David Newton
David Newton
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Christianity to Atheism - My Religious Deconstruction Story
I tell the story about my journey from Christian to Atheist.
มุมมอง: 15 006


The Flying Man Song (remaster + drums)
มุมมอง 713 ปีที่แล้ว
This song is a reference to PineCreek's thought experiment examining the amount of evidence needed for an individual to believe in a miracle. th-cam.com/video/vPSA7ltVEMk/w-d-xo.html&ab_channel=PineCreek Chad Toney's original song: th-cam.com/video/7Uwdj89xzcE/w-d-xo.html&ab_channel=ChadToney The video may be out of sync at some point because I added a missing guitar strum after the second vers...


  • @mr.g1758
    @mr.g1758 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    For ppl who are having a difficult time believing, I would direct you to accounts of NDE's here on youtube...not the ones narrated, but of ppl telling of their experiences themselves. Not everyone is making up a story. I'm not Catholic, but I think the events of (google this) Fatima, Portugal/ 1917/Miracle are staunch proof of the afterlife. 70,000 ppl who were there testify to the miracle they witnessed, and their clothes which were muddied standing out in a rain sloshed field were both dry and clean following to 10 minute event. Don't lose your faith...God is there.

  • @frankhuggins9733
    @frankhuggins9733 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    What a jokje. Atheists can't present any evidence that nature produced life and its diversity. You left one religion for one that requires more blind faith than Christianity!

  • @claudiaschneider5744
    @claudiaschneider5744 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Have you ever watched a christian forced conversion to severe disabled people? Well, I did and I can tell you it was one of the worst religious abuse that I can witness so far. I am working as a nurse with severe brain injury people after accidents and there was that dude who should have helped us out with care giving - but instead doing his job - behind our backs he was standing at those peoples beds and reading out of his bible - bible phrases! to helpless people who can´t talk any more. He was a so called pentecostal bible freak and he got fired - at once. He was lucky, that we did not have the time to give him a special treatment for that nasty kind of abuse. I am not religious at all and I am glad that I don´t have anything to do at all with those religious freaks.

  • @lawrencemurray568
    @lawrencemurray568 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Nice summary. Stories like this need to be shared. It can only be a good thing for people to give serious thought to why they believe what they believe and to face an evidence-based reality.

  • @tomcahill1609
    @tomcahill1609 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they did not belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us. But their departure made it clear that none of them belonged to us.

    • @Dennis93-p3e
      @Dennis93-p3e 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Okey hypocrite

    • @Dennis93-p3e
      @Dennis93-p3e 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@MB777-qr2xv yes. Eveybody who quotes the bible to prove a point is a moron

  • @buukkreider544
    @buukkreider544 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Answer to revised question #1... Before I answer these questions let me try to help you understand why I answer the way I do. Please understand that you may not care for my answers, but they are sincere when I do answer them. Just to qualify myself a little bit: I have been a believer since July of 1988. Each year I go completely through the Holy Bible at least once. I read these translations: 1) King James Version; 2) An English Translation of the Masoretic Text; 3) I read an English translation of the Septuagint; 4) I read an English Translation of The Stone Edition of the Tanakh; 5) I read a Messianic Jewish English version of the Jewish Publication Society Tanakh; plus, the English Translation of the New Testament of that same translation whose author's name is DAVID H. STERN. I also listen to different Messianic Jewish speakers on TH-cam, and Gentile Christian speakers as well. I listen to Jewish Rabbis and read some Jewish commentators as well as Christian commentators. I separately study God's Word - and I meditate on God's Word as well. I pray that The Holy Ghost would help me - because I believe on him. Now when I go through the Holy Bible what helps is the 3KEY. The 3KEY is a "3 Question Analysis of The Holy Scriptures" - Question 1: Who is speaking in the passage? 2: What is being said; and 3: Who is being addressed? So when I give my answers, I try to be sincere - but I hope the person on the other end is also sincere. And as a believer - I must be respectful to God and His Word; and I try to be respectful to the person I am conversing with. Okay, Now let me answer the questions. God is ETERNAL. He has no beginning and has no end. I believe in The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. God's current creation is inside a capsule of time. Time has power over its creation and the creatures are subject to that time. God has power over time. So with these things said - I will now answer revised question number 1... 1) Why would God need blood sacrifices as an answer for sins which he already knew would happen? Answer: As God knows the end from the beginning The Son was going to come down and become a man born from a VIRGIN woman that would be implanted with the SEED from THE HOLY GHOST. When Jesus Christ was born - not only was he born for the sake of the Adam race, but as an answer to the Angels - especially the Fallen Angels. The idea of 'sacrifice' and 'sacrifices' are not just animals getting slaughtered, but when the individual would cause the animal to be slaughtered - it would be felt by the one allowing his beast to be sacrificed. The beast is slaughtered, and the one who is having his beast sacrificed feels the 'pain' of 'sacrificing' one of his best beasts. It comes with a price to the one doing the sacrifice. When the people would sacrifice to God they were to put their heart into it. And there were/are many different sacrifices that were done. So God knew beforehand that man would sin; and he knew that there would be Fallen Angels as well. With the sacrifices, the innocent beasts that were sacrificed paid the price of the one sacrificing them. When they would sacrifice many of the sacrifices required, the one sacrificing the beast would put his hand on the head of the beast as if he were transferring himself to the beast. The beast was then sacrificed. All these animal sacrifices were a 'Type' of what was going to eventually occur in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ which was going to occur. When Jesus Christ was sacrificed he did it as not only as a man, but as a servant. As a Burnt Offering he wholly gave himself to his FATHER. As the TRESPASS and SIN OFFERINGS he was the ONE in which represented the Adam race: he paid the price. When he was in the process of his earthly ministry he was in complete obedience to The Father and was led by The Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ sacrificed himself 'ALONE' on that cross - and therefore he cried out Psalm 22:1 "My God, My God Why hast Thou Forsaken Me?" The Angels nor the Prophets understood what was taking place on that cross. The Devil himself did not understand. If the Devil would have known that the Death of Jesus Christ was going to be a victory, then the Devil would have done his part in trying to influence the people to keep him alive. When Jesus Christ died, he offered himself up to God as the Burnt Offering, the Atonement Sacrifice, and all of the Sin and Trespass Offerings that were required by men. He conquered DEATH, the DEVIL, and HELL when he died, was buried, and resurrected from the dead as he foretold his disciples - and as he told the people. God was pleased with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God accepted what Jesus Christ offered for himself to God; and what Jesus Christ offered for the Adam race to God. God was pleased. The Angels, good and bad saw this. They did not know that God was going to use the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ be an answer of salvation to the Adam race of all that have been, are, and will be saved. This was God's plan unbeknownst to the Angels and unbeknownst to the Prophets foretelling of the sacrifice. The Blood Sacrifices came with a price for all that had sacrificed to God - and God also FELT the sacrifice. Now this act by the Godhead was for Angels and Man to see; and possibly any other creature that God created as well. Now, understanding what I just wrote down kind of answers the majority of the questions. Revised Question #2 2) Why punish the Adam race for Adam's sin? Answer: Adam had free will just like the Angels, but fell. Unlike many Scholars and Theologians saying that we all have 'Free Will' - I have to disagree. The Children of Adam all started off with 'Sin' in their genealogy. Adam did not suffer that, but his descendants did. With The Lake of Fire and Brimstone that was prepared for The Devil and his Angels was/is also used for the unsaved individuals of the Adam race. Adam tried to cover his nakedness with palm leaves, but The Lord replaced it with 'coats of skin' - animal sacrifice, God clothed them (The Man and the Woman). With Adam's answer for his nakedness he used palm leaves to hide his nakedness. This is a kind of answer that Man may use for his actions - and it might be called, 'religion'. God's answer was 'Sacrifice'. When Man sins, it does affect God. Man's answers for his own sins does not please God, but God's answer is the answer. In the Western World 'especially' in this day, people don't care to be 'told' or 'instructed' what to do - and to 'obey authority'. God wants obedience. The Fallen Angels with their 'Free Will' did not want to 'Obey' - and they have their destination. The Adam race does not have the 'free will', but they have the 'Sacrifice' that is accepted by God. There is a final destination with The Fallen Angels or to be saved. To us, the 'time element' might be long - but to God - 'time' has no power over him. The people 'before' the cross had to have 'Animal Sacrifices' until Jesus Christ - and God did and does the accepting. So obedience and responsibility was/is required by the Adam race. People may not be happy about this, but God is The Creator - and he decides. Question 3 3) If Jesus is God why would he have to die, but if he really can't die? Answer: He did not die as GOD, he died as a man. As a man, he represented the Adam Race... he often referred to himself as the Son of Man (Adam). Before he died, he told his disciples and he even told the people that he would raise again from the dead. He did. I also believe that God cannot die. Just as Mary is the mother of the Man Jesus Christ and NOT the Mother of God - God does not have a mother. In that same thought, God cannot die either. The Angels don't die either. Question 4 4) Why would God act shocked that humans are going to sin even though he knew they would anyway? Even though God knew that Man would sin with and without help from The Enemy, he still felt the unpleasantness. Question 5 5) How could God be all-loving if he's going to send 75% or so of all mankind to hell? Answer: Yes, God is the one that decides. He is the one that will either Accept the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ for those that are saved or he will Not Accept the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ for their sins that are not saved. It is up to God. He knows Man better than Man knows himself. Question 6 6) Also, why would many of these people suffer to be born in a wrong country and/or a wrong time? Answer: Again, everything is in God's plan. In the capsule of time that God has set - every thing has its part to play. With everything that has and will occur God has a reason - and part of the reason is to be acknowledged by Angels both good and bad, and by the Adam race: saved and unsaved. This is a long answer for your questions, but hopefully you understand my answers. Thank you.

  • @jessikacaroline72
    @jessikacaroline72 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I appreciate your story. People on the comments saw the title, came here just to throw some bible verses and say you're wrong, no concern in actually listening to what you have to say. They think this approach can persuade someone.

  • @AtypicalSkeptic
    @AtypicalSkeptic หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for sharing your story! I know you haven’t posted since so I hope you’re well.

  • @reinatycoon3644
    @reinatycoon3644 หลายเดือนก่อน

    @6:30 Alternative medicine is not something they could reasonably debunk. Taking care of ones internal and natural health far surpasses Allopathic Reductionist medicine. Do we need drugs to survive or nutrients? Very simple question I must say. Most cancers are not even treated to a cure with allopathic reduction means like meds and chemo etc. Fasting on the other hand can and will starve stage 1-3 cancers because they use sugars, long chain fats and carbs for fuel. Also alt medicine focuses on meditation and calming the mind and body to heal.. while meds can increase stress on the systems. Pen and Teller must be some real 'geniuses' lol. No wonder they both look so unhealthy and have aged so ungracefully.

  • @TboneWTF
    @TboneWTF หลายเดือนก่อน

    Congratulations. welcome to the real world.

  • @mikieemiike3979
    @mikieemiike3979 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Don't go from one false belief system to another in evolution. Neither make any sense. Darwin even admitted that he doesn't know.

    • @bibleburner8426
      @bibleburner8426 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Seriously? The evidence for evolution is mountainous, and it's so stinking easy to look up. There's no reason to stay stupid.

    • @mikieemiike3979
      @mikieemiike3979 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bibleburner8426 Are you special? Which type of evolution are you talking about? Chemical? Stellar? Organic? Macro? Micro? No one has been alive long enough to prove most of these. Kinds don't change from one type of species to another, ever. No one can prove this. Darwin admitted it. Science is observing and testing not just theorizing. If all you have are theories then you have a belief system. You're the one that is stupid.

    • @vladtheemailer3223
      @vladtheemailer3223 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@mikieemiike3979Wow, another ignorant christianbwho does not understand biological evolution.

    • @TboneWTF
      @TboneWTF หลายเดือนก่อน

      LOL. You never graduated from college, correct?

    • @mikieemiike3979
      @mikieemiike3979 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bibleburner8426 Says the kid with no evidence. 😆

  • @jamesduncan3673
    @jamesduncan3673 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    LOL. Once you found Viced Rhino and Paulogia, your doom was sealed. 😁 My path was similar to Paul's, in that it was learning how we got the Pentateuch, and the gospels, that caused me to walk away from my faith. But it wasn't Ken Ham that first opened the door to be able to make those discoveries. Rather, it was Henry Morris with his book, The Genesis Flood. I was already familiar with plate tectonics, so I instantly rejected everything he had to say about young earth creationism when he claimed that marine fossils on mountains "proved" the flood.

    • @lepidoptera9337
      @lepidoptera9337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Dude, you don't need plate tectonics to know that Genesis 6 is a fairytale. ;-)

    • @TboneWTF
      @TboneWTF หลายเดือนก่อน

      You really should pay more attention to what Matt Dillahunty has to say. He'll set you on the road to reality. Good luck my friend.

  • @ItsOnPaper
    @ItsOnPaper 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Come home ☦️

  • @jamesgastaldo4710
    @jamesgastaldo4710 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My wife found out 2 years ago, no shamma lamma ding dong since then !!

  • @j.whisper2379
    @j.whisper2379 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    TH-cam allows normal but very intelligent folks to speak the truth!

  • @hassanmuhammad2799
    @hassanmuhammad2799 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Atheism is a terrible choice.

    • @lepidoptera9337
      @lepidoptera9337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's not a choice. All people are born atheists. They are being made into theists by the stupid choices their parents make. ;-)

    • @TboneWTF
      @TboneWTF หลายเดือนก่อน

      Not when compared to deceitful religions. Gad and magic aren't real.

  • @RafaelGarcia-jb3me
    @RafaelGarcia-jb3me 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This video did not pay off for you. You have not grown at all.

  • @gregsimmons694
    @gregsimmons694 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Time to wake up my friend and use that brain God gave you! Jesus saves sinners like you and I! Time to get a new gig atheists!

    • @lepidoptera9337
      @lepidoptera9337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What does Jesus save you from, though? The wrath of Jesus? That's exactly how the Mafia operates. ;-)

    • @TboneWTF
      @TboneWTF หลายเดือนก่อน

      what credible evidence can you offer to show gad is real? Ready? GO!

  • @steventaff2126
    @steventaff2126 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jesus died to save you from your sins and to restore your relationship with the Father. It’s time to truly to become born again by the Spirit of God. Please Repent and turn from your sins and let Christ wash you clean and come and be His disciple. Hell enlarges daily, please let Him save you

    • @lepidoptera9337
      @lepidoptera9337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      And there is the silly person on the internet who threatens everybody with his invisible friend. ;-)

    • @TboneWTF
      @TboneWTF หลายเดือนก่อน

      If gad is omnipotent and created everything than why did he allow his son to dye for the sin that he created? Why couldn't he just "magic" it away?

    • @steventaff2126
      @steventaff2126 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TboneWTF God didn’t create sin and the other answer is, God is righteous, so Sin must be punished. But in His love for you His Son died in your place for the sins you committed so that you could be forgiven and be reconciled back to Him

    • @TboneWTF
      @TboneWTF หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@steventaff2126 Where did sin originate from? Regardless why wasn't gad unable to magic sin away? Does he prefer blood sacrifices?

    • @steventaff2126
      @steventaff2126 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@TboneWTF the penalty for Sin is death , so the Life of Christ is the only thing that can atone for Sin

  • @TheSonOfGodWorshipsTheFather
    @TheSonOfGodWorshipsTheFather 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Vengeance belongs to who?❔❔❔❓

    • @lepidoptera9337
      @lepidoptera9337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Vengeance doesn't belong to anybody. It's just a self-destructive concept that has never worked for anybody.

  • @stevepreston7879
    @stevepreston7879 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Really interesting.

  • @zxsvcxasdf-nt8ny
    @zxsvcxasdf-nt8ny 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    you were never a christian. hebrews 10:39

    • @lepidoptera9337
      @lepidoptera9337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I bet that must have felt really good. ;-)

    • @jessikacaroline72
      @jessikacaroline72 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Using the Bible to debunk someone who doesn't have reasons to believe in it makes no sense.

  • @twinhead1
    @twinhead1 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Should be call my destructionstory - how I ruined my future

    • @lepidoptera9337
      @lepidoptera9337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You don't have a future. ;-)

    • @jessikacaroline72
      @jessikacaroline72 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You guys never show good arguments to justify your vision, just random affirmations based on the Bible...

  • @TheNowNonBeliever
    @TheNowNonBeliever 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Its an interesting topic. Because.... actually there is no debate on is god real? Or Christianity true. Because its totally valid to say that its unlikely to be true. Why ? Wouldn't we have reached a consensus if its so easy to know? We would. But we haven't. Not even that. We have multiple religions that claims the truth. They cant be all true. Not even that if we just have Christianity. Even they split in many groups. Not even that... When we try to reach out if they know its real...you will always boil down to the answer "no". The last answer is every fucking time....." I have faith". Wow . So we established already that you can take anything on faith so its an invalid wasy to truth. So far this is not convincing for me.... because maybe it just isn't convincing if my only option is to just buy it on faith. We use different standards for evaluate zhe truth of claims...we do everyday. Atheists and belivers alike.... But on this topic some switch protects the believe from the same critique. I noticed this on my self years ago. The more i studied the topic, the more i realised that belivers do the same thing here.and worse . I was part if it. So i deconverted. I know that people are not likely to overcome this stage. Because of a thing called the" backfire effect". Interesting mechanism that we humans have. So jeah.😊 That was a journey

  • @ETCubing
    @ETCubing 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My deconstruction began when 2 things occurred, first was taking a religious history class thought from an academic perspective where I began to learn what kind of text the Bible really is (a compilation of books of completely different genres, most of which have gone through multiple language translations and scores of copying/transcribing, each instance of which there is evidence of mistakes/blatant edits made by the transcriber/translator). The second event was the modern movement of Christian nationalism in the US where blatant cherry picking of Bible verses were used as justification for new bills and laws that would suppress different groups of people and benefit the rich/white/male/cis-het. The combination of these things led me to question how a religious text so far removed from its original version could ever be used as any kind authoritative justification for policy making, which led me to question how it could be used as an authoritative justification for any of my political positions, of for the way I go about living life, or how I think, or who I talk to, etc. I ultimately came to the position that the Bible just wasn’t suitable to act as an authoritative text to dictate the way I or anyone else should live, sure it has some wisdom that you could take inspiration from but it’s no different than any other religions’ holy/sacred texts.

    • @lepidoptera9337
      @lepidoptera9337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Or you just could have read the bible. That it's not a homogeneous book written by an infinitely intelligent mind should have been obvious by the time you hit on the talking donkey. ;-)

  • @justintran3265
    @justintran3265 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I deconstructed after 28 yrs as a Catholic. I wasn’t seeing the things taught in the Bible first hand, so I quit. What reconstructed my interest in Christianity is meeting Jesus in my Dream. He had piercing blue eyes, and a smirk on his face as if he knew everything in which he did! I was made completely whole in my dream, and experienced no negativity or sufferings that we experience in this world. He opens the door in my dream and I entered! I’m now still a Christian because of it, plus he reveals himself to me as no one on this planet can. After that dream, I started learning scriptures accurately and that’s the key! The verse in question is 2 Timothy 2:15-17. “Study to show yourselves approved before God” So what would happen if he approved or disapproved of your study of his nature? I believe because I’ve been on both sides. When you interpret scriptures accurately, he acknowledges you and reveals himself just like he revealed himself to Moses or Elijah, but when you miss the mark, then nothing happens and that’s what I experienced for 28yrs, a relationship with people vs a tangible relationship with God.

    • @lepidoptera9337
      @lepidoptera9337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I am sorry to hear that you are having hallucinations. Are you getting medical help with that?

    • @justintran3265
      @justintran3265 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@lepidoptera9337 Sorry, but with no disrespect. You didn’t seem to have read what I’ve written.

    • @lepidoptera9337
      @lepidoptera9337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@justintran3265 You wrote that you are hallucinating a dead man.

  • @michelangelope830
    @michelangelope830 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You can not die without knowing the Holocaust nazi happened after Spinoza discovered the nature of God, that I have rediscovered. Reality is for everyone the same, whoever discovers the true God wins. At the end of the day the only that matters is to discover the true God because any life is infinitely shorter than eternity. If Spinoza and I are right eternal hell is for atheists and religious people because the mind and your life with your experiences is eternal, a perfect present from God to God. How would you feel if you discovered Allah doesn't exist and you have been deceived with a lie that looks like a lie?, how would you feel if this feeling was for eternity?. How would you feel if you were muslim after discovering you have deprived yourself all your life of a nice and refreshing beer because you trusted people who deceived you? How would you feel after discovering praying 5 times a day is foolish behavior because Allah doesn't exist?. The truth is atheism is a logical fallacy that assumes God is the religious idea of the creator of the creation to conclude wrongly no creator exists because a particular idea of God doesn’t exist. Atheism is a logical fallacy that assumes God is "sky daddy" to conclude wrongly no creator exists because a particular idea of God doesn’t exist. Atheists are right because the idea of "sky daddy" is absurd and ridiculous and they are also wrong because God exists and the creator of the universe is literally everything that exist. God created self because from nothing can not be created something. The reason religious people believe the nonsense they believe is because they don't know God is necessary. If religious people knew God exists they would take seriously their decisions in life and they would not believe "just in case" or because their parents believe. To end the war the discovery that atheism is a logical fallacy has to be news. To end Islam you have to ask for proof that the Quran was memorized. How do muslims know the Quran was memorized if they don't test the claim?. Trust me. Thank you.

    • @lepidoptera9337
      @lepidoptera9337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Are you getting help with that? ;-)

  • @mads5000
    @mads5000 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wow, you are actually really good at talking to the camera, sticking to what you had planned and not wonder off into tangents👍 Hope life is treating you and your family well😊😊

  • @mads5000
    @mads5000 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I got the ref before I read the info😄

  • @JoeHinojosa-ph8yw
    @JoeHinojosa-ph8yw 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    God is WOKE. If you disagree,you get Cancelled, Forever, ever,ever, ever

    • @jessikacaroline72
      @jessikacaroline72 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah, because rational people would certainly stand for a discriminating, murderer god 😊

  • @simlee6177
    @simlee6177 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wonderful story! I admire your courage and intellectual curiosity. Indeed, Rhett's deconversion story is beautifully told too. Good to hear that your marriage hasn't been destroyed by your new insights. I hope all has continued to go well. Thanks for sharing.

  • @Mrz-sb1hw
    @Mrz-sb1hw 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Christians can't even agree with themselves on what the Bible means. Get ten different Christians and you'll get ten different versions of the Bible and each one has the truth. In the beginning you'll get ten different versions of what in the beginning means.

  • @sulongenjop7436
    @sulongenjop7436 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Many people simply refuse to believe that God loves the world so much that He sent his only begotten son to this world that the souls of whoever believe in Him will be born again, gain salvation and have eternal life.

    • @lepidoptera9337
      @lepidoptera9337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What would you do with eternal life? You didn't even manage to become an intelligent person in this one. :-)

    • @sulongenjop7436
      @sulongenjop7436 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@lepidoptera9337 Eternal life is a loving and peaceful environment for our soul on earth and heaven as well!

    • @lepidoptera9337
      @lepidoptera9337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sulongenjop7436 I don't sense a soul where you are. I am only sensing a very silly person.

    • @sulongenjop7436
      @sulongenjop7436 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@lepidoptera9337 look like you are silly too for not sensing yr own soul!

    • @lepidoptera9337
      @lepidoptera9337 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sulongenjop7436 I don't have a soul. I have a mind. Unlike yours mine is working. If god exists, then he gave you a faulty one. ;-)

  • @bnotyet3236
    @bnotyet3236 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Congrats on finding the courage to use the brain your creator bestowed upon your shoulders. I bet at some point in your evolution you also replaced a confederate-flag window shade with truth-loving standard american usa flag :)

    • @davidrexford586
      @davidrexford586 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Congrats on using the brain your creator gave you to walk away from your creator. There I fixed it for you.

  • @ashleytheseeker8480
    @ashleytheseeker8480 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey ex muslim here! I also listen to Ear Biscuits and deconstructed a year after them. At the time of theit first video i was holding onto islam with my molar teeth. I was increasingly becoming anxious but tried to reestablish my iman(faith) until i just couldnt. I love this new chapter in my life. Leaving islam and religion behind has been the best thing i have ever done in my life! Im still dealing with religious trauma and finslly just told my mom a week ago (after ramadan of course) but its really my dad that i still havent told.

  • @Joe-bx4wn
    @Joe-bx4wn 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dont believe everything you see on UTUBE. Not even yourself

    • @jaceking5938
      @jaceking5938 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What are we not supposed to believe here?

    • @Joe-bx4wn
      @Joe-bx4wn 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jaceking5938 Someone once said, " I think, therefore I am". You can believe that. But real atheism says consciousness is an illusion. The only real reality are atoms. And atoms don't think.

    • @jaceking5938
      @jaceking5938 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Joe-bx4wn seriously what the he'll is up with people lately and making up their own definitions to words. That's not what atheism means. Be a serious person.

    • @Joe-bx4wn
      @Joe-bx4wn 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jaceking5938 Atoms are serious.They constitute your brain/ consciousness. Different arrangement of atoms, different person. The formation of atoms in an amphibian are different from yours. Thus, the consciousness of varied species will be different

    • @jaceking5938
      @jaceking5938 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @Joe-bx4wn I'm aware atoms exist but they behave a lot differently in different contexts, this is pretty apparent if you observe anything at all. Boiling everything in the world down to the simplest component and trying to explain everything under that framework is madness. No different than what a theist does really.

  • @G0SuBunnY
    @G0SuBunnY 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    15 Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him. 2 And the Pharisees and scribes complained, saying, “This Man [a]receives sinners and eats with them.” 3 So He spoke this parable to them, saying: 4 “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? 5 And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. 6 And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!’ 7 I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine [b]just persons who need no repentance.

  • @robdielenberg4234
    @robdielenberg4234 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    God loves you is like saying your unconscious loves you. Lol

  • @sallymay4178
    @sallymay4178 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jesus Died for you to live and love one another

  • @sallymay4178
    @sallymay4178 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jesus saved my life many time in my life and every time something happens he is there ! God does love us and he is in all our live look around the evidence is everywhere !

  • @chottstuff
    @chottstuff 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    makes me really happy that you made it through Shapiro and Peterson to the other side! not everyone does! you have a strong mind.

  • @anichols2760
    @anichols2760 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You ever tried the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?

  • @Herecomesthefatlady
    @Herecomesthefatlady 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What a wonderful, balanced intelligent and humble person you are. Thank you for this.

  • @JonathanBushnell-h8w
    @JonathanBushnell-h8w 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As an atheist, I’ve always viewed religion as ignorant men “making shit up" attempting to control the simple minded based on delusions of "magical sky fairies” through an immoral, divisive, hypocritical, bullshit, theology ripping-off billions of tax-free dollars from the gullible.

    • @sallymay4178
      @sallymay4178 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      did you ever read the bible

    • @JonathanBushnell-h8w
      @JonathanBushnell-h8w 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sallymay4178 Sure did; it's why I'm an atheist. It's the most immoral, divisive, hypocritical, book of fairytale bullshit ever written. Not to mention the pseudo-science thrown in {Genesis} by unknown, ignorant authors who had the total science knowledge of a preschooler. To be perfectly honest, exposing any child under the age of eighteen to this immoral, religious garbage is akin to mental, emotional and intellectual child abuse.

  • @robdielenberg4234
    @robdielenberg4234 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'd like deconversionists to try a little experiment. If you watch over many dozens of these stories (and there are that many now), you hear the phrase. "I told so and so (theists) that I no longer believed in Christianity and they were shocked" - and this is said with gravitas by all, you know, with deeply felt emotion and seriousness. Now, replace the word "Christianity" with "Harry Potter" and say it again. You know, "I told so and so that I no longer believed in Harry Potter and they were all shocked!" LOL I mean, come on! You can't be serious! It's so funny. That an entire generation takes themselves so seriously over a total fantasy trip. It's not rocket science! Religion is a fantasy! I mean, come on, a seven year old should be able to figure that out. I did.

    • @sallymay4178
      @sallymay4178 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      no matter how you hide from God or try to not believe in him you know there he is ! God made you and he loves you

  • @mathew3267
    @mathew3267 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What an egotistical jacker!

  • @troywalstra9300
    @troywalstra9300 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    15 Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. 19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would [no doubt] have continued with us: but [they went out], that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. (1 John 2:15-19, KJV)

  • @ehenningsen
    @ehenningsen 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love this! Always think, always check sources, always validate, always move forward 😊

  • @henrka
    @henrka 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Evolution is nothing but an “evil illusion”, sad you put your faith on this junk / pseudo science. Monkeys do not evolve into human beings, just take a look at their hair and canine teeth, they are animals and animals do not turn into human beings which are created in the image of God. Let alone evolutionary biology cannot explain how one living cell came into existence and life appeared, a bunch of chemicals never come to life, no matter how many lab experiments are conducted. You need more faith to believe in evolution than to believe in God, you are a religious fanatic that has put his trust in the false teaching of evolution. Romans 1:20 clearly teaches that the creation of the world and the creator God are self evident, you do not need a biology degree or biological knowledge to know evolution is a lie of the devil. Sad you fell for it, and have decided to worship pseudoscience instead of God, there is no evidence for evolution, zero, zip.

    • @henrka
      @henrka 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Evolutionary biologists admit it themselves that they cannot scientifically explain life, and most of them now say that DNA and the first living cell were brought to earth by aliens. This just tells you that these idolaters would rather believe in aliens than in God, they have faith in aliens and they disguise themselves as scientists. Shame on these pseudo scientists, which never found the lost chain of evolution either. The theory of evolution is as scientific as witchcraft.

    • @snaptrap5558
      @snaptrap5558 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Do you believe in the Eden story?

    • @crimm2465
      @crimm2465 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Where is your Nobel Prize?

  • @gsdtravels6457
    @gsdtravels6457 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Welcome to logic and rationality!😊