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中國小城夜記4-宝鸡夜市美食 Night Notes on a Small Town in China 4-Baoji Night Market Food
1. 羊肉泡饅
2. 麻辣小龍蝦(麻小)
3. 燒烤
4. 岐山臊子麵
5. 擀麵皮
6. 豆花泡饅
7. 陳倉酥肉燴菜
8. 其他美食
The night market food in Baoji, China is rich and varied, full of authentic local characteristics and a strong market atmosphere. The following are some representative Baoji night market foods:
1. Mutton Soup with Steamed Bun
Features: Mutton Soup with Steamed Bun is one of the special noodles in Shaanxi, and is loved by people for its unique taste and rich nutrition. In Baoji, the production process of mutton soup with steamed bun is also exquisite. High-quality mutton is selected and cooked, cut into pieces, and then put into a bowl with steamed buns, and poured with special mutton bone soup, red oil and other seasonings. It tastes delicious.
Recommended places: Sanjiang Hotpot in Shangmaying Night Market and other places.
2. Spicy Crayfish (Ma Xiao)
Features: Spicy crayfish is a popular food in Baoji night market, which attracts many diners with its spicy and unique taste. On summer nights, plates of fiery red crayfish are served on the table, peeling the shrimp heads and sucking the plump shrimp roe soup, which makes people salivate.
Recommended locations: Sandi Beer Plaza near the intersection of Zhengxi Avenue and Guangming West Road in Jintai District, Baoji City, etc.
3. Barbecue
Features: Barbecue is one of the most popular foods in Baoji Night Market, especially in stalls such as Erwei Barbecue on Renmin Street Night Market. The skewers of mutton skewers and grilled tendons roasted over charcoal are fragrant, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, fat but not greasy, and chewy. Paired with a bottle of ice-cold beer, it is simply the best enjoyment in summer.
Recommended locations: No. 257, Zhongshan East Road, etc.
4. Qishan Saozi Noodles
Features: As one of the famous delicacies in Baoji City, Qishan Saozi Noodles has a unique sour and spicy taste, smooth noodles, and rich soup. The noodles are made of local high-quality wheat flour, which is finely kneaded and hand-pulled, and paired with rich Saozi (minced meat, vegetables, etc.) and seasonings, which makes people have endless aftertaste.
Recommended locations: major night markets and restaurants in Baoji City. 5. Rolled noodle skin
Features: Rolled noodle skin is a traditional snack in Baoji area, famous for its "white, thin, shiny, soft, chewy and fragrant". It is made of high-quality wheat flour through special technology, with a soft and smooth taste, and paired with special seasonings, it has a long-lasting taste.
Recommended places: major night markets and snack stalls in Baoji City.
6. Tofu pudding steamed bun
Features: Tofu pudding steamed bun is a local traditional flavor snack popular in Xifu area of ​​Shaanxi Province (today's Fengxiang District, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province). The bun is baked with a unique process and seasonings. It is more than an inch thick and pot-shaped. It makes a sound when knocked. It is commonly known as "pot helmet". It is golden in color, crispy on the outside and tough on the inside. It has a strong wheat aroma when chewed; tofu pudding is made with high-quality soybeans by traditional methods. It is fresh, tender and smooth, and does not fall apart when cooked. The combination of the two is rich in taste and nutrition.
Recommended places: night markets and restaurants in Fengxiang District, Baoji City and other places.
7. Chencang Crispy Meat Stew
Features: Chencang Crispy Meat Stew is a specialty of Baoji Chencang Night Market. It is hot and very happy. The crispy meat is not a piece of meat in the traditional sense, but a dough ball fried with eggs and flour. It has a unique and delicious taste.
Recommended places: Chencang Night Market, etc.
8. Other delicacies
Big plate chicken: Among the many delicacies of Baoji Night Market, big plate chicken is also a delicacy that cannot be missed. Its melt-in-the-mouth chicken skin, tender and juicy chicken, and spicy potatoes and noodles make people unable to stop.
มุมมอง: 50


中國小城夜記3-霞浦Night Notes in a Small Town in China 3-Xiapu
มุมมอง 1602 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
霞浦夜市美食豐富多樣,融合了地方特色與海鮮美味,是遊客和當地居民不可錯過的美食體驗。以下是一些霞浦夜市中的代表性美食: 海鮮類 撈汁海鮮:味道清爽,選用沒有滿月的小海鮮,口感鮮美,是夜市中的熱門選擇。 悶燒雜魚:霞浦最家常的一道菜,一網撈上來的各種魚混在一起,如鯧魚、鯽魚、鱸魚等,加在一起醬燒,下飯神器。 劍蜆:松山街道沙塘裡和沙塘街村海灘上特有的一種小蜆,鮮嫩可口,用清水焯過後,再用配好的酸甜輕辣的調料涼拌,是夜市上的美味佳餚。 藤壺、墨魚、蔥油碎螺、海帶苗:這些海鮮食材在霞浦夜市上也非常受歡迎,做法各具特色,味道鮮美。 特色小吃 黃金糕:油煎之後,Q彈不粘牙,入口充滿米香和油香,回味都是地瓜的甘甜。 光餅:霞浦人稱之光餅,其色、香、味俱備,是霞浦所有小吃中聲名最響的。 鍋邊糊:又稱鼎邊糊,是霞浦早餐的精髓,裡面有米漿、海鮮、肉末、蔬菜等,鮮香誘人。 米餃:霞浦話叫「米監」,獨具特...
中國小城夜記2-潮州 Night Notes in a Small Town in China 2-Chaozhou
มุมมอง 1.8K4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
潮州,位於廣東省的東南部,以其獨特的飲食文化聞名遐邇。這裡的飲食文化不僅承載著深厚的歷史底蘊,更在不斷地創新與發展中煥發出新的活力。 一、潮州飲食文化的概況與特點 潮州飲食文化源遠流長,歷史悠久。自唐宋以來,潮州就是南海貿易的重要港口,多元文化在此交會融合,形成了獨具一格的潮州飲食文化。潮州菜以其註重原汁原味、刀工精細、口味清淡等特點,成為粵菜中的翹楚。此外,潮州人也善於將海鮮、山珍等食材巧妙搭配,創造出許多美味佳餚。 二、潮州菜系的基本口味、烹飪技巧及特色食材 潮州菜以清鮮為主,口感嫩滑,味道醇厚。烹飪技巧上,潮州人注重火候和刀工的把握,力求將食材的鮮美發揮到極致。特色食材方面,潮州擁有豐富的海鮮資源和優質的蔬菜、肉類等,如鮮美的海魚、滑嫩的豬肉、清脆的竹筍等,都是潮州菜的重要原料。 三、著名潮州菜餚及小吃介紹 潮州菜餚以「清而不淡、鮮而不腥、嫩而不生、肥而不膩」為特點,如潮州牛肉...
中國小城夜記1-新疆喀什 Night Notes of a Small Chinese Town 1-Kashgar, Xinjiang
มุมมอง 1057 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
喀什夜市的特色包括: 1. 美食天堂 :喀什夜市汇集了各种令人垂涎欲滴的美味,如松软香脆的烤馕和外焦里嫩的烤全羊。这些美食不仅在制作工艺上讲究,更在风味上独具特色,让人忍不住驻足品尝。 2. 文化寶庫 :喀什夜市不僅是喫貨們的天堂,更是一個文化的寶庫。在這裏,你可以見到各種精美的手工藝品,如絲綢製品、刺繡、木雕等。這些手工藝品展示了喀什地區深厚的文化傳統和當地居民巧奪天工的手藝。 3. 民俗風情 :喀什是一個民俗風情濃厚的地方。在夜市中,不僅能品嚐到美食,還能欣賞到傳統的維吾爾族歌舞表演。喀什古城依然有兩千多戶維吾爾族居民居住在傳統的紅泥小樓中,保持著傳統的生活方式。 4. 傳統與現代交融 :喀什夜市體現了傳統與現代的完美交融。這裏的美食和手工藝品傳承了千年的歷史和文化,同時通過現代化的管理和推廣,使得這些傳統得以更好地傳播和保護。例如,引入網絡平臺進行宣傳和銷售,讓更多人瞭解並愛上...
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