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What? Such a small box can teach you so many English expressions! LEGO is probably one of the most famous toy companies in the world, and countless people dream of owning its products. But have you ever wondered how the various elements of every LEGO set are described in English? Let’s take a simple LEGO car as an example to explore and learn! From what’s on the packaging to the details in the instruction manual and the names of various LEGO bricks, there’s bound to be something you didn’t know before.
00:00 Intro
00:30 包装盒部分
02:21 开箱/说明书
03:18 组装小人仔
04:21 组装本体
08:38 省流总结
มุมมอง: 17


看剧学英语没有效果?不妨试试玩游戏学英语,简直太酷啦!Play and Learn: Why video games are Good for Learning English
มุมมอง 4814 วันที่ผ่านมา
Want to make learning English fun? It is commonly recommended that watching English TV series and movies could help you improve your English. But somehow you end up realizing it didn’t work as well as you hoped. Don’t worry! If you want to learn English in a fun and easy way, why not give video games a shot? It’s a perfect mix of learning and playing. In this video, I’ll talk about why learning...
Reading a History Book Named “Henan”, Where China Began | 一个人的穷游vlog,阅读一本名叫《河南》的历史书
มุมมอง 10621 วันที่ผ่านมา
如果想了解中国大地上的历史,不妨翻开这本名叫“河南”的历史书。2024年,我独自一人来到数千年文明滋养的中原大地。这里的黄土厚重、历史厚重、人情厚重。河南省遍地充满京华,历数各个朝代,几乎都能在这这里找到一处合适的都城,展现出中原大地的得天独厚;也许这里的一切就像这片大地一般,远看平实,近看厚重,无处不是国宝;乍一看荒凉,实际是粮仓,养育着大国的芸芸众生;想象中食之无味,实际充满历史的厚重。这里的人们面朝黄土背朝天,构筑了中华文明的底色。中原大地曾经发生太多故事,等待每一位到访的游客解锁这里的宝藏,现在,我可以讲述我的版本。 If you want to learn about the history of China, Henan Province has something to show for it. In 2024, I took a solo trip to this p...
河南许昌:古有曹魏之辉煌,今有胖东来的奇迹 | Xuchang: A City that Witnessed Rich History and Commercial Miracle
มุมมอง 4621 วันที่ผ่านมา
闻听三国事,每欲到许昌 If you want to learn more about the Three Kingdoms, you definitely want to visit Xuchang.
享誉中外的古都洛阳,悬崖中的佛像讲述了什么 | The oldest city in China: What does the Buddha statue in the cliff tell
มุมมอง 2128 วันที่ผ่านมา
洛阳可能是中国古代文化最繁荣的城市,是十三朝古都。不到这里,很难了解这里的文化有多么辉煌。无论是城内的古城,唐代的皇家建筑,还是洛阳博物馆陈列的各种古董。在城南伊河岸边,千年前的人们在崖壁间凿出一尊尊佛像。千年后的人们,来到这里,立马会震惊这里的景象:这里的佛像姿态各异,形象多彩。似乎在展示千百年前生活的景象,有的大到难以尽览,有的细瞧都不像佛像,有的庄严肃穆,有的还不忘对你卖个萌。 Luoyang is arguably one of the most culturally prosperous cities in ancient China and served as the capital for thirteen dynasties. It is hard to truly grasp the brilliance of its culture if you do not v...
中华文明的一颗明珠,命运和黄河深深绑定 | Kaifeng: A city that has its destiny bound to the Yellow River
มุมมอง 15หลายเดือนก่อน
黄河南边的这座古城,因为这条大河,命运数次被改变。在开封城,有一些东西见证了这些改变,可以说这里的一草一木、一砖一瓦 都和黄河有关系。 Kaifeng, the ancient city south of the Yellow River, has had its fate changed many times because of this great river. In Kaifeng, something witnessed these changes. Maybe every plant, every tree, every brick, and every tile here, has something to do with the Yellow River.
中国第二大河,中国文明的起源 | China's second longest river, the cradle of its civilization.
มุมมอง 25หลายเดือนก่อน
千百年间,东亚大地上一直在讲述关于“母亲河”的故事。这条绿原上的金线是华夏文明的摇篮,也是人民多少次苦难的来源。黄河流域自五千多年前就开始孕育华夏文明,千百年经历多少朝代更替、金戈铁马、聚散分离、喜怒哀乐。关于黄河的历史,亲自走到岸边,就能有更深的了解。 For thousands of years, China has been telling the story of the "Mother River". This golden line on the green plain is the cradle of Chinese civilization, and also the source of countless hardships for the people alongside it. The Yellow River basin began nurturing Chi...
中原之中,体验中国历史的灿烂 | The Heart of Central China, Where I Study Splendid Chinese History
มุมมอง 61หลายเดือนก่อน
如今郑州是河南的省会。相对河南省的很多古都,确实不够耀眼。然而,不显眼的黄土堆也能讲述一段远古的历史,这里是曾经国都的城墙,这体现了郑州的低调。郑州在近代快速发展,成为中原地区最大的城市,这和郑州火车站密不可分。作为如今中原地区的中心城市,位于郑州的河南博物馆拥有无数国宝,比如世界上最老的乐器 贾湖骨笛。可以说,不到河南,就很难了解中国历史的悠久和辉煌。 Zhengzhou is the capital of Henan Province. Compared to many of the ancient capitals in Henan, it might not seem as dazzling. However, even unremarkable mounds of soil unfold an ancient story-these are the city walls o...
害怕演讲?7个诀窍,教你告别英语演讲恐惧 7 Tips to remove your fears of public speaking as a non-native speaker.
มุมมอง 47หลายเดือนก่อน
本期视频旨在帮助要用英语演讲,但是很害怕演讲的同学消除恐惧,勇敢站上台说话。我总共收集了其中常见困惑,希望对大家有所帮助! With this video, I aim to help those afraid of giving speeches in English get rid of their fear of standing up on stage and speaking bravely. I have collected some common confusions that English learners may have and set out my solutions. I hope it will be helpful to you!
明明花了很多时间,英语还是学不好,6个无效学习英语的迹象,你中招了吗 | 6 signs that you might be learning English WRONG
มุมมอง 48หลายเดือนก่อน
本期视频,我将介绍我认为的,无效学习英语的几个迹象: 1、无意义抄写 2、走马观花、碎片式学习 3、不喜欢写作和口语(输出)、 4、花太多时间找资料 5、考试后遗症 6、不喜欢学语法 如果你认同我的观点,可以在评论区举手!如果不认同的话,也可以在下面友善地讨论哦~ In this video, I'm going to cover a few signs of ineffective learning English: 1. Mindless Copying 2. Learning through Doom Scrolling 3. Disliking Writing and Speaking 4. Spending Too Much Time Searching 5. Exam-oriented Learning 6. Disliking Grammar If you have a...
入门英语口语的最佳方式 英语跟读究竟怎么做才有效? | Imitation: THE BEST way to learn spoken English as a beginner.
มุมมอง 44หลายเดือนก่อน
跟读是提高口语的有效方法,但很多初学者在选择材料和跟上节奏时容易出错。本期视频将介绍在跟读前、中、后的步骤。 1. 准备 - 选择简单的材料,如VOA慢速英语,不要选择难度太高的内容。 - 使用完整的文本,多次阅读并理解90-100%后再开始跟读。 - 打基础!打基础!打基础! 2. 练习 - 开始跟读时模仿说话者的语调和发音。 - 遇到困难的部分反复练习,并录音以便回顾。 - 反复练习是关键。 3. 复盘 - 回顾进度,记生词,复盘每篇材料困难的地方。
雅思阅读满分,我靠的是什么阅读方法?|The reading methods that help me score band-9 in IELTS reading.
มุมมอง 91หลายเดือนก่อน
感谢大家收看新的一期视频,这其实关于英语阅读中精读和泛读的技巧分享,并不是一起考试向的视频,保持关注,今后我也会分享关于英语考试中阅读题的有效练习方式。 Thank you for watching this video. This is actually made to share intensive reading and extensive reading skills in English reading, instead of a test-oriented video. Stay tuned, and I will also share how to effectively deal with IELTS reading tests.
The BEST way to study vocab for language learners || using Marginnote Quizlet
มุมมอง 873 หลายเดือนก่อน
I found perhaps the most effective way to learn vocab for language learners. It helps you remember and review basically all the words that you encounter during reading.
十年学习经历总结,如果从现在开始学英语,怎样最有效?What would I do if I started to learn English from scratch today?
มุมมอง 614 หลายเดือนก่อน
About ten years ago, in 2014, I found learning English quite interesting and decided to learn it hardcore in the days ahead. Today, I have made it this far, winning several awards and certificates, and completing several international exchange and communication events. As a relative ten-year anniversary of my learning English unfolds, I realize I happen to have done something right and I have a...
Dear English Beginners, Pronunciation really does not matter. 大胆说英语,英语发音其实不重要
มุมมอง 694 หลายเดือนก่อน
If you've been on the Internet for a while, you've probably noticed how obsessed people are with English pronunciation. Regardless of the speaker's message, the comments often focus on pronunciation, saying things like, "They have a bad accent," or "They don't sound like a native speaker." Reflecting on my own experiences, I realized I used to be just like that. I placed too much emphasis on pr...
You can pick up a new language without leaving your native country. 无法出国,也可以学好外语!
มุมมอง 87 หลายเดือนก่อน
You can pick up a new language without leaving your native country. 无法出国,也可以学好外语!
I become a "Very Good" English user. 十年前被英语老师挖苦 但后来成了英专生?
มุมมอง 1210 หลายเดือนก่อน
I become a "Very Good" English user. 十年前被英语老师挖苦 但后来成了英专生?
I introduced my home province to internationsl students.
มุมมอง 4ปีที่แล้ว
I introduced my home province to internationsl students.
มุมมอง 6ปีที่แล้ว
烝州市有轨电车第一视角追踪 紫线
มุมมอง 4ปีที่แล้ว
烝州市有轨电车第一视角追踪 蓝线
มุมมอง 3ปีที่แล้ว
烝州市有轨电车第一视角追踪 绿线
มุมมอง 15ปีที่แล้ว
【城市天际线】烝州市有轨电车第一视角追踪 红线
【水果忍者2.0】看我揮刀如關公--by Techsz
มุมมอง 44310 ปีที่แล้ว
【水果忍者2.0】看我揮刀如關公 by Techsz