WELCOME TO MY HOUSE(1977) TULIP Released on November 5, 1977 Lyrics by Bert.T Composed by Kazuo Zaitsu Arranged by Tulip Welcome to my house Walk through the doors of my mind Just leave your problems behind I'll be waiting for you Welcome to my house It's not a fancy place You'll have to get used to my pace But I will wait for you Shine on! Come on take a look inside Shine on! You might like the things you'll find Welcome to my house Your dreams are on the outside Why, don't you bring them all inside They're the same as mine Welcome to my house Walk through the doors of my mind Just leave your problems behind I'll be waiting for you Welcome to my house It's not a fancy place You'll have to get used to my pace But I will wait for you Welcome to my house Your dreams are on the outside Why, don't you bring them all inside They're the same as mine Shine on! Come on take a look inside Shine on! You might like the things you'll find In 1970, the same year of the Beatles declared their breakup, The original members changed their name to "TULIP" and officially formed a band in Fukuoka City kyusyu Japan. The following year, in 1972, they moved to Tokyo. They made their major debut with " Yellow Magical Shoes" from TOSHIBA Music Industry as SHINKO MUSIC's first exclusive artist. On June 5, 1972, their first album " Yellow Magical Shoes" was released in Japan. The following year, 1973, Their third single " Journey of My Heart (Kokoro no Tabi)" was No. 1 in Japan in record sales and they became a famous band in Japan at that time. ※ This song was Tulip's 13th single, released on November 5, 1977. The lyrics were written by Bert.T., a Japanese-American who was working in their office at the time, and they gave him the concept and asked him to write the lyrics. "TULIP" was Japanese Rock Band. Kazuo Zaitsu: Vocals,Keyboards, Guitar, Tatsuya Himeno: Vocals,Keyboards, Toshiyuki Abe: Guitar, Akira Yoshida: Bass Masatoshi Ueda: Drums
“Shadows of Youth Days_Seisyun no Kage_”(1974) TULIP Released on June 5, 1974 Words and music by Kazuo Zaitsu Arranged by Tulip, The long straight road that led me to your heart, It encouraged me in every moment It was a very, very steep and narrow path But now, I'm going to pick you up “Chasing my own big dream” I used to think it was my life's work But, “To make you happy ever”, that's what I'm going to do in my life. And It is the goal of my life from now on Since you have known to love When Tears spill out from your eyes You knew the joy of love may be only a bridge to the harshness of love You just stood there in the wind, and you found love Having wept in the strong wind And you became a Mature woman The road that leads to your house Now I can see it beneath my feet From now on You're just a woman as you are. From now on I’m just an ordinary guy. TULIP(1974)was... Kazuo Zaitsu: Vocals,Keyboards, Guitar, Composition Tatsuya Himeno: Vocals,Keyboards, Composition Toshiyuki Abe: Guitar, Vocals, Akira Yoshida: Bass, Vocals, Masatoshi Ueda: Drums In 1970, the year the Beatles announced their breakup, they officially formed "Tulip" in Fukuoka City Kyusyu Japan. In 1972 they moved to Tokyo. As Shinko Music's first exclusive artists, they made their major debut with "Magical Yellow Shoes" from Toshiba Music Industries. June 5, 1972, Released their first album, “Magical Yellow Shoes”. The following year, in 1973, Their third single "Journey of My Heart" took five months to reach No. 1 in record sales, and TULIP quickly became a popular band in Japan at that time.
阿部さん、岩崎宏美さんのファンやったと覚えてます。ABCだったか毎日のラジオ持ってはった時、岩崎さんが何回か来てはって。 懐かしいですね。 探したら収録のカセットテープあるかもしれません。
🎸🎤〇良かね~ 😊
財津さんとダブルスタンディングいいですねえ 🍉
やっぱりtulipには安部さんがいたから・・・ ホントに今もいてくれたらな、、、って偲ばれます。 縁側で姫野さんとお茶してるのを見たかった
姫野ワールドですね。 ゾクゾクと情熱がみちてくる。❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
高校生の頃リアルタイムで見ました。懐しいです。 財津吉田安部姫野上田のチューリップ、最高❤
ウイスキーボトルが並んだ黄金色のLPジャケットを思い出す この曲をはじめ聞かせる曲が多かった名盤
吉田さんのご冥福をいのります この頃のコーラス最高
かっこいい! コーラス良いよねえ
安部さん、大好き! 安部さんが歌う度に、財津さんによく弄られていましたよね。懐かしいです。 顔デカイとかよく言われてました。安部さん凄い素敵なのにな。 歌う前は、ホント自信なさげでお水飲んだりして可愛いかった😍 だけど、ギター弾くとホントにセクシーで素敵なんですよね。 動画あげてくださりありがとうございます❤
自分のSOUL SONGです。 一番好きな曲。結婚式でも流しました😊
安倍さんが亡くなった後alwaysの新メンバーに元オフコースの鈴木康博が加入ってのはどうでしょうか? ギターの才能は私が言うまででも無いと思いますけど❓ 🎉
鈴木康博さんはやっぱりオフコースの人です。脱退しなきゃ良かった。 後の世代はオフコース=ポップスのイメージが付いてしまいました。ロック路線だった鈴木康博さん在籍時のオフコースを映像で見て、聴いて、イメージが変わりました。
みんなカッコいい、若いから勢いがありますね。 でも、普段のメンバーはダサいのに(失礼)ステージはカッコいい。ライブバンド何ですね。チューリップ🌷は。
WELCOME TO MY HOUSE(1977) TULIP Released on November 5, 1977 Lyrics by Bert.T Composed by Kazuo Zaitsu Arranged by Tulip Welcome to my house Walk through the doors of my mind Just leave your problems behind I'll be waiting for you Welcome to my house It's not a fancy place You'll have to get used to my pace But I will wait for you Shine on! Come on take a look inside Shine on! You might like the things you'll find Welcome to my house Your dreams are on the outside Why, don't you bring them all inside They're the same as mine Welcome to my house Walk through the doors of my mind Just leave your problems behind I'll be waiting for you Welcome to my house It's not a fancy place You'll have to get used to my pace But I will wait for you Welcome to my house Your dreams are on the outside Why, don't you bring them all inside They're the same as mine Shine on! Come on take a look inside Shine on! You might like the things you'll find In 1970, the same year of the Beatles declared their breakup, The original members changed their name to "TULIP" and officially formed a band in Fukuoka City kyusyu Japan. The following year, in 1972, they moved to Tokyo. They made their major debut with " Yellow Magical Shoes" from TOSHIBA Music Industry as SHINKO MUSIC's first exclusive artist. On June 5, 1972, their first album " Yellow Magical Shoes" was released in Japan. The following year, 1973, Their third single " Journey of My Heart (Kokoro no Tabi)" was No. 1 in Japan in record sales and they became a famous band in Japan at that time. ※ This song was Tulip's 13th single, released on November 5, 1977. The lyrics were written by Bert.T., a Japanese-American who was working in their office at the time, and they gave him the concept and asked him to write the lyrics. "TULIP" was Japanese Rock Band. Kazuo Zaitsu: Vocals,Keyboards, Guitar, Tatsuya Himeno: Vocals,Keyboards, Toshiyuki Abe: Guitar, Akira Yoshida: Bass Masatoshi Ueda: Drums
吉田さんは、財津さんとの間に何があったのだろう? もう仲直りできないのかな?
“Shadows of Youth Days_Seisyun no Kage_”(1974) TULIP Released on June 5, 1974 Words and music by Kazuo Zaitsu Arranged by Tulip, The long straight road that led me to your heart, It encouraged me in every moment It was a very, very steep and narrow path But now, I'm going to pick you up “Chasing my own big dream” I used to think it was my life's work But, “To make you happy ever”, that's what I'm going to do in my life. And It is the goal of my life from now on Since you have known to love When Tears spill out from your eyes You knew the joy of love may be only a bridge to the harshness of love You just stood there in the wind, and you found love Having wept in the strong wind And you became a Mature woman The road that leads to your house Now I can see it beneath my feet From now on You're just a woman as you are. From now on I’m just an ordinary guy. TULIP(1974)was... Kazuo Zaitsu: Vocals,Keyboards, Guitar, Composition Tatsuya Himeno: Vocals,Keyboards, Composition Toshiyuki Abe: Guitar, Vocals, Akira Yoshida: Bass, Vocals, Masatoshi Ueda: Drums In 1970, the year the Beatles announced their breakup, they officially formed "Tulip" in Fukuoka City Kyusyu Japan. In 1972 they moved to Tokyo. As Shinko Music's first exclusive artists, they made their major debut with "Magical Yellow Shoes" from Toshiba Music Industries. June 5, 1972, Released their first album, “Magical Yellow Shoes”. The following year, in 1973, Their third single "Journey of My Heart" took five months to reach No. 1 in record sales, and TULIP quickly became a popular band in Japan at that time.