá! ¡donde estabas!" Cómo me hubiese encantada estar allí VIVA MOZ
Julia Riley editor of morrissey true to you fanzine & website. Also follows Steven on tour, defender of the faith! :)
Yes Julia is his friend, and one of the most obsessive fan. She's been almost every Moz gig since 90s . And she runs famous fan-site true-to-you (where Morrissey often write his statement on).
hardly a girl
He looks beautiful :( Sod Sweden Moz, come to your hometown!
I like how he taps the table impatiently " let's start already !" then proceeds to arrange the pencils like in the first day of school.
Was thinking same
Thank u for sharing. Made me smile as I watched him prepare his space.
Says another obsessive Moz fan.
No. She will always defend him from people that say stupid things.
So THAT's Julia...?!
Yep, Julia.
aint he a doll
Tough crowd these Moz fans.
"a bit obsessive"? Thank you for your input, Captain Obvious.
It's all a bit obsessive. One day when she gets spurned, she'll prob go gunning for him. She looks the type.
she's like at every gig, no matter what, I always wonder how can she afford it!