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เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 25 พ.ค. 2015
Big Risk = BIG REWARD!!! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
The Battlegrounds are NOW OPEN!
Song: Fiddle De Dee
Composer: Silverman Sound Studios
Website: th-cam.com/users/SilvermanSound
License: Creative Commons (BY 4.0) creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Music powered by BreakingCopyright: breakingcopyright.com
#tcg #tcgcardshopsimulator #yugioh #anime #pokemon #tcgpokemon #tcgcollecting #tcgcards #tcgpulls #vtuber #yugiohtcg #gaming #hearthstone #hearthstonebattlegrounds #autobattler #streamer #stream #dogdog
Song: Fiddle De Dee
Composer: Silverman Sound Studios
Website: th-cam.com/users/SilvermanSound
License: Creative Commons (BY 4.0) creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Music powered by BreakingCopyright: breakingcopyright.com
#tcg #tcgcardshopsimulator #yugioh #anime #pokemon #tcgpokemon #tcgcollecting #tcgcards #tcgpulls #vtuber #yugiohtcg #gaming #hearthstone #hearthstonebattlegrounds #autobattler #streamer #stream #dogdog
มุมมอง: 7
Playing 100 DAYS of TCG Card Shop Simulator | Episode 5
มุมมอง 3014 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Welcome to Oja Card Emporium where all your dreams will remain dreams. Limited Stock, Batteries not included! #tcg #tcgcardshopsimulator #yugioh #anime #pokemon #tcgpokemon #tcgcollecting #tcgcards #tcgpulls #vtuber #yugiohtcg #gaming
Quilboars are UNBALANCED!! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
มุมมอง 9421 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
The Battlegrounds are NOW OPEN! 🔻 Song: Fiddle De Dee Composer: Silverman Sound Studios Website: th-cam.com/users/SilvermanSound License: Creative Commons (BY 4.0) creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music powered by BreakingCopyright: breakingcopyright.com 🔺 #tcg #tcgcardshopsimulator #yugioh #anime #pokemon #tcgpokemon #tcgcollecting #tcgcards #tcgpulls #vtuber #yugiohtcg #gaming #hearthston...
Galakrond Pirate SHENANIGANS!!! | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
มุมมอง 43วันที่ผ่านมา
The Battlegrounds are NOW OPEN! 🔻 Song: Fiddle De Dee Composer: Silverman Sound Studios Website: th-cam.com/users/SilvermanSound License: Creative Commons (BY 4.0) creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music powered by BreakingCopyright: breakingcopyright.com 🔺 #tcg #tcgcardshopsimulator #yugioh #anime #pokemon #tcgpokemon #tcgcollecting #tcgcards #tcgpulls #vtuber #yugiohtcg #gaming #hearthston...
Automaton's are WEIRD?!? | Hearthstone Battlegrounds
มุมมอง 2714 วันที่ผ่านมา
The Battlegrounds are NOW OPEN! 🔻 Song: Fiddle De Dee Composer: Silverman Sound Studios Website: th-cam.com/users/SilvermanSound License: Creative Commons (BY 4.0) creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Music powered by BreakingCopyright: breakingcopyright.com 🔺 #tcg #tcgcardshopsimulator #yugioh #anime #pokemon #tcgpokemon #tcgcollecting #tcgcards #tcgpulls #vtuber #yugiohtcg #gaming #hearthston...
We Need To Talk
มุมมอง 29821 วันที่ผ่านมา
New Upload Schedule, New Me! #tcg #tcgcardshopsimulator #yugioh #anime #pokemon #tcgpokemon #tcgcollecting #tcgcards #tcgpulls #vtuber #yugiohtcg #gaming #hearthstone #hearthstonebattlegrounds
Playing 100 DAYS of TCG Card Shop Simulator | Episode 4
มุมมอง 79หลายเดือนก่อน
Welcome to Oja Card Emporium where all your dreams will remain dreams. Limited Stock, Batteries not included! #tcg #tcgcardshopsimulator #yugioh #anime #pokemon #tcgpokemon #tcgcollecting #tcgcards #tcgpulls #vtuber #yugiohtcg #gaming
Playing 100 DAYS of TCG Card Shop Simulator | Episode 3
มุมมอง 122หลายเดือนก่อน
Welcome to Oja Card Emporium where all your dreams will remain dreams. Limited Stock, Batteries not included! #tcg #tcgcardshopsimulator #yugioh #anime #pokemon #tcgpokemon #tcgcollecting #tcgcards #tcgpulls #vtuber #yugiohtcg #gaming
Playing 100 DAYS of TCG Card Shop Simulator | Episode 2
มุมมอง 274หลายเดือนก่อน
Welcome to Oja Card Emporium where all your dreams will remain dreams. Limited Stock, Batteries not included! #tcg #tcgcardshopsimulator #yugioh #anime #pokemon #tcgpokemon #tcgcollecting #tcgcards #tcgpulls #vtuber #yugiohtcg #gaming
Master Duel Masochist | Rainbow Neos! | Episode #46
มุมมอง 25หลายเดือนก่อน
My Master Duel Masochist Series! Rules: 1. No Crafting 2. No Secret Packs or Structure Content 3. 1 Win = 1 Master Pack #Farfa #Yugioh #MasterDuel #Cimoooooooo #yugiohtcg #yugiohmasterduel #yugiohmasterduels
Playing 100 DAYS of TCG Card Shop Simulator | Episode 1
มุมมอง 51หลายเดือนก่อน
Welcome to Oja Card Emporium where all your dreams will remain dreams. Limited Stock, Batteries not included! #tcg #tcgcardshopsimulator #yugioh #anime #pokemon #tcgpokemon #tcgcollecting #tcgcards #tcgpulls #vtuber #yugiohtcg #gaming
Master Duel Masochist | Too Many Eyed Dragons! | Episode #45
มุมมอง 57หลายเดือนก่อน
My Master Duel Masochist Series! Rules: 1. No Crafting 2. No Secret Packs or Structure Content 3. 1 Win = 1 Master Pack #Farfa #Yugioh #MasterDuel #Cimoooooooo #yugiohtcg #yugiohmasterduel #yugiohmasterduels
Master Duel Masochist | The Worst FTK! | Episode #44
มุมมอง 38หลายเดือนก่อน
My Master Duel Masochist Series! Rules: 1. No Crafting 2. No Secret Packs or Structure Content 3. 1 Win = 1 Master Pack #Farfa #Yugioh #MasterDuel #Cimoooooooo #yugiohtcg #yugiohmasterduel #yugiohmasterduels
Master Duel Masochist | My Goddess! | Episode #43
มุมมอง 38หลายเดือนก่อน
My Master Duel Masochist Series! Rules: 1. No Crafting 2. No Secret Packs or Structure Content 3. 1 Win = 1 Master Pack #Farfa #Yugioh #MasterDuel #Cimoooooooo #yugiohtcg #yugiohmasterduel #yugiohmasterduels
Master Duel Masochist | Shark Attack! | Episode #42
มุมมอง 34หลายเดือนก่อน
My Master Duel Masochist Series! Rules: 1. No Crafting 2. No Secret Packs or Structure Content 3. 1 Win = 1 Master Pack #Farfa #Yugioh #MasterDuel #Cimoooooooo #yugiohtcg #yugiohmasterduel #yugiohmasterduels
Master Duel Masochist | Sycnhro Masochist! | Episode #41
มุมมอง 26หลายเดือนก่อน
Master Duel Masochist | Sycnhro Masochist! | Episode #41
Master Duel Masochist | DDDESTROY! | Episode #40
มุมมอง 14หลายเดือนก่อน
Master Duel Masochist | DDDESTROY! | Episode #40
Master Duel Masochist | Ruined by Runick | Episode #39
มุมมอง 21หลายเดือนก่อน
Master Duel Masochist | Ruined by Runick | Episode #39
Master Duel Masochist | Yubel Sorrow | Episode #38
มุมมอง 30หลายเดือนก่อน
Master Duel Masochist | Yubel Sorrow | Episode #38
Master Duel Masochist | Packs! | Episode #37
มุมมอง 37หลายเดือนก่อน
Master Duel Masochist | Packs! | Episode #37
Master Duel Masochist | Dark Magic Attack! | Episode #36
มุมมอง 28หลายเดือนก่อน
Master Duel Masochist | Dark Magic Attack! | Episode #36
Master Duel Masochist | Tyrant Dragon! | Episode #35
มุมมอง 46หลายเดือนก่อน
Master Duel Masochist | Tyrant Dragon! | Episode #35
Master Duel Masochist | Restrict? | Episode #34
มุมมอง 272 หลายเดือนก่อน
Master Duel Masochist | Restrict? | Episode #34
Master Duel Masochist | Dragon MAIDS?!? | Episode #33
มุมมอง 432 หลายเดือนก่อน
Master Duel Masochist | Dragon MAIDS?!? | Episode #33
Master Duel Masochist | TEARlaments! | Episode #32
มุมมอง 222 หลายเดือนก่อน
Master Duel Masochist | TEARlaments! | Episode #32
Master Duel Masochist | Enlightenment! | Episode #31
มุมมอง 302 หลายเดือนก่อน
Master Duel Masochist | Enlightenment! | Episode #31
Master Duel Masochist | Magikey?!? | Episode #30
มุมมอง 392 หลายเดือนก่อน
Master Duel Masochist | Magikey?!? | Episode #30
Master Duel Masochist | Misery! | Episode #29
มุมมอง 212 หลายเดือนก่อน
Master Duel Masochist | Misery! | Episode #29
No UR Anti-Meta Dragons | Amorphage Budget Deck Profile (2024)
มุมมอง 3702 หลายเดือนก่อน
No UR Anti-Meta Dragons | Amorphage Budget Deck Profile (2024)
Master Duel Masochist | Finally A Swap! | Episode #28
มุมมอง 322 หลายเดือนก่อน
Master Duel Masochist | Finally A Swap! | Episode #28
jzs m8 ur intro and overall video is so good for someone with 46subs keep it up buddy!
@@NIVIROPL Thank you so much!
I like this deck list Ima try it out
I'm not gonna give my own experience after 2 years on YT or else this will be an essay. I've run a lot of experiments in terms of content to see what really sticks, and sometimes you just gotta do what you like most and if people like it then they like it. We all have to accept that not everyone is going to enjoy our content, and that's totally fine (Helps if people give Feedback in the Comments though...). Streaming MD Masochist isn't a terrible idea, since it feels like your deck grows with your audience, and deck-building tips or ideas can possibly add to the engagement. But I will say that taking time out for your health should ALWAYS come first, if the upload rate drops, it's totally normal. We all just have to go at our own pace and not give up. Good to have you back!
You do what you feel is right for your channel glad you are back
Your fun and enjoyment comes first so it's completely understandable. Don't want to see you get burnt out
@@thedropshotter115 Thank you so much!
Sounds like i’m busy Tuesdays and Fridays at 6-7:30pm 🫡
Supportive King! We love to see it!
Mf you better release a 5th episode
Patience is a virtue young squire! But no for real uploads will resume very soon!
That's only 2 day but nice vid, keep it up man
@@AverageTDNub Thank you!!
Apologies for the mic issues in this episode hopefully fixed for next one!
That play against the Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX was INSANE! Maybe there's a way to use FIRE Warriors to loop that combo?
@@ToasterCorgiGaming Thanks! I’m thinking going forward more battlin boxers and rank fours maybe the way forward
@@Yu-Gi-Jo Cool Idea!
Mathmechs are easy to beat now you just gotta have the key cards
Pure mathmech, definitely. A competent mathmech, no
Damn ,that Mathmech duel was nutty. But you got close!
@@ToasterCorgiGaming that weirdly felt soooo winnable 😭
Damn so close on that last duel
@@oisinlynch8427 RIGHHTTT??? This series can be so cruel!!
Hey man i just binge-watched the whole series and I'm loving it, keep up the good work!
@@emanuelevozza7746 Hey thanks buddy! Hope you stick around!
@Yu-Gi-Jo I will!
Good to have you back!
Thank you!!
How is your TCG version of this deck different?
I am glad you asked, the TCG has access to FTK's and a lot of other locks/loops. Things that master duel banned from the start. For instance you could Cannon Soldier & Telefon loop in this deck very easily.
Tough luck against that Runick Stunner, but that does tend to be an issue with little to no back-row removal.
Couldn’t you have cut the match and just who wins in the end?
@@oisinlynch8427 the videos would be extremely short as these take a long time to film.
Dude come on quit when you at least open 1 pack
@@oisinlynch8427 sorry but these take too long to record to keep that schedule.
Oh alright sorry
@@oisinlynch8427 no problem hope you can enjoy the content anyways!
You've could've won against yubel if you had just vidjam on the field only but than again they have the unchained engine too so there's that
The only way to deal with that issue against Dark Magician is Lava Golem Nibiru and Kaijus
Dang you only got 25 subscribers man we both got a long ways to go I will subscribe to you Yu-Gi-Jo
Indoor Stair-luge, Cat In Hat Movie with Mike Myers... Talk about a throwback...
@@ToasterCorgiGaming Hahah! You got it!!!
3:32 YOOOOOOOO Dude!!! Heard your shout-out when I watched this at work, it really made my night! You've earned my Like & Sub for it, keep up the climb Fellow Masochist!
@@ToasterCorgiGaming Thank you! I hope Tenpai takes it easy on you Fellow Masochist!!
@@Yu-Gi-Jo You and me both!
randomly popped up on my timeline and actually liked the video and gave u a sub <3 always wanted to play a zombie deck, might actually make my own version of this!
Awesome, thank you!
Yay, one of my Main Decks is getting played!
Make your videos longer
I will see what I can do.
Dragonmaid was used in tandem with Invoked, Shaddoll, and yes Branded in the past. They're said to be getting a new Fusion in the future possibly, with it being Chamber's Dragon form. As a Dragonmaid fan, I approve of it FINALLY happening.
@@ToasterCorgiGaming Super cool stuff! I love the artwork. Maybe I shall build them and figure them out.
Oh man Amorphage were so cool! Last time I get to play them was in an old dragunity combo. I'm gonna try this out for fun. Good video my dude
@@cipper12 thanks for checking out the video have fun with it! I may come back to the deck with sr and ur at some point
hey man, love the video especially the way you explain how the combos works. but could you add a section where you just go through each card in the deck. I dont mean that you have to name each one. Just have a section at the end where you click on each card in the deck so that its details pop up or you could add a link to the deck on yugioh card database as that makes it a lot easier to copy and try out the deck.
@@AthifKP for sure I will try to do this in future!
This seems like fun! Like proper "F2P enjoy the game and genuinely try to be the best with what you have" energy and I may copy it with a new account. (I'm not stealing it for content. I'm not a content creator. But I enjoy collecting the cards and want to know how more of them work, not just copying the meta. There is time for that on my main account lol. Thank you! Subbed and hoping for more of this type of content from you or others!
Thank you so much, I will keep creating these daily. Have fun with the challenge!
I may have to start using the World Legacy Trap myself, seems useful if I send my higher levels to the GY.
do you have a written decklist or a link to one ?
@@AthifKP I don’t think i did a written deck list but I may be able to throw one together.
@@Yu-Gi-Jo that would be helpful, thanks
we need more budget decks / crazy weird synergies decks that are rarely known
For sure!!
@@Yu-Gi-Jo i mean like really really unknown shananigans and card combos that can take meta by surprise and thank u
Can't believe I only just now found this channel! Bro deserves more than 15 subs
Thank you so much!! Hope you enjoy the videos!
I've been enjoying them a ton! Thank you!
Hey Guys, I am aware of the Audio Issues at the start of the video. This fixes itself later and next episode shouldnt have it. Thanks for the patience and enjoy the episode! ~ Yu-Gi-Jo!
Master & Expert are from when Yugioh first started. Also that Reptilianne Serpent can possibly shut down Floowandereeze, since they focus on Normal Summoning.
Nice dude, Monster Reborn and ROTA are free IIRC so you don't even need to find a replacement.
Cool deck! Found some cards I've literally never seen before.
Thanks for checking the video out!!
Sick video I really want to play zombies on MD, this build teach me a lot of cards that are not on Duel Links yet
@@8787gui Thanks for watching! Zombies is my favourite deck!
Hi there. Can I have a list of each card that Is in the deck please. I would really appreciate it
For sure! Thanks for watching the videos! Main Deck: Glow-Up Bloom x1 Maxx "C" x3 Mad Mauler x1 Ghost Sleeper, the Underworld Princess x1 Uni-Zombie x3 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3 Psychic Tracker x1 Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin x3 Mezuki x2 Ghost Wyvern, the Underworld Dragon x2 Gozuki x1 Necroworld Banshee x2 Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note x1 Changshi the Spiridao x1 Archlord Kristya x1 Doomking Balerdroch x1 Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune x3 Foolish Burial x1 Ghost Fusion x2 Ready Fusion x3 Zombie World x3 Super Polymerization x3 Emergency Teleport x2 Called by the Grave x1 Extra Deck: Allvain the Essence of Vanity Zombie Warrior Garura, Wings of Resonant Life Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon Starving Venom Fusion Dragon Immortal Dragon Borreload Savage Dragon P.U.N.K. JAM Dragon Drive Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal The Zombie Vampire Vampire Sucker Cross-Sheep Vampire Fascinator Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Your deck is so bad
@@Blastrydermega-np2nq That’s sort of the point though, the masochist series doesn’t allow you to make a proper deck.
@Yu-Gi-Jo I would never ever do this challenge but it's fun watching everyone else do it
@@Blastrydermega-np2nq Well i hope you stick around to see my series continue!
@@Yu-Gi-Jo I will because I'm enjoying it
Longer pls not shorter
@@lcie666 good to know!
Top choices tbf