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Kulwa munadia
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2012
Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Agama Islam
Do'a qunut ada yang dibaca diam ini jawabnya
Bersama Ustadz Miftahul Huda
#nahdlatululama #nahdatululamaindonesia #nahida #nahdliyah #nahdhotululama
@Nahdh @tvnu_id @santrinahdliyyintv8573
#nahdlatululama #nahdatululamaindonesia #nahida #nahdliyah #nahdhotululama
@Nahdh @tvnu_id @santrinahdliyyintv8573
มุมมอง: 15
Tiga hal yang harus dimiliki pedagang agar tidak rugi dunia dan akhirat
มุมมอง 222 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Bersama Ustadz Miftahul Huda #berdagang #jualanonline #jualan #jualangorengan #jualankopi #jualanonlineterlaris #jualanggrekmurah
Definisi bid'ah menurut Syekh Ibnu Utsaimin
มุมมอง 674 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Bersama Ustadz Miftahul Huda #wahabi #manhaj #manhaj_e_salaf #manhaj_salaf #manhajsalaf #manhajsalafusshalih #manhajesalaf @khalidbasalamah @SyafiqRizaBasalamahOfficial @nadhifbasalamah @FirandaAndirjaOfficial @ceritafriska @genhalilintar
Perlu kecerdasan untuk memahami mimpi.
มุมมอง 6412 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Bersama Ustadz Miftahul Huda #mimpi #mimpibesar #mimpiyanghancur #mimpiku #mimpijadinyata #mimpinabi #mimpidarisyaitan #mimpidalamhadist #mimpiburuk
Pertanyaan bodoh dan menyesatkan
มุมมอง 3714 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Bersama Ustadz Miftahul Huda @audio.dakwah @DakwahHarian @memedakwahislam1 @ALHUJJAHDakwahIslam @StayDakwah 12 @DakwahSangUstadz #dakwah #dakwahislam #dakwahsunnah #dakwahtauhid #dakwahislamic #dakwahsalaf
Talkin Mayit Ada, Sejak Zaman Nabi SAW Sampai Sekarang
มุมมอง 8219 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา
Talkin Mayit Ada, Sejak Zaman Nabi SAW Sampai Sekarang
Hukum orang tua mengambil harta anaknya || Apakah dikatakan mencuri?
มุมมอง 91วันที่ผ่านมา
Hukum orang tua mengambil harta anaknya || Apakah dikatakan mencuri?
Hukum membaca surah alfatihah bagi makmum
มุมมอง 548วันที่ผ่านมา
Hukum membaca surah alfatihah bagi makmum
Hukum Masuk Islam Tanpa Mengucapkan Dua Kalimat Syahadat
มุมมอง 4714 วันที่ผ่านมา
Hukum Masuk Islam Tanpa Mengucapkan Dua Kalimat Syahadat
มุมมอง 3314 วันที่ผ่านมา
มุมมอง 17414 วันที่ผ่านมา
Keyakinan yang membuat setiap amal sah ][ keraguan tidak bisa merusak keyakinan
มุมมอง 10028 วันที่ผ่านมา
Keyakinan yang membuat setiap amal sah ][ keraguan tidak bisa merusak keyakinan
Arti Bid'ah Menurut Imam Nawawi || Apa Sampeyan sependapat???
มุมมอง 466หลายเดือนก่อน
Arti Bid'ah Menurut Imam Nawawi || Apa Sampeyan sependapat???
Murah dan Mudah ][ Amalan yang memiliki pahala lebih banyak dari pahala orang kaya
มุมมอง 16หลายเดือนก่อน
Murah dan Mudah ][ Amalan yang memiliki pahala lebih banyak dari pahala orang kaya
Hukum Bermakmum pada Orang yang tidak disukai
มุมมอง 102หลายเดือนก่อน
Hukum Bermakmum pada Orang yang tidak disukai
Pagar Rumah Anti Maling ][ Dengan Pagar ini Rumah Insyaallah Aman
มุมมอง 199หลายเดือนก่อน
Pagar Rumah Anti Maling ][ Dengan Pagar ini Rumah Insyaallah Aman
Amal Ikhlas Apa bisa Menjamin Khusnul Khotimah? ][ Ada dua Jawabannya
มุมมอง 59หลายเดือนก่อน
Amal Ikhlas Apa bisa Menjamin Khusnul Khotimah? ][ Ada dua Jawabannya
Amal Manusia Tergantung Penutupnya ][ Bila baik baiklah ia Bila buruk buruklah ia
มุมมอง 187หลายเดือนก่อน
Amal Manusia Tergantung Penutupnya ][ Bila baik baiklah ia Bila buruk buruklah ia
Kapan Makmum Membaca Al Fatehah Saat Berjama'ah???
มุมมอง 64หลายเดือนก่อน
Kapan Makmum Membaca Al Fatehah Saat Berjama'ah???
Dalil Hadis ke Tujuh tentang kedudukan orang tua Nabi SAW di Surga atau di Neraka
มุมมอง 46หลายเดือนก่อน
Dalil Hadis ke Tujuh tentang kedudukan orang tua Nabi SAW di Surga atau di Neraka
Do'a Masuk Rumah Agar Anak Akur dan Suami Istri Rukun
มุมมอง 243หลายเดือนก่อน
Do'a Masuk Rumah Agar Anak Akur dan Suami Istri Rukun
Dalil Hadis ke Tiga tentang kedudukan orang tua Nabi SAW di Surga atau di Neraka
มุมมอง 1042 หลายเดือนก่อน
Dalil Hadis ke Tiga tentang kedudukan orang tua Nabi SAW di Surga atau di Neraka
Aqidah Wahabi ditolak oleh Mayoritas ulama ][ Kenapa ? ? ?
มุมมอง 2112 หลายเดือนก่อน
Aqidah Wahabi ditolak oleh Mayoritas ulama ][ Kenapa ? ? ?
Hukum Berdo'a Dengan Daerah/Indonesia saat Shalat
มุมมอง 1122 หลายเดือนก่อน
Hukum Berdo'a Dengan Daerah/Indonesia saat Shalat
Akibat Doktrin Terjemahan Ayat ][ Tersesat Memahami Maksud Dalil
มุมมอง 1162 หลายเดือนก่อน
Akibat Doktrin Terjemahan Ayat ][ Tersesat Memahami Maksud Dalil
Islam agama yang dianut orang yang berpikir
Sangat betul mas Wartono
Barakallah ustaz
Qobiltu ilmunya tadz barokallah
Barokallah qobiltu ilmunya tadz
Jazakallahu khairan tazd
Tetap semangat menyampaikan kebenaran tadz tabarokallah
Semoga berkah terus tetap semangat menebar kebaikan dan kebenaran tadz
Dizaman nabi tidak ada ponbok pasenterin tidak kh. Dr. Ir. Pro , hp mik dll .kenapa wahabi lakukan itu.semua , berarti wahabi yg sesat yg bid ah . Dizanam nabi tidak dilakukan ,dan dicuntuhkan.
Betul kang... mereka memahami bid'ah seenak nya sendiri
AISA RUSIDA 2311003400 PAI PAGI SEMESTER 3 Contoh Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech. 1. Diret speech : " i am hungry," hw said. 2. Indirect Speech : " He said that he was hungry". Contoh dari video 1. " i never eat meat, he explained " 2. " The Explain that he never atemeat ".
Septia Jumrah Syah Putri 2311003361 PAI PAGI SEMESTER 3 Contoh Direct Speech dan Indirect Speech. 1. Diret speech : " i am very happy today, he said " 2. Indirect Speech : " She said that she was very happy that day ". Contoh dari video 1. " i never eat meat, he explained " 2. " The Explain that he never atemeat ".
Nu juga berbeda beda ya.
Maaf... maksudnya apanya yang berbeda-beda ya...
Mohon dalil nya kaki ktka sujud dirapatkan spaya tdk ragu
Mohon ikuti pengajian dengan seksama insyaallah akan ketemu dalilnya karena dalam pengajian ini membaca kitab ulama, nama kitabnya Al Muhadzab fi fiqhisy Syafi'i. Dan silahkan sambil buka kitabnya.
Rapat ketika sujud kaki itukan untuk perempuan
Rapat kaki saat sujud itu pendapat yang disampaikan oleh Abu Ishak... silahkan buka kitabnya yang sedang dibahas dalam pengajian. Kitab Al Muhadzab.
Nama : Wahyu Kurnia Nim:2311003397 Prodi: Pai 3 pagi A. Direct speech & inderect speech Exl: 1. Direct Speech: She said, "I am happy." Indirect Speech: She said that she was happy. 2. Direct Speech: He asked, "Where are you going?" Indirect Speech: He asked where I was going.
Nama : Dimas Fajar Arezka Nim : 2311003376 Prodi : PAI 3 PAGI Direct and indirect (or reported) Direct Speech: Example: Direct Speech: "I love watching movies," said Emily. Indirect Speech: Emily said that she loves watching movies. Statement indirect speech tense: Example: Direct Speech: "I am studying for my exam," said John. Indirect Speech: John said that he was studying for his exam.
Nama : willy rinaldy Nim :2311003389 Pai 3 pagi Direct Speech: The teacher said, "Close your books." (Guru itu berkata, "Tutup buku kalian.") Indirect Speech: The teacher told us to close our books. (Guru itu menyuruh kami untuk menutup buku kami.)
Nama : ARYA PRASETYA Nim : 2311003364 Prodi : PAI pagi Semester : III A. Direct and indirect ( or reported ) speech 1. Example : Direct speech : Sarah said: “I am very tired today Indirect speech : Sarah said she was very tired that day. B. Statements in indirect speech:tenses changes necassary 1. Example : Direct speech : They said, "We will call you tomorrow." Indirect Speech: They said that they would call me the next day.
Nama: Ali Marwan Hanan Prodi: Pai pagi semester 3 NIM: 2311003374 A. Direct and indirect (or reported) speach Example: Direct: i ate the whole pizza Indirect: i said that i had eaten the whole pizza B. Statement in indirect speech: tenses changes necessary Example: direct: i took it home with me "she said" Indirect: she said "he had taken it home with her"
Nama:Rinaldi Irwanto NiM:2311003389 Pai Pagi •Direct and direct (or reported)Direct Speech: Example: -Lisa said, "I am learning English." (Lisa berkata, "Saya sedang belajar bahasa Inggris.") Indirect Speech: Lisa said that she was learning English. (Lisa berkata bahwa dia sedang belajar bahasa Inggris.) • stestatement indirect speech tense: Example: Direct Speech: She says, "I am happy." Indirect Speech: She said that she was happy. Artinya: Dia berkata bahwa dia bahagia.
Nama : sofia ariesta Nim: 2311003394 Tamu 11 Prodi : pai pagi Semester: 3 A. Direct and indirect (orrepoted) speech - in dïrech speech werepeat the original speaker's exact words Ex : he said 'I have lost my umbrella -he said 'I have passed the school B. State ments in indirect speech, tense changs necessary 3. Not on I/ we shall / should Ex : I shall be 21 tomorrow said Bill - I shall go to the store tomorrow
Nama : Risma Nurmala Sari Nim :2311003391 Prodi: Pai pagi Semester:3 A. Direct and in direct ( or reported ) speech - "I love the Toy Story films," she said. - She said she loved the Toy Story films. B. Stestatement indirect speech tense -Ara says to nala , “I am late.” -ara says to nala, that she is late.
Nama : Djuwita Marleni Nim : 2311003445 Prodi : PAI 3 PAGI Tamu : 11 A. Direct and indirect (or reported) speech *in direch speech we repeat the original speaker's exact words Exl : "I am going to the park," said Mary. B. Statement in indirect speech: tense changes necessary 2. But in direch speech is usually introduced by a verb in the past tense Exl: Mary said that she was going to the park.
Nama:syharulian ardandi Nim:2311003396 Prodi:pai A. Direct and Indirect (or Reported) Speech - Direct Speech: He said, "I am going to the market." - Indirect Speech: He said that he was going to the market. B. Statements in Indirect Speech: Tense Changes Necessary - Direct Speech: She said, "I bought a new car." (Simple Past) - Indirect Speech: She said that she had bought a new car. (Past Perfect) - Direct Speech: They said, "We are watching a movie." (Present Continuous) - Indirect Speech: They said that they were watching a movie. (Past Continuous) - Direct Speech: He said, "I will visit you tomorrow." (Simple Future) - Indirect Speech: He said that he would visit me the next day. (Conditional/Future in the Past) C. Past Tenses Sometimes Remain Unchanged This usually happens when the reported statement refers to something that is still true at the time of reporting. - Direct Speech: She said, "Shakespeare wrote Hamlet." (Simple Past - historical fact) - Indirect Speech: She said that Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. (Simple Past - remains unchanged because it's a timeless fact) - Direct Speech: He said, "I knew the answer." (Simple Past) - Indirect Speech: He said that he knew the answer. (Simple Past - could also be changed to "had known", depending on context) D. Unreal Past Tenses (Subjunctives) in Indirect Speech Unreal past tenses often remain unchanged in indirect speech because they express hypothetical situations. - Direct Speech: He said, "I wish I were rich." (Unreal Past - Subjunctive) - Indirect Speech: He said that he wished he were rich. (Unreal Past - Subjunctive remains unchanged) - Direct Speech: She said, "If I were you, I would study harder." (Unreal Past Conditional) - Indirect Speech: She said that if she were me, she would study harder. (Unreal Past Conditional remains largely unchanged) E. might, ought to, should, would, used to in Indirect Statements These modal verbs often do not change their tense in indirect speech. - Direct Speech: He said, "I might go to the party." - Indirect Speech: He said that he might go to the party. - Direct Speech: She said, "I should have studied more." - Indirect Speech: She said that she should have studied more. - Direct Speech: They said, "We would help you." - Indirect Speech: They said that they would help me. - Direct Speech: He said, "I used to play the piano." - Indirect Speech: He said that he used to play the piano.
Nama : Muhammad Sabil Prodi : PAI (Malam) MK : BAHASA INGGRIS III Example : Question about the identitiy of the subject an active verb are usually expressed by an affirmative What delayed you ?
Nama : Siti jumaiyah prodi : Pai / pagi Semester : 3 Nim : 2311003393 Example A. direct and indirect (or reported) speech Contoh dari vidio Direct : " he said , 'l have lost my umbrella" Indirect :"he said (that) he had lost his umbrella" Contoh sendiri - Direct: "She said, 'I am going to the market." - Indirect:" She said (that) she was going to the market." 2 .but indirect speech is usually introduced by a verb in the past tense Contoh dari vidio Direct speech, simple present :"l never eat meat ,'he explained Indirect speech, simple past :"he explain that he never ate meat Contoh sendiri - Direct speech (Simple Present): "I always drink tea in the morning, she said." - Indirect speech (Simple Past): "She said that she always drank tea in the morning."
Nama : Sofia ariesta Nim : 2311003394 Prodi pai pagi Semester: 3 Tamu ; 10 1 from This thee was planned by my grandmother Ex: this flower was planned by my grandma 2 active tenses and their passive Aqualvalents tense/ verb from Conditional Active voice Would keep Posive voice Would be keet Ex ; tense / verb from Future perfect Active voice Will have written Passive voice Will have been written 3. Uses of the passive a. When it is not necessary to mention the door of the action as it is : the rubbish hasn't been collected Ex: the book hasn't been collected 4. Proposition with passive verb a. as already noted the agent when mentional is preceded by by Active:dufy painted this picture Passive :this picture was painted by dufy Active: rudy buil't this house Passive : this house was built by rudy 5. Infinitive constructions passive verb 2. After suppose : you are supposed to know how to drive. Ex: you should know how to cook
Nama: Siti jumaiyah Prodi : pai / pagi Nim :2311003393 Semester :3 Example: 2. Of present,past and perfect passive tense Contoh yang di vidio: Active: "we keep the butter here" Passive: " the butter is kent here" Contoh sendiri: - Active : "We keep the butter fresh" - - Pasive : "The butter is kept fresh."
Nama:padia amelia putri Nim:2311003442 Prodi pai pagi semester 3 Tamu 11 A. Direct and indirect (or reported) speech *in direch speech we repeat the original speaker's exact words Exl: -he said 'i have lost my umbrella' -she said 'i have passed the exam' B. Statement in indirect speech: tense changes necessary 2. But in direch speech is usually introduced by a verb in the past tense Exl: -i never eat meat 'he explained' -i never swim in the sea before 'she explained'
Nama: padia amelia Putri Nim: 2311003442 Prodi pai pagi semester 3 Tamu 10 A. Form 2. Example of present, past, and perfect passive tense Exl: - active : my mother is baking a cake Passive: a cake being baked by my mother 4. Auxiliary + infinitive combinations are made passive by using a passive infinitive Exl: - active: you must open this windows Passive: you should open this windows B. Active tenses and their passive equivalent 2. In colloquial speech get is sometimes used intead of be Exl: - the glass window were broken 4. Questions about he identity of the subject of an active verb are usually expressed by an affirmative Exl: -which group has thr highest score? C. Uses of the passive 1. When it is not necessary to mention the doer of the action as it is obvious who he is/ was/will be Exl: The room needs to be cleaned 2. When we don't know or don't know exactly or have forgotten who did the action Exl: - my father had been robbed D. Prepositions with passive verbs 1. As already noted the agent when mentioned is preceded by by Exl: - active: sarah washes these clothes Passive: this dress was washes by sarah 2. When a verb+ preposition+ object combination is put in to the passive the preposition will remain immedicitely after the verb Exl: - active: we have to give him a gift Passive: he should be given a gift E. Infinitive constructions after passive verbs 2. After suppose Exl: You are supposed to know how to play the guitar=it is your duty to know to play the guitar 3. Infinitives placed after passive verbs are normally full infinitives Exl: - active: we saw them go out he made us stady Passive: they were seen to go out we were made to stady
Nama: padia amelia Putri Nim: 2311003442 Prodi pai pagi semester 3 Tamu:6 A. Form 1) the present subjundtive has exactly the same form as the infinitive Exl: - live a dragon forever - god lives in the sky B. Use of the present subjunctive 1) the present subjunctive is used in certain exclamation to express a wish or hope Exl: -may god repay your kindness 2) it is sometimes used in poertry either to express a wish or in clausesnof condition or consession Exl: -everything will be fine in time 3) when the infinitive is be the should is sometimes omitted Exl: -i suggest that a letter of resignation be prepared immediately C. As it/ as though + past subjunctive Exl: - he behaves as if he owns the house, but he doesn't own it -he behaved as it he owned the car, but he doesn't own it -he talk as it he knew what really happened D. It is time + past subjunctive (unreal past) Exl: -it 's time to sleep - it's time to swim -it 's time we were eating
Nama: padia amelia putri Nim :2311003442 Prodi pai pagi semester 3 Tamu : 7 dan 9 A. Care and like Exl: 1. Does you like swimming it the sea? (Oh yes, i like it) 2. Does you care camping in the woods? ( i don't care for it) B. Care, like, love, hate, prefer Exl: 3. Would you like to come to the party tonight with me? 4. Would you care to go swimming with me? C. Would like and want 1)sometimes either would like or want can be used a. In requests and questions about requests but would not like is not used here Exl: 5. They want to order 5 fried chickens D. Would rather/suoner and prefer would prefer b. Would rather + infinitive cannot express prerences in the past Exl: 6. Would be he preferred watching to swimming E. More examples of preference 2). Exl: 7. I liked watching the movie than reading the story =i prefer watching the movie to reading the story F. Wish, want, and would like a. Wish can be followed directly by an infinitive or by object + infinitive Exl: 8. Why do you wish to meet my mother? I wish to talk about vacationing together G. Wish + subject + unreal past Exl: 9. I wish i know where that island was=i'm sorry i don't know where the island is H. Wish ( that) +subject + would a. Wish + subject + past tense can express regret for a present situation Exl: 10. I wish he answers correctly= i'm sorry he hasn't been able to answer correctly.
Nama:padia amelia putri Nim:2311003442 Prodi:pai pagi semester 3 Tamu 5 A. Command expressed by the imperative 3. The third person imperative Exl: Let them go home by car B. Other ways of expressing commands 4. Instructions or others can be conveyed by the by+ infinitive contruction Exl: They should immediately report it to the police C. Requests with can / could/ may/ might i /we 2. Can/could/my/might i/we +verb Exl: My i see siti's mother? D. Request with could/will/would you etc 2. Will/would you (please) Exl: Could you please double cheek your answer? E. Request, with might Exl: You might write these for me? F. Invitions 1. Will you have/would you like + noun Exl: Will you have a eat? G. Advice forms Exl: You'd better take off your ex H. Advice with may/ might as well+ infinitive Exl: They may as well come with us I. Suggestions 2. First and second person suggestions Exl: Why don't we invite him to eat together 4. Suggestions in indirect speech Exl: Sarah suggested we meet and have dinner together
Nama:padia amelia putri Nim:2311003442 Prodi:pai pagi semester 3 Tamu:4 A. The present (or active) participle 2. Use a. To form the continuous tense Exl: She is painting B. Present participle after verbs of sensation c. Comparison of the two forms Exl: I saw him enter may room then open the wardrobe, take a piece of paper, take a photo of it and put it back C. Catch, find, leave+abject+present participle 1. Catch/find Exl: I find money on the street D. Go, comes, spend, waste, be buys 1. Go and come Exl: They are going swimming at the beach E. A present participle phrase replaching a main clause 3. When the second action forms part of the first, or is a result of it we can express the second action by a present participle: Exl: He Left while Clapping his hands F. A present participle phrase replaching a subordinate clause Exl: He it a taxi, injuring several G. The perfect participle (active) Exl: After cleaning the red chair, he also cleaned the black chair H. The past participle (passive) and the perfect participle (passive) c. The past participle (passive) Exl: I enters, i is accompanied by my mother =i enters, accompanied by my mother 3. The perfect participle (passive) Exl: Having been warned about the pickpockets he guarded his belongings carefully I. Misrelated participle Exl: Sisi and sarah entened the principal's office and were followed by their friend budi
Nama: padia amelia putri Nim:2311003442 Prodi:pai pagi semester 3 Tamu :3 B. Verbs taking infinitive or gerund without change of meaning 1) begin, start, continue, cease Exl: She began swimming 2) intend Exl: I intend to go to the beach next week C. Regret, remember, forget Exl: - i regret finishing all my drinks - l always remember everything l did on the beach with him D. Agree/agree to, mean, propose 1) agree/agree to Exl: They agreed to we will go on holiday next week 3) propose Exl: I propose you wait for your mother to come home E. Go on, stop, try, used (to) 1) go on Exl: He on jumping over the box 2) stop Exl: Stop crying F. Be afraid (of), be sorry (for), be ashamed (of) 1) be afraid (of) Exl: I'm afraid of he falling 2) be sorry (for) Exl: I'm sorry for i forgot to return your pen yesterday
Nama : Sahril Sabirin Prodi : PAI malam A. Form 2. Example of Present, Past, and Perfect Passive Tense Contoh di video Active: We keep the butter here. Passive: The butter is kept here. Active They broke the window Passive: The window was broken Active People wave seen wolves in the streets Passive wolves have been seeing the streets Here are some additional examples of Present, Past, and Perfect Passive Tense: Present Passive Tense: * Active: The teacher explains the lesson. * Passive: The lesson is explained by the teacher. Past Passive Tense: * Active: They built the house last year. * Passive: The house was built last year. Perfect Passive Tense: * Active: They have finished the work. * Passive: The work has been finished.
Nama : Musta Rizul prodi : Pai e malam Nim : 2311003425 EXAMPLE 2. Example of present. past and perfect passive tense, CONTOH DI VIDEO Active: we keep the butter here Passive: the butter is kent here CONTOH SAYA Active: she reads a book Passive: A book is read by her
Nama: Zul Ikrom Prodi : Pai malam Semester: 3 Nim. :2311003441 2. Examples of presents past and perfect passive tenses Active:we keep the butter here Passive: the butter is kept here Active:they broke the window Passive: the window was broken Active: people have seen wolves in the streets Passive:Walls have bersin industr 3. The passive of continuous tenses requires the present continuous forms of to be which are not other wise much used: Active: they are repairing the bridge
Nama : Fahri Salim Ritonga Nim : 2311003377 Prodi : pai pagi semester 3 A. Form 1. the passive of an active tense example : they play Football every day 2. examples of present, past and perfect passive tense. example: present passive tense Active : The teacher explains the lesson passive : the lesson is Explained by the teacher past passive tense active : they built the House last year passive : the House was built last year present perfect passive tense active : we have finished the project passive : the project has been finished
Nama : cahaya Nim : 2311003407 Prodi : Pai 3 pagi example: A.Form 2.Examples of present,past and perfect passive tense. Contoh di vidio -Active (we keep the butter here) -Passive ( the butter is kent here) contoh saya =Active: She reads a book. Passive: A book is read by her. C.Use of the passive 1.when it is not necessary to mention the door of the action as it is obvious who he is/was/Will be. Contoh di vidio -the rubbish hasn't been collected. Contoh saya =The form must be submitted by Friday.
Nama : Sofia ariesta Nim : 2311003394 Prodi pai pagi Semester: 3 1 from This thee was planned by my grandmother Ex: this flower was planned by my grandma 2 active tenses and their passive Aqualvalents tense/ verb from Conditional Active voice Would keep Posive voice Would be keet Ex ; tense / verb from Future perfect Active voice Will have written Passive voice Will have been written
NAMA : SEPTIA JUMRAH SYAH PUTRI NIM : 2311003361 PRODI : PAI PAGI SEMESTER : 3 A. Form Ada beberapa poinnya : a. The passive of an active tense example: 1.the book was written by a famous author 2.the letter was sent yesterday afternoon. b. Examples present, past and perfect passive tenses example : 1.active : they are building a house passive : a house is being built by them. 2.active : we have eaten the cake passive : the cake has been eaten by us c. The passive of continuouse tenses requires the present continuous forms of to be : which are not otherwise much used example: 1. active : they are building a new house passive : a new house is being built by them 2. active : she is writing a letter passive : a letter is being written by her. d. Auxiliary + infinitive combination are made passive by using a passive infinitive example : 1. active : they expect to finish the project soon. passive : the project is expected to be finished. 2. active :they need to fix the car passive : they need to fix the car e. Other infinitive combinations verb of liking / love /wanting/ wishing+ object + infinitive form example : 1.he would love to learn how to play the guitar 2.she hates doing the dishes Selanjutnya B. Active tenses and their passive equivalents Simple Present: Aktif: She writes a letter every day. (Dia menulis surat setiap hari.) Pasif: A letter is written by her every day. (Surat ditulis olehnya setiap hari.) C. Uses of the passive 1.Ketika pelaku tidak diketahui atau tidak penting: The car was stolen. (Mobil itu dicuri.) 2.Ketika ingin menekankan objek: The food was cooked by a famous chef. (Makanan itu dimasak oleh seorang koki terkenal.) D. Prepositions with passive verbs 1. Be interested in: He is interested in learning new languages. (Dia tertarik belajar bahasa baru.) 2. Be surprised by: She was surprised by the news. (Dia terkejut dengan berita itu.) E. Infinitive constructions after passive verbs 1. The book is expected to be published next month. (Buku itu diharapkan diterbitkan bulan depan.) 2. The plan is for us to meet at 5 pm. (Rencananya kita bertemu jam 5 sore.)
Eka nurjanah Nim: 2311003401 Prodi:Pai pagi semester 3 Tamu 10(the passive voice) Ex:this tree was planted by my grandfather (Pohon ini di tanam oleh kakek saya) Ex:the teacher explains the lesson. (Guru menjelaskan. pelajaran) B.active tenses and their passive aqualvalents. Ex:tense/verb form Conditional Active voice Would keep Passive voice Would be kept Ex:tense/verb form Read Active voice Reads Passive voice Is read
ADINDA AULIA PUTRI 2311003373 PAI PAGI SEMESTER 3 TAMU 10 A. Form 2. Example of Present, Past, and Perfect Passive Tense contoh divideo: Active: We keep the butter here. Passive: The butter is kept here. Active They broke the window Passive: The window was broken Active People wave seen wolves in the streets Passive wolves have been seenan the streets ex: 1. Present Passive Tense Active: She delivers the packages every day. Passive: The packages are delivered every day. 2. Past Passive Tense Active: They painted the house last week. Passive: The house was painted last week. 3. Perfect Passive Tense Active: They have completed the project. Passive: The project has been completed. --- C. Uses of the Passive 2. When we don't know, or don't know exactly, or have forgotten who did the action: contoh divideo: The minister was murdered. Ex: The window was broken last night. (Jendela pecah tadi malam). Penjelasan: Kita tidak tahu siapa yang memecahkan jendela.
Nama : Arya Prasetya Nim : 2311003364 Prodi : PAI ( PAGI ) 1. From Example: the red car is driven by my mother everyday 2. Active tenses and thier passive equivalents Active : my mother cleans the kitchen once a week Passive : the kitchen is cleaned by mother once a week
Nama: Ali Marwan Hanan Prodi: Pai pagi semester 3 NIM :2311003374 A. Form Example: my grand father planted this free B. Active tenses and their passive equivalens, example: 1. Active: i keep the butterfly in the fridge 2. Passive: the painting was stolen
Nama : Djuwita Marleni Nim : 2311003445 Prodi : PAI 3 PAGI A. Form Example: B. Examples of present, past, and perfect passive sentences: Active : The chef cooks delicious meals. Passive : Delicious meals are cooked by the chef. Active : The storm destroyed the village. Passive : The village was destroyed by the storm. Active : They have finished their homework. Passive : Their homework has been finished by them. C. Usage of the passive voice: When we don't know, or know exactly, or have forgotten who did the action: Example: The cake was eaten.
Nama: Aisyah rusida Nim: 2311003400 Prodi: pai pagi Semester 3 Tamu: 10 A. Form -this tree was planted by my grand father. - pohon ini di tanam oleh kakek saya - The cake was baked by my mother. - Kue itu dipanggang oleh ibuku. B. Active tenses and their passive equivalents - (Simple Present Active): The dog chases the ball. - (Simple Present Active): Anjing itu mengejar bola. - (Simple Present Passive): The ball is chased by the dog. - (Simple Present Passive): Bola itu dikejar oleh anjing.
Nama : Dimas Fajar Arezka Nim : 2311003376 prodi : PAI 3 PAGI A. Form Example : B. Examples of present, past, and perfect passive sentences : Active : The teacher teaches the students. Passive : The students are taught by the teacher. Active : They finished the project. Passive : The project was finished by them. Active : She has written a letter. Passive : A letter has been written by her. C. Usage of passive voice : When we don't know, or know exactly, or have forgotten who did the action : Example : The window was broken.
Nama:Rinaldi Irwanto Nim:2311003389 1.Form When it is mentioned it is preceded by by and placed at the end of the clause: example: •This table was placed by my sister 2.Examples of present, past and perfect passive tenses: •Perfect Passive Active: They have cleaned the park. Passive: The park has been cleaned by them. Artinya: Taman telah dibersihkan oleh mereka.