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Heather Marano
United States
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 27 ก.ย. 2013
Hey there, I'm Heather Marano, flower farmer, natural dyer and knitting addict. I live in zone 9b in the SF Bay Area in Northern California with my husband, two teenage boys and our cat Raven. You'll find gardening, flower farming, knitting, and more here on my channel. Thanks for stopping by.
Moving hydrangeas and more daffodils
มุมมอง 8319 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Moving hydrangeas and more daffodils
Succulent Gift and Spring planting DONE!
มุมมอง 4521 วันที่ผ่านมา
Succulent Gift and Spring planting DONE!
Sowing wildflower, a cover crop and more
มุมมอง 82หลายเดือนก่อน
Sowing wildflower, a cover crop and more
Everything is looking so promising 🤞
Hi Heather. The same thing happened to my trellis last weekend and like you I didn't know what to do since it's not pruning time. I decided to take some height off the Lady Alfred Carrière who is keeping the trellis from flying away. I've secured it all with bricks and rope for the time being, so I, too, am open to suggestions. Thanks for sharing
Oh no! So check out Lori's comment below. I'm going to get rebar and sink it really deep and tie the trellis to that. that way I don't have to completely untie and disassemble the whole thing at pruning time.
Thanks Heather, I hope we'll get to see this in your next video 😀
Hi Heather..we use rebar on all sides of our trellises for that same reason. It’s guaranteed to keep your trellis in place. Hammer them in the ground and secure with wire or zip ties. Good luck 👍🏼
Outstanding. Will DEFINITELY do. That will save SO much work. Thank you!
Could you tell me which length rebar you used?
When we add them we like to get a foot into the ground. 3-4 ft length works. We have 4 and they’ve held up for years
@lorilevine6812 Thank you 😊 🙏
I LOVE the gopher hawk traps- we have at least 10- our record body count was April 2022- we got 69… yes SIXTY nine gophers in just that month. We have more sandy soil- but it also turns rock hard if no summer irrigation (9b, central coast CA). MY MAIN question is… have you cut back abulitons successfully that hard before? I have one in a big yet narrow pot (prob 28-30” tall- the pot that is… the plant itself is at least 8’ tall). It’s SUPER leggy/ spindly, with one stem/trunk, at least 2x the diameter of yours. I’ve been wanting to cut it back… just as drastically as you did… but I’m afraid to do such a hard prune, as I’ve heard it would kill it… it’s no more than 3 years old…. What are your thoughts? Thank you- I’m enjoying your videos :-)
Hi!! I totally believe you got 69 gophers. This past winter and spring I caught over 40 in an 800 square foot space. I left all the corpses in the holes as recommended by my extension agent. I have never cut back albutilon before. I watched a BUNCH of videos by Australian gardeners before taking the plunge. I hope I don’t regret it 😮
@ oooh! I’ll start leaving the bodies! & I think I’ll join you in the albutilon plunge… they’re not that precious!!!
I've had no luck catching my gophers . . . maybe they moved out?
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
What is that you putting on top of the seeds?
That's vermiculite. I like it because it still allows light in, helps retain a bit of moisture and also really cuts down on dampening off.
You know the headaches are signed up Covid if you didn’t know
I've had migraines since I was 3. This is just part of my life.
That's a great tip about the cinnamon and fungus gnats, thanks 🙂
You're welcome! I hope it works for you! Gnatrol is the best but it's really expensive and I don't have any on hand.
Ohhh, what do you do with the oranges that have clove pushed into them?
They eventually go into the compost :)
Yay for getting back on the horse 😁
Max sunflower is cool.. but mine grew 7 ft tall and reseeds. A fun plant but not the greatest cut flower for me
So good to know! I'll be sure to rig up support in advance!
Mums propagate so easily too, just in case you lose some…
Good point!
I grew Maximillian sunflower before & it was really pretty, but it got too big & flopped over into my neighbors’ yards! I’ll pick a better spot next time. It’s easy to divide too :)
Very good to know! I'll definitely put up support when they are young. You guys have helped me a lot by telling me this!
Thats great to know! Mine got ENORMOUS so I need to divide and move it!
I’m starting begonia seeds and salvia
Oooo! Begonias! What a great idea. Where did you get the seed?
@ swallowtail seed. I got the bullseye salmon color ones.
Thank you for showing the process. I love rose hydrosol..
I've used clothes baskets before to plant tulips (just drill a few holes in the bottom if it's a solid bottom). Happy Thanksgiving! Don't worry about the weeds until AFTER the holiday weekend!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving the Marano Family
😅that's so funny. Lost sleep for nothing. I don't think a spider would hang around to be stepped on Heather they are quite afraid of us giants 😅
Good job preparing♦
I still have cutting back to do, but I'm not really caring! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Dang heather i love watching you tudy things up, i just gotta say you have a really nice butt, i couldn't resist, i look forward to more, and i hope i didnt offend you, i just tell the truth❤❤
You got a lot planted - my garden is resting for the winter now.♦
It's so nice to have a break for the winter!
I have to say, since I'm viewing this on the 6th, YES, I voted! Then I proceeded to transplant 5 oreganos and dig up the 3 remaining artichokes the gopher didn't get (out of 24). After that, I dug out 4 cu. ft. of soil from a raised bed (2'x 18-20' long), made a gopher cage, slid it in under the supports, nailed it to the sides of the bed because stapling wasn't working, filled the bed back up, and replanted the 3 artichokes. I was following in your footsteps because of the gopher issue. The work you did removing all the soil from all your beds to do gopher cages is exhausting. Pat yourself on the back! In another bed I planted tulips, daffs, iris, crocus, and muscari. I almost bought the ice cream tulip! In as much as I no longer flower farm and just home garden, I lasagna plant my bulbs. Great video. I do have about 600 tulips planted . . .
Holy cow that's a lot of work! Also sounds like you are going to have a BEAUTIFUL spring show!
Can’t wait to see the tulips in the spring, it will be beautiful. I took my tulips and daffs to the garden 2 days ago and made sure to bury the tulips under the daffs to throw off the squirrels. Hope it worked
Oh that's a great idea! I haven't tried that before but now that I have some daffs left I'll try that at home! Thanks for the idea!
You look like you feel better! Yay!
Those "weeds" are so evenly throughout are you sure you didn't plant something? Today I moved some dirt around because of gopher digging, cut off the dahlias in the pots, and covered the pots with plastic. Transplanted a nepeta and a mum and added a foldable fencing in my round bed. I ordered dahlias from Swan Island. I only went over my budget by $2! Happy Halloween and don't forget to VOTE.
the weeds. I don't mine the little guys but that grass is AGGRESSIVE! Oh man. So I'll be working on that whenever the soil is dry for sure. I also get my dahlias from Swan Island. I'll definitely have to order all new tubers since everything got eaten but that's okay. They do multiply each season so it's a good investment. Good on you for only going over by $2! YES! GET OUT AND VOTE!
Hi Heather. FYI. Video goes black and no sound right before 14:00
Hi Sandra. Yes, the video was over but I didn't realize that my editing software added that :(
The paste tomatoes simply require less cooking. I use every kind of tomato: large red cherry, Sungold cherry, slicers, etc. I do not peel my tomatoes. I take off the green stem, wash and core, puree in the blender and run through the mesh colander. That removes seeds and any remaining skins. I have a pot cooking down right now! Guess that means I need to make bread, LOL! FEEL BETTER QUICKLY! I planted crocus, muscari, daffodils, tulips and iris today. Still have Camassia bulbs to plant.
Love your videos, I learn a lot 😊
Awesome! Thank you!
"How exciting! 🌷✨ Tulip unboxing is like unwrapping a little piece of spring. Can't wait to see those vibrant blooms come to life! 🌸💖"
crossing my fingers for you
That is the coolest wheelbarrow (even if it did have a flat tire)! Gardens here will be toast tomorrow since it's going to get to 31 deg. F! Also, wait 15-20 years and you'll find out you're even slower and less able to lift heavy stuff. But slow and steady said the tortoise to the hare!
Oh by do I hear you on slow and steady!
I see you working oh so hard especially redoing all garden rows by hand but it tells me the true love you have for gardening. I always seem to learn something new by you sharing how and when you garden thanks much for your information.
Thank you so much Rose. That is so kind of you.
Your seedlings look great Heather♦
Thank you!
Take care and I agree it is no fun…feel better soon!
Thanks for sharing…new subscriber!
I’m glad thing are looking up for you, have a wonderful and safe trip.
Thanks for sharing your plans☺
Thanks for watching!
I get the much less expensive topsoil and mix it with the compost and peat/coir as necessary. Thank God your family used common sense and got out. I've checked on everyone I know, and all are alive. What a relief because there is so much devastation and too many didn't survive (over 230 from HH and climbing). I'm STILL waiting on my bulbs. Have a wonderful time in NY! Stay well! What about duct taping the edges of the gopher cages?
I got the 50/50 mix too. Was $3.00 less per cubic yard. Still smells wonderful. But will be better for the seedlings, not so rich.
Sometimes it is personal…blessings to you and your family🫶🏼 Things are coming along at the farm, hope the weather breaks for you soon! Btw love the shirt Heather ✨
First of all I’m glad to see you look so much better from your rash. I’m sorry to hear about your parents my mom had dementia and my dad had Parkinson’s my daughter and my self were the care givers some days were challenging. My siblings lived out of town and one sister lived far out of another state so I do understand how hard it may be for not being close by. I’m sure by you visiting them will be a plus for your parents and sister and grandmother stay strong and positive. Take care
Prayers for your family.
What pieces did you buy for one table 3x8
Good question! It was a while ago. I think we made the legs out of 4x4s and we made the sides from 2x6s, I think the 2x6s were 10 foot lengths but I can't remember. Hope that helps!
I’m glad to see your husband helping you when he can that’s an awful lot of work you’re doing but in the long run you’re not going to lose so many flowers. I live in the valley of California and we too are having temperatures over 100 this week and will come in the high 90 maybe next week. So I do understand how hard it be can to work in that heat. I start as soon it gets light like about 5:30 and usually quit about 10:00 Then it’s just too hot. So work wise and drink plenty of water. Take care also so glad to hear your family is ok
hire some day laborers - they are affordable in CA!
What state are you located? That's definitely above average temps
Hi ya. I'm in California in the SF Bay Area.San Francisco may even hit 100 this week which is SUPER rare. So grateful for AC and worried about the fire danger all over the state with these high temps and high winds.
Oh, Heather, it certainly doesn't get easier, does it ? What a job !!! We have the contrary here, it terms of weather, early autumnal weather, cold and rain, so I just get tome to clean up the battered plants before it happens again. On the positive side, I'm giving away all plants that can't put up with these climate change conditions, so little by little. I hope the garden will be used friendly and beautiful. Thanks for sharing, I'm stuck inside today, so I'm cleaning cupboards. Hope your allergy clears up quickly. Do you know what caused it?
So glad to see you looking and feeling better. My daughter was a floral designer for 23 years and about 19 years in her hand would break out in a very bad rash where eventually she developed a very bad infection on her hand she the doctor had to surgically clean out the infection and be on two types of antibiotics. So now she wears 2 of the thick black gloves from Harbor Freight when she’s going to touch any flowers. So you might try wearing a pair of those gloves under your garden gloves also I admire how a very hard with lot determination to get your flower bed fixed. NOW THAT’S WHEN YOU KNOW YOU HAVE THE LOVE OF GARDENING TAKE CARE
For the remaining beds, you could rent a trencher type bull-dozer or whatever they're called. It went through my 3' gate and dug a 10"-12" trench. You'd have to go through each bed 3 times, but it would get done and be worth the money to rent it. When I lived in SoCal, the cat poop in the tunnel worked to get rid of gophers. IT ISN'T WORKING in Idaho. Set 2 traps and haven't caught a thing. Feel better.